the logical thing is to punish the minority, not punish the majority ffs.

No, you got it backwards!

They should be punishing the minority and leaving the majority alone!

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exactly. they need to do this in NSW too.

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No youā€™re both wrong, they should be fucking everyone over cause thatā€™s the logical thing to do according to politicians

Hey guys, Iā€™m new to the forum/community

So the bullshit that the police minister spun about converting a blaster into a ā€˜firearmā€™ is clearly a lie with zero evidence, Iā€™m guessing he canā€™t even be held accountable for that? Iā€™m new to the idea of gelblasters & the way all Aus law works. I donā€™t know if I understand parliamentary privilege. Does he get parliamentary privilege and to walk away with spinning some random shit to push his own point?

If so, thatā€™s a pretty stupid privilege no matter your stance. If thatā€™s the situation then it makes no sense how a claim with no evidence can not only attempt to influence Australian law but not even be audited and or punished adequately for lying?

Hoping gelblasters are legalised soon because Iā€™ve been interested since before the initial outlaw in 2021. I was about to buy a blaster right before the shitshow too. Good thing I didnā€™t.


Get on Facebook and look up the SWGB (South West Gel Blaster) Group.

Much of what we have been fighting here in Western Australia is quite well documented on their Facebook page.

Thereā€™s plenty of other online communities from WA who are still fighting these bans, so I highly recommend checking them out, joining up and getting involved in the campaigns that we are working on to change these ā€œlawsā€.

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Put in a join request. Itā€™ll be good to have access to proper WA based group for legal info, areas to play, how to get blasters etc. (if Iā€™m able to at all).

And, by ā€œlawsā€, do you mean the extremely biased , factually incorrect , point of view, of one person in power, who seeks to enforce his personal viewpoint on an entire stateā€¦??

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The fact one bloke can have more power with his opinions than an entire state of people is unbelievable

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You know that kinda sounds a lot like a dictatorship :thinking:


Democratic nation my ass. You canā€™t even legally impeach or suit a parliament member about their actions in said parliament due to privilege. What a joke.


thatā€™s every state here in Australia.


even the manufacturers say that they cannot be converted. the WA police minister is full of shit. :joy:

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Any rational person who picks one up would say they canā€™t be converted, even if they have no knowledge of firearms.


good, i am rational :smiley: