Stop and think campaign

Or anywhere else in Australia for that matter


that’s true. I would be a very responsible user. :slight_smile:

As I’m sure 99% of other ppl would be but no, you can’t be trusted with a toy


I’ll earn it, don’t you worry!


Couldn’t find a thread for this but this popped up in my feed, of course it’s a paid for site so can’t see the full article…

But one would think the baboons up top made it pretty clear they don’t like toy guns

This happened a long time ago, so don’t know why the media is bringing this up again now?
Maybe he only just faced Court in the last few days :thinking:

Oh true? Must of been a quite day in the office with all the would be crimes not being able to use said toys for nefarious acts.

Yea I seen something about his court case going through a week ago. I dunno what the outcome was, beheading probably in WA :rofl:

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Sunrise scare campaign story…. Coming up soon…:rage::rage:

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summary is needed since I’ll be on my way to work.


Typical scare campaign, propaganda…
A few “fact checking errors…”

illegal, in every state, except QLD…
Too easy for underage children to buy…
Used by children offenders, to commit crimes…

She buys one, then proceeds to open it , inspect it , and load the mag, in public… :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

The stats were, between 2018-2021 , 100 offences were committed…
Thats 25 per year, big deal…

As the Police minister recently stated, only a small number of offences, involve use of gel blasters…most violent (teen) crims carry and use knives…

Pan out, to a concerned looking Nat and Shirvo…" your kidding, theyve gotta crack down on these…!!"

" its too easy for underage kids to get these…!!" Duhh…they’re toys…

In summary, nothing new, sensationalist puff piece, “show me the ratings!!” :rage: :rage:

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i figured as much. so nothing to worry about.

F those idiots wouldn’t know if they shit their pants. Just typical scare mongering to the uninterested and ill informed.

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Your comments about the article were a carbon copy of a “special news report” that I had seen about 2 years ago!

Exactly the same scenario, woman journo walks into shop, hidden camera and all, to record the answers from the staff with blatantly open loaded questions about ages/legalities/who buys them/what states do you send these to/do I need a license etc.

Cuts to another location, opening the box, half arsed assembling it and then wanking on about how realistic it looks, how threatening and dangerous they are, how scared she would be if someone pointed one at her etc.

Do these “journalists” simply just write a script/scenario and share it around with each other, repeat the same old story every few months when they don’t have anything better to do?

A real journalist would be tackling the real threat of the rise in knife crime/violence, instead of blabbering on about some harmless plastic toys that aren’t a danger to anyone except those who rarely do want to try and do something stupid and get involved with the Police.


A real journo would get in to Sydney and do some massive quantities of Fent then find out and buy real auto guns off the black market then they might find out how easy it is and reveal why there are shootings in VIC and NSW every couple of days.

That would be too scary I guess so they just pick on toys instead as that’s the safer option.

How crazy is the school system in Alabama.
And yet they have an open carry policy

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Wow besides the actual thing being dumb as.

The comments for it are worth the read for a laugh like:“BIDEN’S AMERICA, BUT IT’S OK IF HE USES THE GIRLS BATHROOM….WHAT ARE WE COMING TOO?”


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biden is now old man woke.

And yet Gelblasters are apparently Papalia’s biggest issue for public safety :roll_eyes:

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