The Shit Pit

Maybe find out in a month Ukraine Situation Report: North Korea May Send Forces To Occupied Territories (

If the norks get sent in even in a labourer capacity SK will call it red line crossed and send direct to Ukr. Previously SK have been sending direct to USA munitions to restock what the US sends to Ukr so technically SK is staying out of it. It is a big deal because South Korea military manufacturing capacity is one of the biggest in the world.

Popcorn time, things are getting spicy :popcorn:

Most likely they’ll be used as cannon fodder.

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The funny thing is that the US was able to get into Pakistan to kill bin laden so easily was because Pakistan’s tracking system was made in China and they were too slow to track and intervene.

A bit embarrassing ngl.

Most likely Russian just does not think highly of nk.

Jesus christ this debate is doing my head in and I’ve only been watching for 5 minutes. Biden’s off his game, Trump his usual rambling self.
What happened to the best and brightest?

I don’t think I can watch the candidate’s debate…

Lookin’ at Donald Duck for too long makes me wanna bring up my lunchtime kebab… :wink:

I don’t think that applies to politicians.

Explains the US’s continual slide into oblivion.

Heh Biden sounds like me cause I’m currently battling the plague I got from South Korea.

Kpop plague? Hahahahahahahahahah

I will admit I’ve turned a near 180 on the Kpop stuff my daughter likes but its probably covid or the flu talking :rofl:

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Biden is old, and its showing…
A few gaffes, slips and seniors moments.

Trump is the better tv showman, no doubt about that, he presents as the more polished performance artist.

Though, as always, he spews a mountain of lies, denial of proven facts, and statements pulled from thin air. After 30 000 proven lies in office, he calls Biden the biggest liar he has ever seen…Hello, projection…

None of which is anything new.

The real target audience, is the undecided voters.

Trump maga followers will believe anything that comes out of his mouth, nothing new there.

trump is a CON man, the art of convincing others to accept his falsehoods, is the ability to project extreme CONfidence, and the ability to tell and sell Lies very CONvincingly.

trump does this well, leaning into emotion when facts and reality aren’t on his side.

Biden may have had a cold, but nevertheless, he ran a sluggish race.

Perception was at stake here, votes being the prize…

I just hope the undecided have enough gumph to see through trump and his lies…

Really, these two are the best the US can offer…??

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Newsome? Hahah he can’t even run California.

The democrats don’t have any viable alternatives. I think Harris will get steamroller by trump.

I’m just watching the debate now for a laugh. You are not wrong, jesus it’s like a pair of 6 year olds fighting over a crayon at school :rofl:

So they say a vape ban won’t work it they say works for gel blasters… What a load of shit.


Mark Butler doing a deal with the greens to get Vape ban through. What’s the solution for the school kids addicted to vapes because they didn’t regulate it properly in the first place letting in millions of toxic single use vapes made in China with the nasty stuff in them rather than supporting the Australian stores that had legit TGA approved vapes that were clean and were sold to 18+ only.

Nope they shut their doors today because the butler bans the legit stores too. Oh right go back to tabacco smoking that does harm you and pay that lovely 90% tax to the government so they get their money. Nice solution. Well done dickheads.

The bikies will be rubbing their hands together for the black market. The chemists are tearing their hair out as they will now be more of a target as that is a solution get a doctors certificate and get your vape from the chemist. What the fuck jamm up an already overstressed medical system with more shit. Nice going fuck heads.


Kinda ironic they ban vapes for health reasons but not cigarettes for the same reasons.

What a joke.

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It’s called tax revenue.
They collect much more tax money, from a smoker, over their lifetime…

Then they spend, keeping them alive, at the end.
Cancer kills them pretty quickly, so no big taxpayer hospital bills…

Overall net gain.

If it was the other way around, time for moral outrage and let’s ban smoking….
It’s now costing us money.

That’s one game, where the only way to win is not to play……

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Just saying the logic behind this is stupid.

They’re talking about decreasing tobacco tax too because black market cigs is killing legal sales.