The Old Forum

Paragraph 762 section 563 states

: Comparing barrel length is a sign of immaturity.

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Its really all about the mindset and personalities, of the people involvedā€¦

It rattler really is a 20something male, passing himself off as something else, it certainly raises red flagsā€¦

practising deception , trying to convince others, and getting satisfaction from ā€œsuccessfullyā€ doing so, is just wrongā€¦

Likewise, investigating members personal info, is just wrongā€¦

It would seem some people care more about being in a position of power and control, and weilding power, than they do about the actual hobbyā€¦

It sounds like the true colours, have come out in the washā€¦

I like the vibe of this place just fineā€¦


Completely agree mateā€¦ā€¦ I was certainly shocked to learn a few peoples REAL ages/personalities/backgrounds after having such a long mental picture built up in my head!

Turns out that quite a few were not what they portrayed onlineā€¦ā€¦ which is why I love seeing pics of people, their lives and their enjoyment of this hobby, it makes it all real and builds a connection in the community.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m pretty well known for posting pics every time I can to help explain my comments, my old blasters/builds, my personal life and my family.

ā€œA picture says a thousand wordsā€ is completely true ā€¦ā€¦ and much easier than me single thumb typing out each letter on some old outdated IPhone :joy:

Iā€™m a bit more wary of what I believe online these days, as it does seem many people are living false lives vicariously through whatever image they build for themselves on social media.

At least I hold my head high knowing that no matter where I can be found online, or face to face in personā€¦ā€¦. Iā€™m always nothing but 100% me!


With this I concur :point_up::point_up::point_up::point_up::point_up:
Jeez, been a while since an updated pic mateā€¦ā€¦ been able to grow a Merv Hughes yet? :joy:

So seriously, was there any excitement in the Airsoft experience compared with the Gelblasters?

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Itā€™s mostly just accuracy and the blasters that use full metal donā€™t use beer can metal so there properly heavy and feel properly balanced. Also if you think gel prices are bad in Indonesia they have a heavy tax so a basic plastic slide Tm hicapa costs $700aud

That pic of me on the old forum was a while ago so I look a lot different now itā€™s probably weird for you to all think about this as it hasnā€™t felt like that long but when I first met you all I was really young just hitting puberty but Iā€™m now less then a year away from being able to drive and drink (not together) I plan on going to Queensland for a weekend when I turn 18 so Iā€™ll see yous on the field

Well I feel bad now Doc. My Uncle took this shot of me about to go to the pub last week. Iā€™m sorry man.

Nice tits Flo :joy:

ā€¦. anyone seen your cat lately?

What, no feet??

Disappointingā€¦ :expressionless: here ya goā€¦


We need calcifer back his pussy cakes where eye pleasing to say the least

Oh , Come on Squiddyā€¦just stop itā€¦

No, really, please, ā€¦ stop itā€¦jesus is watchingā€¦!!


How did it take me so long to find this haven again, it even has my old profile pic :joy:
how has everyone been since the apocalypse?

the only reason I found this again as from a google image, I started reminiscing of days gone before clicking it and being brought here to find itā€™s been brought back to life :smiley:

I would like to think a lot of regulars from the old forum would remember me, I was quite active in those days.

if nothing else peeps should remember this



Welcome back @DChapo ā€¦ :wink:

I remember you from the old forumā€¦ thereā€™s still a few of the old crew kicking around in here, itā€™s good to see you back :clap:


Itā€™s good to be back, Iā€™ve seen only names I remember from those days.
Hereā€™s hoping any new members donā€™t abuse this platform like the old one had been and that it can only grow :smile:


Know what you mean, but itā€™s a good vibe in here now :blush:


Oh shit yā€™all got an app for this now too, man I missed a lot :+1:

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Welcome back to the Circus mate!
Missing a few clowns since you were last in the Big Topā€¦ā€¦ but the show is still very entertaining :joy::+1:


Especially when bme rolling up in the clown suit everyday in the shit pit go and check out the 6 oā€™clock circus itā€™s usually very entertaining

So, squidulus, what did you enjoy moreā€¦??

My lyrical skills, or the general kicking of your buttā€¦???

Both were equally enjoyable, for meā€¦!! :rofl: :rofl:

I always figured you must have enjoyed it, as you always come back for moreā€¦!! :rofl: :joy: