TEC-9 and a 3 day growth! (Or..Big Trouble, getting it in from China !)

Thats the reference above.
A normal dude, has a bad day, that gets worse, and worse, and worse…

Car breakdown, wife leaving him, daughter hates him, mugged by a gang…he snaps and fights back…takes their tec-9.

Goes to macca’s, wants a breakfast, its 11:01, and he gets told
“We stop serving breakfast at 11:00.”

Then , the above scene happens…
Start of him going bonkers…


Classic movie that cemented the term about “Going Postal” :astonished:

“Going Postal” is another story altogether :astonished:

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I think I actually do remember it, would’ve been a long time ago, I’ve cued it up in my watch list

after a quick bit of digging I’ve found another tec 9 blaster but both are hopper fed not mag fed, the black one looks better, the coloured one is 150fps, I’d say the black would be about the same, couldn’t order the coloured on to send to Qld unfortunately, would have to contact them first and no doubt aquire a b709a first as well

If thats the same scale, its probably the easiest way to get a gearbox, that would fit into the shell…

You would have to do something about the gravity feed, but…

Might be able to boost performance , a bit too…

This was back in the day prior to computers/internet and mobile phones… and yet every time I mentioned “going Postal” to people, they never got the reference, despite its infamy around the world pre modern internet times.

That movie with Michael Douglas was definitely a reaction to that event showing where an average everyday citizen could be pushed to the point of committing unspeakable acts :astonished:


I remember there was a movie called “Postal” a few years back. that was a good watch

@BME yeah definitely worth a look, I might have to pull my finger out and get one of each, and any others I can find I guess. a better idea would be to get the laser shell ejector tec 9 as well as the other two and see about chopping and changing things into the shell ejection tec

but that’s a bit above my skill set for the moment unfortunately, but then again b709a’s don’t come overnight so it comes back to the removal of a finger :face_with_spiral_eyes::joy:

11mins in… fkn gold :joy::rofl:

“Donuts, package of six, how much?”

“dollar twelve”


“Too much”



And that was the end of the Intratec, singled out in AWB.

Here’s a likely candidate…around correct


Blasphemy… :expressionless:

As the self appointed Aussie embassador for everything our Czech cousins over at CZ produce, I’m shedding a tear or two. :laughing:

In fairness, even though the Tec-9 was a real shitter for reliability, at least it doesn’t rain hot brass onto the top of your dome like the Skorpion does.

There’s a reason why Czech Skorpion weilders wear beanies. :wink:

Nice looking Tec-9 though… those holes in the barrel shroud would look pretty cool with a bit of drybrushed silver around them… make 'em pop. :+1: