The Old Forum

Oh the HQ MP5K… I have one still. I actually couldn’t get the kit new when they existed, then last year had a mate of a mate donate it as a never bothered with it project. It did not have a mag, but with a bit of 3d printing if a mag terminal block I adapted it to use ldt mp5 mags. Interestingly it does take all the ldt stocks perfectly. Mine does 260-280 fps, just a nylon gen8 with ported cylinder air seal upgrades and alloy barrel. Definitely one of the collectables I have that is worth nothing to sell, but is a good piece of gel blasting history.


Also had one of those little beauties, with a few spare mags to boot!
Was also a favourite of my collection just because of the age and rarity of the HQi :sunglasses:


Saw it, brought back so many memories, had to buy it :joy: Le Hui Scorpion Evo 3

On the old forum Cruise and I went to town on these… the first one ended up like this

Who knows what weird-ass thing will come out of this venture? :rofl:

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I bet you will have a great time reworking that classic :+1::sunglasses:

so uhh, what did happen to the old forum?

@Maiphut may need to clear up some stuff, but super, super basically;

Tiger (Mod69) was given administrator powers and made a unilateral decision to ban the host/owner due to ‘inactivity’. Owner was, understandably, not amused by this and decided ‘fuck it’, then deleted the forum.


whatever happened…To Whisky…and Rattler…??

surely, they would be watching …from a distance…??


That’s a whole other, but related story.

Apparently there was a lot of issues going on behind the scenes with the mods at the last forum. Rattler and Whiskey fell on the other side of the schism and rallied around Tiger.

Rattler poked me not long after the split, and seemed to have a weirdly inflated sense of self importance, threatening legal action against this forum’s owner, and Maiphut and General. The logs for that were odd. He tried roping me into some detective hunt where he said this guy on Reddit was NWAG. When I said ‘just give me the facts without the dramatic flair’ he said I apparently didn’t have the dedication to be a moderator on this forum and that I would be partially personally responsible for the downfall of the sport.

I told him ‘I’m a moderator in other places. The job is to stop people from being rude, and to provide enjoyable content for the community.’ He said that we’d be a haven for illegal activity, and a dishonest moderator team. I brought the legitimate parts of his concerns forward to the other mods, and the new owner. When the result didn’t satisfy him, he got very rude with me personally, despite me having just spent the last x hours having tried to work out a reasonable compromise.

Whisky apparently declared me a crim, too. Which. :woman_shrugging: Fuck him I guess?

That said, all this is kind of ancient history now. They’ve gone off and made their discord server, we’ve focused on the forum. I’m just glad everyone left everyone alone. The policies we put in place as a result have worked well too. We essentially run the moderator team as a triumvate. All official releases and actions get approved by the whole team before going live.



Sorta feels like i’m watching “Selling Sunset S6”…

“i’m important…No , i’m more important, look at me more…Meow…!”

Truth be told, … none of this is really life shatteringly important…
Its just a hobby forum.

What is important… like minded folk, enjoying / promoting the hobby…
Sharing info /tips/ news / comrarderie… without drama / lawsuits…

P.S… its all @deadsquids fault…!! :slight_smile:


Nicely put, and so very true @BME



When squids get burnt…!!


Speaking of the old crew, anybody know if Sling’s still lurkin’ on the forum? :thinking:

Pineapple pen…?
Hope he’s ok…
Was a (fair) bit , out there…
Maybe best, to let sleeping dogs lie…( In a nice way)…

Fair enough… 'nuff said :+1:


'Nuff said…??
That sign off phrase, sound somewhat familiar…?

I can only concur similar comments that @JazzyWard has already stated.
I had the same experience with old well respected Forum members that I considered as as good friends, only to cop the same threats and innuendo about this Forum, it’s Moderators and members here :cry:

Be aware that all of the old Forum members on Discord or wherever are still watching this Forum constantly, and can only imagine how much discussion that these comments are going to stir up the Hornets nest right now……. as this has all been posted in a public section of this Forum :thinking:

I still have contacts with a few of the more casual old members that I love to keep in touch with, but I also have many unanswered personal messages from other old members who took the same attitude that @BME stated……… Whiskey, Rattler, Tiger and MANY others ARE still watching this Forum and carefully criticising everything that is done/said here………
even though this is simply a discussion group for people who enjoy a hobby, not playing for sheep stations or fighting over who’s got the biggest egos/reputation over a subject as stupid as plastic kids toys :roll_eyes:

I know for sure that that’s what killed the awesome old Forum, things got too focused on who was saying what, who was taking sides, smaller sub groups of people ganging up on others and a hardcore witch hunt on certain members/suppliers/businesses etc. which were completely unnecessarily toxic for the whole community :frowning:

I totally agree that ANY illegal activity MUST be called out and prevented within this hobby, but many people were targeted and abused from only rumours and not actual facts.

I know that I am still constantly targeted by old Forum members on Discord/Reddit or whatever as lying about my situation and supposedly STILL owning/using GelBlasters here in WA……. but yet again, that’s their beliefs and opinions without any evidence or reasons whatsoever to back up these accusations.

I have a real gun license, shared with my Dad for our family guns……. does it make any sense that I would risk mine and my father’s guns/licenses by continuing to own illegal GelBlasters or anything outlawed by the new bans in this state?

Common sense says no, but rumours and innuendo apparently beg to differ :roll_eyes:


Keep it simple…
Keep it all legal…

Hobby level / discussion, tips , info, and reviews.

I don’t even follow any discord…who really cares… let other people have their own opinions…let them, do them…

Live and let live, its that simple…
IMHO, Discord was very messy…

This forums format, is much easier to follow, and keep abreast of…


They spy on us? They hadn’t even crossed my mind since things settled down after the split. Better to just go to our own corners and build our own positive communities.

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I so need…a digital 80’s jukebox…