TEC-9 and a 3 day growth! (Or..Big Trouble, getting it in from China !)

" Once i smoked, a punter from behind
He drove a foreign car
Baby that was years ago,
I let the gels get dry

I had a friend, heard she died,
Used Gbu build and got crucified
Baby that was years ago,
I left the mag behind, for my

Tec-9 and controlled growth
Tec-9 and controlled growth
Come on
Come on
Come on!!"

Package arrived today…

Thanks to @AKgelblaster , for the custom import.
She normally doesn’t carry these, but a special order, just for me…!!

The other Burton, gets his chance in the spotlight…

Just remember, as Jack Burton always says…

“I’m a reasonable guy. But, I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things.”

It came with a transparent mag, but a quick flash of rattlecan black, had it darker that Lo-Pans heart…
The shells are plastic 9mm dummies…can be painted later on to look more realistic…

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It came un-assembled ( for chinese customs, i had a b709 in place)
And it went together fairly easily.

Always one part left over, but as jack burton always says…
“Oh, my god, no. Please! What is that? Don’t tell me!”

Top view…

Length view…

Another Big, Bad, Burton Belting Bolt…!! no flimsy mag parts, though…

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Inner barrel, after it rattled itself loose, and showed me the bolt that needs tightening, to keep it all together…

Its a “laser pointer”, that activates for a second when firing.
Its also offset, up and to the left, so theres that…Tec-9 quality …!!

All put together…


So…its a shell ejector.
But, its a Tec-9.

As a shell ejector, it works flawlessly (so far).
Picking up shells does get old fairly quickly.

The upper receiver is metal and very solid, the nylon receiver is very sturdy, with room for the 7.4v JST battery next to the motor, in the handle.

Its fully auto, hold the trigger down, but semi works quite effectively as well.

It is a solid unit, that does rattle quite a bit, with the reciprocating bolt…as im sure the real one does.

It locks the bolt back open, after the last shell is fired.

It almost looks a little too new…
It could do with some weathering, to age it , and make it look like a 90’s relic that’s seen its fair share of drug deals, and chinese monsters…!


“I’m watching to see if you have opened it…that voids your warranty!!”
:rofl: :rofl:

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The question is, can it be converted to gel…??

Here’s a likely candidate…around correct proportions…

I’m not saying it would be an UZI conversion…sorry, i meant EASY conversion…

But…it is within the realms of possibility…

As ole jack burton always says…

"Like I told my last wife, I says, “Honey, I never MOD faster than I can see. Besides that, it’s all in the reflexes.”

In all seriousness, if you were to do it, you would need to remove the bolt in its entireity, and fashion a slim cylindrical cover instead.

That would mean losing blowback, but who cares…
That would create enough space inside, for a gearbox.


Cool bit of kit even if not a gel blaster… yet?
I can’t believe that somebody has made a gel version of a gas TEC-9 yet…
Better release another heap of 2011s, 1911s, and glocks instead.


Yeah, the TEC-9 is an infamous bit of gear…

NYPD knew when they were used in drug shootings…all the jammed, unfired, ejected 9mm shells lying around…!!

The new gel thompson sold out quickly, i reckon the market demand going forward is for cheaper , quirky items, that haven’t been mass released as gels before…

Tec-9 , Uzi, etc, anything “Hollywood”, would be popular…

I imported two tec-9’s…

1 to keep original, 1 to “experiment” with…!!!

(Scorpion starts to look around nervously!!)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Size comparo, with my Sig-P226…

It really was a machine pistol…lengthened pistol, mag at the front, cheaply made…

If they made a gel version, GBB would give it a bit more oomph…

Otherwise, its just another short barreled , 190 fps elec pistol blaster…

@shadow187 …what are your thoughts…? I know you were keen on the tec-9…


Awesome customer support from @AKgelblaster :raised_hands:

There’s a reason why I’ve been involved with her business for quite some time and can admit to being a bit of a Shill for her :grin::joy:

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Are shell ejectors legal in WA, @DocBob …??
I know you had a soft spot for the tec9, as well…

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I seriously don’t know , but I’m sure that there’s probably some legislation somewhere that Papalia could pull out of his arse to argue the issue :roll_eyes:

Even if there isn’t, I’m sure he’d quickly make something up to make sure that they wouldn’t be legal :rage:

Hmmm…if they allow replicas….
And, shell ejectors don’t FIRE anything….

Only one way to find out…!!

You are 100% correct… full replica firearms are totally allowed and legal :+1:

Certainly couldn’t ban them under the current laws, but he would change that in a heartbeat if he wanted to :rage:

Would you have any interest, of bringing in one of these, or any other shell ejector, for yourself.?

Cheap way, to have at least something…

Unfortunately have moved back into shooting the real steel stuff because can’t play with Gelbasters anymore :disappointed:

I still have a shitonne of Gelbaster parts that I enjoy building/toying with… but has been a bit pointless when I can’t even fit and test them into an operating blaster :confused:


this is what I think :sunglasses:

“Watch out, cuz here comes Tecca Nina!!”

Im about to head to Macca’s, and see if i can still get a breakfast order…

YARN | We stopped serving breakfast. | Falling Down (1993) | Video gifs by quotes | d9693d96 | 紗



in seriousness, that’s dope, looks great.
I would definitely have a tec 9 gel blaster

its just one of those things you’ve just gotta have

it’s insane there isn’t one

#edit, a proper one

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I take it , you have seen “Falling Down”, with Michael Douglas.??

Hopefully, someone will do a gel version, sooner or later…

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nah I don’t think so, but will definitely have to look it up