Stop and think campaign

It’s almost as if criminals completely ignore/disregard Laws :thinking:

Who would’ve thunk :person_shrugging:t2:


Very tragic for public safety now kids will have to check there sharpies are clean before they sniff them

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I have to do an oral presentation for a large percentage of my vce English mark, we where allowed to choose our own topic that is relevant in the media in the past 6 months and make arguments on it so I decided to choose the legalisation of gel blasters as my topic. Any help would be appreciated I have to present this is approx 3 weeks

This is how it’s set it up I think I’ve got a pretty good case for my first two arguments I’m pretty stuck on a powerful final argument though. They want broad ideas that have mini supporting arguments within them

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Maybe talk about the health benefits, both physically and mentally for those that have disabilities or have served as well as the broad age groups who are able play.

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I think this could work nicely


Yeah the social aspect is a good one.

Boosts teamwork and social/communication skills

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Something like the fact that minors ie 8 yo’s can be taught by their parents on correct firearm usage legally.

The fact that gelblasters are misrepresented by government and deemed a firearm.

Media scare mongering campaign. The actual fuckheads that do stupid shit with them ruins it for the majority.

What are you studying to be a lawyer now? What was wrong with Macca’s, KFC and the RAAF. :+1:

Still working at maccas just getting through the high school study design currently don’t really have many plans for after high school yet other then doing a group enlist adf gap year military police with a couple of mates

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Looks like ch. 7 is doing another smear campaign report tonight…in NSW at least.

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You’d have good success at the moment getting what you would like to do in the military as they are clambering for soldiers big time.
Ever gone to a recruiting office have a chat with them, they are very good and will help you plan things out if you wish to go that way. Don’t matter if you are not 18 yet at least you can get a plan going.

Oh also they are hiring at the major Victorian meatworks is only running at 50% capacity due to labour shortage, so go work there so I can damn well sell my sheep. Please. I’m going broke fast. C’mon mate help a brother out.


Meat workers are thin on the ground everywhere unfortunately.
It’s mainly because of the poor wages and working conditions compared with much easier higher paying jobs available.

I was the Union Rep for my work group in the Clover Meats Stockyards for many years before they went tits up.

We worked Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats and even the odd Water Buffalo and Reindeer, plus many regular Northwest Cattle/goats.

Our wages were great in the beginning, with Danger Money, Production Bonuses and of overtime every single day of the year.

Unfortunately this was eventually all removed/slashed/lost until everyone was down to a very basic minimum wage.

The Company ran into financial difficulties and I told all the boys that I was pulling the plug and suggested that they did the same, as all the Bosses/Staff and Fat Cats were already in the process of making a big money grab to get as much as they could before it all went under.

I left, along with a few other fellas, and got our payouts/holidays/benefits etc at that time.

Those who stayed on got hammered until the end and left with nothing as the company went into receivership :frowning:

The years that have followed, any remaining meat works here in WA are paying peanuts, and having high staffing turnover losses due to the fact.

90% of the workers are non-English speaking Asian/Islander new immigrants who struggle with the work, and only stay long enough until they find better paying farm/agricultural jobs.

Considering that the population of this country are all paying the highest shelf prices for meat products in history, none of this money is flowing down to the farmers/primary producers or those working in the industry to stock those shelves……. so yeah, it’s an absolute shitshow thanks mainly to Colesworth arseholes :rage:

That’s not good. I seriously don’t know why the gubbermint isn’t stepping in to get something like this that is crucial to this country but they seem to be doing nothing. I was told WA don’t barely have any meatworks capacity at all anymore, what they can’t sell by the sea they send here and east. Well we know now they sent all of them here and east so much I can’t even sell mine at all right now.

I remember when the local T&R meatworks out of Murray Bridge caught fire and burnt down. I dunno 5 years ago or something. Took em a year and bit more to rebuild but they got state gov financial support to rebuild that and rebuild it better with modern equipment. They said they had enough capacity in their other meatworks across Australia at the time to cater for the loss by ramping them up while it was rebuilt. Must have been true as the difference was unnoticeable at the shops and to the farmer sales too.

A soldier can’t fight on an empty stomach. It’s going to do irrepairable damage if some significant changes don’t happen soon.

Instead of wasting billions on that stupid arctic explorer ship that won’t fit under the bridge to refuel. Research fking what, ice good one dickheads. They could have used that money and made their own fleet of top tier, or just 2 even ships with climate control, staff and all sorts instead of the jalopies that saudi arabia send here to pick them up.

Argh fkn pisses me off.

Remember this I’ve spoken to a manager from T&R meatworks, they are currently getting sheep for $2 per head from WA delivered and overflowing. Yet you the consumer are paying $25 to $55 PER KILO at Coolies. There’s 20kg + of meat in 1 sheep.

I’d love to talk to a recruiter but I don’t have a car and my parents are anti me joining the military even for a gap year so have to wait till I’m 18 anyways

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Bus, or you got trams in Vic. Pair of feet. Jokes aside they are really good, even so far as helping plan whatevers left of your highschool what courses to do.

Bugger about parents anti ADF, mine didn’t care what I did as long as it was something.


Yeah my parents just don’t want me getting hurt and I can understand where they’re coming from but people will always be needed to protect our country and I’m willing to do it. Unfortunately for my parents as soon as I turn 18 that choice is entirely mine.

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Does your task require three broad arguments? Personally, I think you can make a huge presentation based on the first two arguments alone.

Yes you have to have three arguments and a rebuttal and the presentation has to go for 5 minutes minimum we have a work cut out for us considering it’s just high school

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You’ll be right. I had to do something similar in English quite some time ago. Can’t even remember what topic I went with :rofl:

It’ll be fine. 5 minutes is very easy to achieve if you are passionate about a topic. In high school I spent about that much time doing a presentation about the importance of BDSM gear in Mad Max 2

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