I was going with this in a Toyota
So far it’s going like this
My New Year resolution: get out of bed…
…mission accomplished
Daughter had a medical emergency, so I was stressing from 5:30 yesterday arvo until 3:00 this morning when she was released from hospital.
Needless to say, there were no New Year’s celebrations and basically 2 hours sleep.
Might have to celebrate tonight instead!
Hope she’s ok and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I’m up for a celebration tonight
Cheers mate, gonna give her a couple of days rest and then go see how she’s going
Only on my 3rd bush chook so far, as got interrupted by the mate I’m staying with to work on his FX Holden… gotta pay my rent somehow
At least he came out halfway through the job with a fresh can of Chook for me
Oh yeah it’s Chook time
About to watch this episode from my favourite Air Investigation channel @BME
I will finally learn what this is all about, as haven’t seen/heard anything about this accident yet.
Should be able to pull you up even on one.
The groups elsewhere I contact. Puts a whole shock through the community even if different country, military etc.
I suspected pilot error myself initially as flaps not extended and you can’t flare it down going that fast but it’s also hydraulic operated reverse thrust. I think they hit the wrong buttons at the wrong time. IMO they panicked.
Yes bit of a bugger of an airport setup but that’s why Pilots do pre flight, training and so much else so they know how to get the bird in there. Pardon the pun.
It’s no easy job for sure, you’ve got to be really switched on. Really switched on.
The fact that gear was up is some hydraulic failure which they have back ups and procedures for, should survive a bird strike, lightning bolt what they are designed for to survive.
Seems they tried a go around maybe which they should have but may not had enough power when the decision was made to re climb and go around because of the airport layout.
Unfortunately it ended badly.
Why I fly strictly BME air these days
@BME I was right, China’s ministry of commerce has imposed export bans as of now.
Mostly US but unfortunately includes as well. There’s the trouble.
Dang it.
Will this extend to gel blasters to commercial importers, or just small scale private.?
Not exactly sure trying to find more info or they are like I say having political spats.
Was talking to a RAAF friend of mine about the P8 Poseidon last year that we have. It’s like the new max8 that Boeing had trouble with.
But we didn’t have trouble as they are unlocked Max 8 engines. Manual control. Not digital. Quite a good bit of kit. The fly boys love them very good plane.
I could talk for ages about the korean accident, but…
1: Dont speculate or judge, until all the facts are known. We currently dont know what happened.
2: 737-800 is super robust and reliable, with a lot of redundancy built in.
It takes about 30 seconds to do a manual gear extension, and can be done from memory. That would have given landing gear to land on, and wheel brakes powered by a standpipe accumulator reserviour…enough for several brake applications if all hydraulic fluid is lost.
3: plenty of performance on one engine, if it is operating normally. If both engines are badly damaged…who knows. Scully had both severe damage and flameout in the hudson.
4: Horrible tragedy, with loss of life. A plane crash always garners worldwide attention. We had just over 1000 road fatalities Aust wide, last year, yet everyone takes that for granted…
No speculation or judging on my part.
Just the facts and a few convos with some friends. Unfortunately, us humans do make errors more often than we’d like to admit.
Unfortunately in that case they can’t.
Full investigation so it does not happen again.
Military is bit different, if you push the wrong button and survive you are in jail.
I could go on for ages about friendly fire. It happens all the time.
From my Uncle getting brassed up in Vietnam by American Huey Door gunners. I asked him did you have radio comm to the yanks. Yes sure did and there was some choice words relayed yet they kept brassing his APC colloum up with M60’s. I’ll drop you out the sky if you don’t quit it got twin MAG58, SLR, M16, 40mm blooper all within his fingertips.
Popped the hatch closed and said they won’t listen advance and ignore.
Forgot to mention that VC had no tanks
I won’t even mention my Dad’s and my Uncle’s opinions about having to fight alongside the Americans during their Vietnam service… but one of the common remarks was to shoot the Yanks in your group first, and then the Australians would have a much better chance of getting the job done and without any fatalities from both the enemy or friendly fire!
Yes war is tough and not a game.
Australians try and do well, confirm before letting loose. But still it happens during training even a soldier was killed a while ago penetrated the CQB training walls and dead.
We fight like demons though, have some of the best Military equipment in the world bar none. Just not enough of it. Got to remember ADF. Defence force that comes in handy for civilian support with floods and things. Partner nations will call on us like the UN did to assist in the Interfet operation. We deployed, mostly went well. Sparky mate of mine got called up for that one, said got issued my 1500rnd battle pack along with kit see ya on the flipside. He went ok.
That’s a joking remark, I’ve been told that before too. We don’t actually do it.