The Old Forum

Call it my OCD… if they’re on the wall, they HAVE to work, they HAVE to hit 280FPS minimum, they HAVE to have a hopup and they HAVE to have their own optics :rofl:

My grandkids come over with SuperSoakers and I’m trying to get them so I can pimp 'em up :roll_eyes:

It’s a disease, I tells ya! :joy:


Grandkids don’t care for hopups :joy:

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All this talk of the old forum…

If others are watching, its because they miss the personalities here, as opposed to the rambunctious US kids on discord…!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Oh, and squiddy…!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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The genius mad scientist approach to builds so prevalent on the old forum’s still here, guys.

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Totally agree mate…… there is ABSOLUTELY no dry Australian sarcasm, ribbing, joking, piss takings that happens anywhere outside of an Australian only site!

Everything is pretty literal and clinical throughout all conversations and reactions.
I’m still struggling to not lose my Lolly and reply in our own way to many comments……. But I’m sure that it won’t be long that I will get banned from something where our sense of language and humour doesn’t translate in the rest of the world! :joy:

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THIS is why it’s so awesome to have that one maniac @Bigmuthadrums still here with us mate! :joy:

Also along with the likes of @RokSolid and his wealth of experience and knowledge :ok_hand:


You been to India…??

Get some Xtac booms india…!!!

Courtesy of a 7.3 mm barrel, that is…

(lost on the overseas crowd, ya reckon…!!? :slight_smile: )

Yeah nah…… population density and all…. :joy:

Just soak in the gangees for a bit…you’ll turn out swell…

Does adding decaying burnt body parts, animal and industrial waste/sewerage make your gels harder? :flushed::joy:

just more flammable…!!
and / or radioactive…
Perhaps more tasty…??! try a local dish, and let me know…!!?

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Why did I never try soaking my gels in Kerosene or Methylated Spirits! :flushed:
My whole existence has been robbed……. PLEASE someone risk their lives to try this for me! :thinking::joy:

dont talk about indian food like that…!! :slight_smile:

Responsible edit:

Kerosene = Burns.
Metho= Explosive!

No worries, a bit of Mango, cream, avocado etc. will tame the burn! :joy:

You obviously have never tried Fattys Nuclear chicken, in singapore…!!
No taming that beast…!


Never been to Singapore……. Mum and Dad went every single year whilst we were growing up in the 1970’s, but never been there myself :frowning:
I will ask them about it and get back to you! :joy:

You dont measure it with a geiger counter…
You measure it with a sphincter counter…!!!

The serviette’s are made out of lead…!!
Anyways, lights out , for me…

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Fair enough mate, good night and thanks for the laughs :sunglasses::+1:

Not the same story I heard about rattler but I was only kept up to date in the first week the forum was created

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