The Shit Pit

Talk about a tyrannical government hahaha

Basically, they banned single use vapes then did nothing to regulate or enforce it and since it didnt work they ban them all.
Which is gonna do squat as the sellers of these single use illegal vapes were selling them before they will keep selling them.
This will only affect vapers that followed the rules anyway, and now burdens an already strung out pharmacy industry.
Typical nanny state shit, implemented with no thought or real studies done, and just punish those that did the right thing when they couldn’t make a regulated and taxed industry legal instead.

If they ban blasters I’ll be taking me revenue to another country altogether. Damn shame the elected officials are meant to be working for us not the other way around

Exactly what I said this morning. At least somebody understands. I’ve been following it for a family member, it’s just a joke and it’s got a lot to do with Mark Butler pushing his agenda. Can’t police the rules they set in place early on. People are going to do it anyway, who’s stopped them. No one. Friggin school teachers take breaks during class so the school kids can go out and vape. What the fk is that.
I met a 14yo girl daughter of a person and she was vaping, but the father thought it was great sidekick he got in heaps of single use vapes and the 14yo was using and selling them at school. I was ookk this is exactly what the problem is, but they can’t and don’t even try to stop it they just let it happen.

I’ve still got a ticket on BME’s plane to piss off to Texas if this shit continues :wink:

Doesn’t surprise me go down Adelaide and buy chop chop Tabacco from the Lebanese for a quarter of the price. From a legit registered tobacconist store too mind you.

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Can draw similarities too gel blasters. To the 96 howard semi auto ban. Too hard to regulate it so we just flat out ban it, nobody gets nothing , but if we catch you, we just slap you with a fine.

Yet the druggo prick nearby that shot and killed 2 people point blank, well technicly the second guy a bikie debt collector was running for his life out the back but got shot 30M away. The offender gets 5 years for one and 10 for the other non parole. He’ll be nearly out now. Spoke to the detective how does that work, he said, that’s just the way the system works my friend and shrugged his shoulders. Not the offenders first murder either.

My god that US supreme Court ruling - I’ve always known that presidents wielded ungodly power, but to read the lengths of the immunity it has in actual words is a bit sobering.

I was going to start a blurb on this, but you beat me to it…

Judges voted on partisan lines…what a surprise…

When the system works against trump, it’s terrible , a witch-hunt…
When it’s in his favour….justice carried out…I’m a proud American…

They’ve basically signed off, for this lying thug convicted criminal, to do whatever he wants…

This is how a democracy crumbles…

Read up on Project 2025 as well - its not only the end of democracy, but its the start of a fascist autocracy should ANY, not just Trump, republican candidate win and wants to implement the plan.

Good God.
What a nightmare.

Extremists of any type, are not good…
Transforming the US, into a fascist autocracy, with all ranks of govt bending to the leaders will…

And trump, free to do as he pleases, with levels of govt agreeing with everything he wants…

“bing, bong, lets fire a nuke into that hurricane…i think X is a leaker, that makes them a traitor, execute them…”

I could imagine several high profile people wanting to leave the states, if he gets in…

And, the knock on effect for the world stage…

Life in a world, under an American dictatorship…

As the founding fathers said, " We have a republic, for as long as we can hold it…"

There will be riots… George Floyd was nothing… a 300 million armed militia would be a task for any gov to control.

Biden’s got an upcoming address on this as well - it should just be him looking at the camera directly and saying “To the US Supreme court, so if I have OFFICIAL intel from our intelligence services on on my political adversaries detailing their threatening actions, I can OFFICIALLY authorise my security services to arrest, detain and charge them AND I will face no legal consequences due to your interpretation of executive immunity? Gotcha.”

So much for nobody is above the law… there goes democracy.

The upshot of that ruling is that Trump and any other president elect is now no longer constrained by the law and the US constitution. I can just see the government rubbing their hands together over that one, saying “We’ve got a green light boys… let’s have at it!”.

Not much of a stretch to think it’s going to shred the fabric of US society.

