Stop and think campaign

I remember that one when they got busted. Pretty cool with the firing range.

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Love the concealed stairway :+1:

I was half expecting to see whips, chains, gimp masks and Marcellus Wallace chained up in the corner with a ball gag in his mouth and his pants around his ankles :rofl:

Lucky the guy was just a normal bloke with a fetish for firearms. :wink:


Dude was a retired Boxing Champion, with a history of mixing with a few “colourful” characters during his long career, where he had plenty of money and plenty of “opportunities” of being involved with the type of people who are able to help him collect all this sorts of stuff from around the world.

Problem with being mixed up in that type of lifestyle is that there’s always going to be someone who is willing to throw you under the bus if you upset them :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Simple solution…
If he can afford all that stuff…buy a place, over in the states…!!

most of that stuff, would be legal over there, some where…!!

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Another seat booked on your plane outa here :rofl:

Being an Ex-Boxer, they aren’t exactly known for their intelligence after a lifetime of their brain cells being constantly ricocheting around inside their skulls!

Moving to the US would also isolate them from that large group of “shady” characters that they spent their whole lives circulating around :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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He would be considered a small hobbyist in some states of America.

I personally know someone over there that almost has every conceivable weapon invented.
Everything from a sling shot to heat seeking missile .
Plus’s three tanks
He has always joked that the only thing he does not own is a nuke
(Not from a lack of trying)
Just before I left to come back home here.
He was in negotiations to buy a cold war Russia sub.
I asked him why
He said because he can
And house boats are for pussies

He told me once

You can own anything ever made whether legal or illegal
It only requires four things
1: money
2: a place to store it
3: not flaunt it
4: and a country that doesn’t give a fuck


I’d ask How he made his money…

But, i guess, no one is supposed to know the answer, to that question…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry forgot to mention

He has one of the world’s largest military props business.
If you have seen a movie which has anything related to military in the last 30 years.
He has probably supplied the props.
Some items are still active some are not.
Probably his personal stuff is active
A deactivated tank is worth a quarter of a full functioning tank .
Some as guns .
Same as subs and other military paraphernalia.
It’s still in the hundreds of millions.
He says most items pay themselves of in the first year depending on the movie.
Great gig if you can get it.

Just as a side note if any one wants to see a tank there is one parked outside Beenleigh RSL and Bribie island RSL both are Panthers

so…has he got a suppressor, for a mac-10…??

Asking for a friend…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Just thinking about that, if the ID of a bit of PVC tube comes in at around 14mm, you could always put a couple of lengthwise hacksaw cuts into a 16mm bolt and use it as a tap to run a thread into it. :thinking:

Maiphut would know where I’m coming from with this. It’s a sneaky way to clean up a thread if you don’t have a tap. :person_shrugging:


Might work. Might need the taper to get if started though :thinking: Only one way to find out.


My favourite sentence in that while article that a lot of Karen’s don’t seem to understand over here.

"The authorities don’t prosecute ownership. They prosecute misuse.”

I don’t understand how hard that is to comprehend for people.


It’s a great sentence isn’t it!

Almost has that old forgotten “common sense” ring to it :thinking::+1:

yeah. if i just want to plink at home then it should be ok. You deserve the book being chucked at your face if you go out and brandish it in public.

Exactly, which is why we’ve already had Laws in place to cover these particular crimes for decades now :roll_eyes:

plus we need to do a taiwan and prep for when china comes a knockin’. :joy: :rofl:

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banning = being lazy.

may as well ban everything since everything can be used as a weapon to kill people.

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I say the same thing to o anyone arguing that with “you can get everything you need to make a usable, questionably safe, home made firearm from any hardware store, but none are banned let alone any cases that I know of where this has happened in Australia”.

But as you said it’s just pure laziness on the polices behalf to come to any form of comprise, outside of QLD that is.

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