Stop and think campaign

According to TEH, the increase in politicking is because the Firearms Forum is meeting next week. Someone trying to further their career


Does banning stuff really work though? I donā€™t think so.

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Yes and no.

If itā€™s something Jim can make in his basement en masse and that humans have an innate desire for, like drugs or porn or gambling, a ban will have minimal impact.

If itā€™s something that requires industrial production, like firearms or gel blasters or body armour, a bad will be effective once pre-ban supplies run out.

Youā€™ll still get the odd guy making a bodge tier version, like the guys who print pipe guns or Kelly Gang armour, but for the most part itā€™s not appealing enough to the average citizen to risk the penalties (for both import and possession). Being an island nation, bans on the latter stuff are even more effective

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an unfortunate reality of living on a chonky AF island.

EDIT: better keep up the fight. I dunno what else I can do other than sign petitions withe shooters party.

I donā€™t get people not liking the bigger picture of living in Australia. Maybe they are bogged down in the toxic CBDā€™s of Australia where the minimal but on the increase crime and hatred happens.

People can always try living in another country, I hear China is good if you want all your rights taken away from you whenever the leader feels like. Weld you shut in your house for 3 weeks coz ya got covid. Nork sounds even better get a bag of rice a week sometimes. Maybe Africa, oh thatā€™s right Russia took over all the oil fields there and own them, no? Afghanistan they have liberators running the place now, UK surely youā€™d love the 20% VAT on everything you touch.

Bit over a grand will get you a flight to LAX, give that a shot :+1:

See thereā€™s much better places than AU :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

Thereā€™s a lot of space in Australia to avoid the CBD shitholes they are. Plenty of work too.

Reality is that with the social change in the last 50 years in Aus the Gov is left with nothing they can do besides bring in more restrictions on your freedoms we once had. People are only to blame, humans and what they do. Humans canā€™t be trusted to do the right thing anymore, no empathy, greed and selfishness rules the day.


At one time I was gonna live in Canadaā€¦ BUTā€¦ it is currently trash under trudeau.


I think what you bring up is a good point a lot of modern issues can be traced back to the increasingly bad changes that are socially happening. It is so depressing to see society as a whole change in the short span of 8-5years into a a place where everyone belittles themselves to the point where they have no purpose, motivation or drive to do anything unless itā€™s a direct order or something on paper that they can easily follow. My thoughts on this could be completely different to a lot of people considering that only about 8 years ago that I had enough cognitive development to think in an abstract way and analyse the world around me. Another thing aswell is that I was never alive for the Cold War, 911, fall of the Berlin Wall or the start of the war on terror so in my lifetime Iā€™ve never really experienced anything that would historically be considered a massive social/cultural change

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I know some Canadians, top people. They also do not like Trudeau, great Commonwealth country though with a few social issues these days.

I knew you had it in you. All those events I was of ball drop age to understand the fall of the Berlin wall Soviet East Germany crumbling and the following soviet union. Which if you research it makes the current war over there pointless. 911 I was greeted by armed security guards sporting MP5ā€™s on my way to work as they were guarding the General Dynamics Land systems factory that were making the ASLAV 25mm turret at the time on the road in to my work at the wheel factory and had been put on high alert. Even a Mosk around the corner had a dozen heavy hitter armed guards lining the front gate. I didnā€™t know wtf was going on as was 5am but I soon found out when I landed at work was the first tower had fallen and they were trying to rescue the rest out of the second. It was surreal.
Although I did not take part in any of them personally, it did remind me of how fragile we are and no matter how big or bad and unstoppable you are definitely always vulnerable in some way. I always listened to my Grandpaā€™s recollections of WW2 and how he barely survived while some of his mates did not. My Uncles from Vietnam. They are all true no bs, no media hype bullshit. War is no good for anyone. Everyone looses. Even conflict on the streets, you see it everyday, somebody knifed here, somebody shot there. Everybody looses always. There is no winner.

The only way is when we can all just give up the arrogance of wanting what you want and fuck the next person attitude. But when someone doesnā€™t give a shit about you and dogs you for whatever reason, how are you meant to give a shit about them?


Gone are the days of sleeping on your front lawn on a hot summers night in the middle of suburbia. Now youā€™ll get mugged, or stabbed, or stolen. Just lock yourself up and burn more power with the air con on.

Saw this pop up on Tik Tok today

Itā€™s TikTok. What do you expect?

This is how terrifyingly easy it is, to obtain a knifeā€¦

One, is used without remorse, by crims to take lives.

The other, is incapable of causing, any real physical harmā€¦

I know which one i wouldnā€™t want to faceā€¦now that QLD is crime capital of Australiaā€¦


Would love to see the statistics between Knife deaths and Gelblaster deaths !:flushed:

But hey, letā€™s not get into the actual facts of the lethality between the two get in the way of a good media scare campaign :roll_eyes:


The funny thing is, itā€™s like. All clickbait title. As is typical of rage bait.

In the article they go over how the police material was addressed, and then set to the side. And how the safety and legal information is right at the top of the package when you open it, and how detailed it was. They didnā€™t lie at any point in the reporting, besides omitting a few things. Namely what the actual weapons being commonly used in crimes were, or that replicas have been available without registration or license since the mid 90s at least.

I donā€™t actually know if this is a focused targetting against gel blasters, to be honest. Theyā€™re enshrined in recent legislation, after all. Seems just like a way to tar the current government, to try and get the corporate shills back in.

Just last week a police officer shot herself inside a police station in loganholme on southside of brisbane with her own police issued pistol. This one event as tragic as it is means that police issued pistols have caused more fatalities than literally any gel blaster ever. Maybe its time for media to concentrate on the real stories and highlight the need for better training and awareness for police and the general public.

Also, maybe police issued guns should be banned as they are just too dangerous!!

Hi... - ViperTac custom blasters and tactical solutions?


Minimal issues with misuseā€¦.

Music to my ears.!!
Finally, some truth gets spokenā€¦!!


Biggest misuse is trying to achieve a consistent level of accuracy at 30m.

Now where is that other barrel


if only we had people like this in NSW!