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The only possible "upside " to this is…

For those US citizens, genuinely concerned about trump destroying their democracy, freedom and liberties…

Might now have enough of an impetus to vote Dems, just to keep trump out of power. ANYONE but trump…

It might motivate them to turn out, and vote, whereas they may have been apathetic beforehand.

I wish you could show them all a crystal ball, of what the world would look like in 4 years time, if trump gets in…

I just spent the weekend entertaining a family “friend” who would have to be one of the most bigoted, racist, homophobic, mysogenistic, ignorant and opinionated specimens of humanity I’ve ever met.

Friday night drinks went okay… bit my tongue with a few of his comments and out of respect for my wife’s family I stayed silently seething.

Saturday night was just more of the same bullshit but I put my point of view forward more forcefully and “respectfully disagreed” with whatever nasty shit he was spewing forth. We managed to keep it civil… ish.

Sunday night, after listening to an hour of pig ignorant vitriolic homophobe hate speech which primed me beautifully for a stoush, we got onto the subject of Trump, who was naturally a figure this absolute nazi of a man admired greatly. I pointing out how he’s lied and manipulated his way through his presidency, been convicted of 34 felony charges and was oiling the waters for an extended dictatorship if he ever gets back in the Oval Office.

The ignorant “friend” then told me with absolute certainty and no small amount of aggression and infuriating condescension that Trump didn’t do any of the things he was charged with, all of the video of the incriminating public speeches where he showed his true intentions were not really of Trump, because “you can do anything with AI these days”, and “We need a PM like him to sort out all these immigrants who are coming over here and causing the rise in the crime rate.” I won’t repeat some of the names and labels that he applied to the groups he was assassinating.

Yeah, straw / camel’s back syndrome and all that… I absolutely lost my shit… the gloves came off, a heated argument followed which almost came to blows and was only broken up by my wife’s family. He ain’t ever coming back here.

And there’s your average Trump supporter right there… at least the FNQ Ozzie version, anyway.

Hate is ugly.
Hate is evil.
Hate is powerful, and you can use hate to unite people.
Nothing good, comes forth, from hate.

Hate often expresses itself, as violence.
Violence, at its lowest form is assault, at its highest form is genocide.
That is what trump, can bring forth.

Unfortunately, the US system is broken, the middle class dissappearing, with the very rich, and the working poor/ homeless.
With little hope of meaningful advancement, in the future.

A powder keg of angry, dissafected people, ripe to have their anger turned to hate. trump comes along, stirs the pot, gives them (empty) promises to better their future, if they vote for him. I couldnt believe it, at his rally, he literally said to them …

" I dont care about you, i only want your vote…" Out of his own mouth, and the fools lapped it up.

As you said, the indoctrinated maga mob believe anything that comes out of his mouth, deny truth and reality (as trump does), and settle into a fairy tale, alternative reality world, of trumps lies.

Only when its too late, will they realise what they have done.

I dont know if the US sumpreme court decision can be appealed / overturned, but this is a moment in history, where it could all start to fall apart…

Agree 100% @BME

I think history is going to look upon these times the same way it looks upon the fall of the Soviet Union in '91… the demise and collapse of a major world power.

Except that particular event was preceded by the positive policies of Glasnost and Perestroika even if the pre-Gorbachev USSR regimes were corrupt and evil.

The current US political event is being preceded by mayhem, deceit, division and open hostility, with evil to follow if Trump gets in… the antithesis of the Soviet event.

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And , he’s already asking for the guilty verdict of the hush money case to be thrown out, under immunity.

What a stain on the toilet bowl of humanity…

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mm the thing that the Gov has to consider is the power of the people because that is foundation and I’m fairly certain the people will take matters in to their own hands if things go too far.

I’ve yet to read some opinions on some other level headed pro 2A forums as have been busy work. But will have a looky see what they say about this. I know they will be saying something for sure.


Regardless I am appalled at the media blowing up the Trump V Biden Debate how hopeless Biden was, yea right and how are old are you 20 something. Wait until your 81 you prick if you even make it that far. Yes he’s old, deal with it, find a better candidate. Disgraceful bullshit. I always respect my elders as I know I’ll be one.

I’m already one @BME :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: