The Old Forum

He was a certified royal dickhead owned blasters illegally in Victoria with no plans of getting them legally destroyed at a police station like I did and he also talked to me privately in an extremely creepy and borderline groomer/pedo way when I was a minor I am still a minor but besides the point

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Challenge accepted
I have tried urine ,holywater ,beer
(See previous post)
So turps and petrol and maybe
Breastmilk (now to find a volunteer)
Will be my next experiment.
If I get blown up or arrested I am blaming it on you guys

Cheers mateā€¦ I do have developed a knack for making things work that shouldnā€™t, or that the previous ā€œtechā€ couldnā€™t.
Having a 3d printer as a second supplementary hobby helps way too oftenā€¦ in fact, more often than I would like to admit! Tpiece adaptors, spring retainer stabilisers, barrel stabilisersā€¦ tbh only a small percentage of my builds and work leave without some piece of designed and printed component, because gel ball standards have no standards!

Also having hundredsā€¦ or thousands (stopped counting long ago at the 2-300 mark) repairs, builds, customs behind me does kinda helpā€¦ though at this point I can not remember everything from every blasterā€¦ Quite often get the ā€œoh I remember why I hated this blaster nowā€ moments when working on them :rofl:

Just remember, there are a lot of ā€œtechsā€ out thereā€¦ and in some cases todayā€™s ā€œtechā€ was yesterdayā€™s Woolies shelf stackerā€¦ and I encountered more than one when I started on blasters.

No disrespect to shelf stackers, you understandā€¦ essential service. Without them Iā€™d never be able to buy my smokey chipotle and hot jalapeƱo chillies. :joy:

You get my pointā€¦ :wink:


Nothing to clear up as that is exactly what happened. I havenā€™t read the above 60 new posts so mileage may vary.


You are welcome. I accept cash only. :joy: :+1:

Unfortunately that wasnā€™t available in his payment plans

Thats funny.
I sold him a blaster, and it was delivered to a buisness address in mackay.

I assumed he lived thereā€¦
Maybe he had friends/relatives in vic, who knowsā€¦

Not my concernā€¦

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I heard he had moved to south NSW just before the forums closureā€¦
Also, not my concern.

He was a royal dickhead I called out on day 1. I copped a lot of flak for it but I was right a 20 year old not SASR as he portrayed to be staying with Mom and Dad in NSW pawning Illegal firearm parts.


Na that was his drop shipping address. :face_with_peeking_eye: Why you got tanned with Illegal behavouir. Well because you did :person_shrugging:

Oh yeahā€¦ alot of ā€œtechsā€ have built one or two good blasters and fixed a fewā€¦ probably all v2 and never had to diagnose a issue that was oddball or left field sort of things.
I left the industry full time and went back to my previous job for money, and do my blaster work from home now.

The freedom of not being under a brand or shop, can buy from anywhere, and having all the tools and equipment is amazingly superior to the bare minimum the place I worked at provided. I brought in my tools and equipment most of the time as theirs was subpar and lacking at best.

I only operate on word of mouth. Mates and mates of mates etc now, I donā€™t chase work but it inevitably comes my way enough.
I prefer to empower people with the knowledge to do their own if they are willing, and if not I get that many just want to have fun and arenā€™t technically minded.

It does shit me when I fix other ā€œtechsā€ work, that just didnā€™t have the level of detail or experience requiredā€¦ usually shits me more when I find out what they paid.

There are alot of one trick pony techs around that over charge. But also a lot of good ones that go unsung because their work just lasted the distance.

It is an industry that if you fuck up everyone will know and talkā€¦ but if you get it right, most wonā€™t say anything. And for thatā€¦ I like my nobody status.

Tbh I donā€™t want work, I just canā€™t say no as I like to help people out, and I do like working on blasters.


For reals.?
a 20 year oldā€¦?

Just goes to show, you never know whoā€™s who , in internet landā€¦

I never did any illegal behaviour, just sold / shipped to a qld addressā€¦
My hands are cleanā€¦

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So, the majority of the old forums time, he was giving squiddy shit for being a kid, yet, heā€™s only got a few years on him?
Then after the forums collapse, trying to give me the same treatment, even though Iā€™ve got a couple of years on him?
Not a very good ā€˜Detectiveā€™ in my opinionā€¦

Does that mean squiddyā€™s really a 35 year old pedoā€¦??

Now im worriedā€¦!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Squiddy, youā€™ve been cooking up a response for an awfully long time, this better be goodā€¦

He never gave me shit he loved me, it was how much he loved me was the issue but in saying that he couldā€™ve just been joking itā€™s just hard to tell because he typed like the average Melbourne night club user

My touch screen is half broken so have to constantly restart my phone to get it to work

Iā€™m in Bali right now fcking around with airsoft so internet speeds are slow

This is probably the first time any of you guys have seen the person behind the screen aswell

Thatā€™s the problem with online interaction, totally anonymous, you can never tell if the person youā€™re talking to is genuineā€¦ if theyā€™re who or what they claim to be.

20 years old?? Man, I thought he was at least in his 40sā€¦ came across that way to me.

Even at 40 I had twenty years on himā€¦ if itā€™s 20 Iā€™ve got 40! Hang on, Iā€™m seeing a pattern here :joy: