Stop and think campaign

Just another round of gel blaster bashing:

No cited sources - pressure from whom? Calls from what body? Who the f wrote this?
Fake gun laws fall behind the Yanks? That’s because we have real gun laws…

Sick of shitty reporting / disguised pearl clutching opinions.

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knife attacks, are on the rise, unabated…
One item is ultimately harmless, the other can easily kill…

Which item, gets used more…?
Minors have no hesitation carrying, and using knives…
Replicas have been available, for years, in QLD…

How does this sound…?
If you, as a minor , conduct these types of crimes, as a juvy, it’s noted on your record…

If you continue with these crimes, past age 18, and within a period of say, 3 years…

You serve double time, for your previous Juvy crimes…

Sound fair…??

And get the bastards breaking rocks, in a chain gang, in alice springs, … not on a aircond “playstation holiday”, in jail…

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We already have gun laws that punish criminals who use replica firearms…… Gelblaster or proper replicas, by law if you use either of these in a public place to cause fear or use in criminal activities to threaten others……. our current laws will have you charged under these offences.

I hate the whole agenda that apparently there’s absolutely “no laws” that Gelblasters are regulated under.

If you rob a store with a Gelblaster or threaten/shoot them at anyone in public/without consent, you will be charged as if you were brandishing a real firearm.

This also applies if you are brandishing the same against police……they don’t have to identify whether the weapon is real or not, it will be treated as a direct threat and act accordingly.

So what exactly are the much needed changes that we require for our current gun laws?


its all sensationalism/ media beat up…

If you look at the ratio, of gel blasters sold / vs / actual use in crimes…
It would be absurdly low…the vast majority of us are law abiding citizens…
And, if not gel blasters, then replicas could be used in crimes…

However, the modern teen crims, are choosing to arm themselves, and use…

Real weapons…
i.e knives/baseball bats etc.

Real weapons, that can cause real harm, and death
(as opposed to gel blasters… which are all perceived threat, but no real harm)…

They choose weapons, that can cause harm, the majority of the time…not gel blasters…

My Mum lives at north lakes…

That is where the home invasion, stabbing , and murder of a young Mum, happened, not that long ago… a half way house, was nearby…

Thankfully, mum is not in that immediate area, but in a quiet secluded pocket, with good neighbours…

The current laws are not working…they need much harsher penalties, particularly for violent crims…regardless of age…



It’s that distinct sound that they make when you connect onto your target that makes it sound so good!

i saw this pop up on my news feed. feels bad for QLD.

saw ch9 reporting it.

still sounds like a smear campaign.

Definitely. Funny how 2 separate sites comes up with a smear piece each on the same day - albeit the one I posted looked amateurish by comparison to the one you posted. Smells like they followed the same orders.

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3rd paragraph and they’re already claiming false/misinformation, I can guarantee they either haven’t increased at all or only by a negligible margin, especially compared to the increase in violence with other, much easier to obtain, weapons (like others have already pointed out).

They go on about how easy it was to obtain a blaster, yet by what they said that store went through much more than us actually required, but no they didn’t ask for ID, ITS A FUCKING TOY, do you need an ID to buy a bat from Rebel? No of course not.

Work must of been incredibly slow that day for sure…


I love how people who are supposed to analysing relevant issues and providing interesting insights are instead making an unjustified indirect comparison between non lethal items and lethal items. Yes gel blasters can technically be lethal but no one is going to pay $100 to pistol whip someone to death when they can just get cheap construction or kitchen tools


yeah, it’s a stupid arguement because anything can be turned into a weapon. it’s the intent of the user that makes it a weapon in my view.

so should we ban all bats and knives? It’s gonna be tough to eat steak.

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We should ban heads, arms, and legs because they can be used as weapons too…


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That would be tragic in my baseball games I’d have to catch the ball and throw it instead of hitting it

base-hand-ball it will now be called!

edit: Should ban all shooter games cos they have guns too…

They should ban shooter games anyways for the sake of my k/d

Carefull what you wish for…

Ban FPS shooter games?!? :expressionless:

You can have my MW1, MW2 &MW3 when you pry them from my cold dead fingers… :laughing:

These quotes should be taken as a relief from the media as to the safety of the public.

“ The toy guns are being increasingly used by criminals on Queensland’s streets in place for real weapons…”

I would definitely feel much safer being confronted with a Gelblaster than a knife or baseball bat!

“We work really closely with police and the industry on it, we think we’ve got the balance right and for those people who misuse it,”
……. Laws are already currently in place.

“I’m not going to comment on government policy and what may be proposed but it does pose a significant risk to community and police officers,”

Maybe the public/police need more education on how to recognise a toy from a real firearm?

“9News tested how easy it was to buy a gel blaster in the state.”

Which is perfectly safe and of no threat to the police/public, unless you use it in a lawful manner……. same as a real firearm.

I think that the less of a reaction that people give to these bullshit media articles, the quicker they get bored with it and move onto something else to sensationalise for more click/sales :roll_eyes:


Problem is that politicians and government don’t know how to limit criminal activity without taking away freedoms of the innocent - i.e. they are incapable of solving problems

At least on recent news report of criminal activity - juveniles on armed robbery and car theft spree - referred to the blasters they used as guns - correctly as the misuse of a blaster or real steel has the same penalties