The Shit Pit

IIRC they gradually moved their operations to india and lots of Chinese factory workers are out of a job.

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I know you know that I wasn’t generalizing with my critique of Chinese manufacturing. :wink:

It’s purely based on China’s business model of “make it cheap enough to be disposable, if it breaks, buy another one.”

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I feel like that’s just modern consumerism.

But it is fun to rag on them once in a while.

Seems you are right to some extent from what I can read.

But still other things designed to be throw away and not repaired it is fun to rag on. Landfill is exploding because of the throw away buy a new one thinking. Some recycling gets done but no where near enough.

I know SA was trucking recyclables to Victoria for a time few years back as our facilities were maxed out. Not sure if that’s still happening today.

It was around this time What’s changed one year since the start of our recycling crisis? - ABC News

Thing with china is, they absolutely can make quality stuff though often cutting costs means worse products.
In my job we import a container or two every week and we “don’t ask about price, ask for what you want, and shop around”
The moment you ask them to do a deal they will, and they cut corners to cut the cost, they don’t actually do a deal.

We had things that were welded together, everyone was happy, then the next order asked if they could do it cheaper and they did. Instead of being welded, since we didn’t absolutely specify to do that they came in two parts with a thread tapped and a giant screw. Worked but we then had to pay someone to use Loctite and put things together… and have them tested for certification so we could sell and use them. Cost us way more and was a painful extra hours we don’t have.

Cheeky right. If quality is a concern never as a Chinese for a deal just shop around. When they make it cheaper for you, they make it cheaper. Capitalism at its finest in a communist setting!

It’s been over a decade since I’ve visited the chinese mainland during the summer, but f### me they’re still allergic to air-conditioning even in 35 degree heat.

Over there, for a shopping spree…??

Only for the wife :pensive:
I’m actually going to see if I can go on holidays without buying myself anything.

Load up on, knock off Lux Goods, for her…
You get to feed, off her happiness…!!

Happy wife, happy life…
And, cheaper than the real deal stuff…

Spend the savings, when you return home…!!

God it’s even more blazing hot in South Korea. I’m wet, and not the fun type of wet.

Humidity plus hey, what no baby oil damn :rofl:

What kind of weird shit do you guys get up to in south Korea? Haha

Sight seeing mostly. Daughter loves the Kpop stuff too so it’s just chaperoning and paying for stuff.


Too good not to share…

Oh that’s fun. I personally am not a fan of Seoul, but the food I dig.

This video expresses my current annoyances perfectly.


Forget the “rumble in the jungle” , this is…

“The grumble and the bungle”…!!

Trump vs biden “debate”…bring the popcorn, and your cringe medication…

" In the red corner, weighing in at a falsified number, we have “Don the Denier”… still smarting from his recent fraud conviction, he’s going to pull out all the (truth) stops, to get a win. His moves include the grab’n’go, the lie and deny, the payoff payback, the twist (the truth) and shout, and his signature, the tax evade. He’s pissed, he’s pumped on adderal, and he’s not taking a drug test…!!"

" In the blue corner, weighing in at a exaggerated number, we have " Joe-nan The Librarian". He’s got a strong defensive game in front of him, as he faces a avalanche of lies and twisted truthes, from trumps forked tongue. He cant run away from the tough questions, as he cant run.
His moves include the Border Sorter, the Economy Labotomy, the ukraine-pain choke, and his desperation move, the Biden jail-sliding.

Its gonna be one hell of a match.

Now, gentlemen, grab your walking sticks, get into your wheelchairs, and get ready for round one…Wheelchair Joust…!!!"

I dont know if i can stomach watching this…

300 million people, and these 2 grandpa’s are the best you can come up with…
The election no one wants…nearly 1/3 of voters dont want to vote for either candidate…


I was reading about if Trump gets in he will force Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia giving up the Crimea to Russia. If Ukr does not they will stop the supply of arms. If Russia does not they will increase the supply to Ukraine.

I don’t know what to make of that. But I better buy some popcorn because things are sliding into a not good place that Nostradamus predicted. NK getting on the bandwagon. Nuke flexing.

While you wait play around with NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein (

Fun to fiddle around with, drop a fat boy on that annoying neighbor or your ex :laughing:

Isn’t south Korea getting involved because North Korea is beimg dragged in?

Now with Russia distracted China is quietly taking Russian territory. Haha.

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Let’s be real here, China is known for copying techs from the west but it even does this to her allies. They even cheated Russia of their tech.