The Shit Pit

That’s a a Twotter…!!

Twin otter…!
Very safe and reliable short fielder…been around forever…

:rofl: :+1: and this is why we fly strictly fly BME air only. :rofl:

The project car rabbit hole is eating my apprentice wages every week. A vx and a Vp already with a rangie classic coming very soon

Well bugger me look who came out the hole. Happy new year to you :wink:

VP’s are solid rigs, just coil packs might die these days because Boschit, or the DFI module they bolt on to, or the crank angle sensor put a new one on fks up straight away. Don’t hoon like I did and crack the strut tower.

Happy new year still recovering from my two week break so haven’t been as active :rofl:

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Yeah I’m not 100% what I’m going to do with the Vp yet, I’m definitely not the type to flog it was thinking about some sort of sleeper build in it. It was $2000 from the son of a deceased older lady so the car is almost flawless and well looked after. Was probably going to look into doing a manual swap depending on how much it costs to get a t5 into it, maybe a supercharger depending on how many defects I want, coilovers and an exhaust not something over the top that most p platers get but something that’s sounds nice and crisp. It is a Buick 3.8 at the end of the day which is not really the engine most people want in a Vp but it’s a descendent of the grand national engine as far as I’m aware so I can see potential in it. The Vx on the other hand is a shit box I got for $600 but some paint and panel work and fixing the coolant leak will hopefully get me some nice profit to look into a vu ss to do up.

I tell ya those buick 3.8’s are rock solid. But depends what you want, the T700 takes a hammering too. Better than the manual that’s why police went with them with unlocked gate selectors to slam it from forward to reverse.
Could drop a 308 V2 Roller rocker in it plug n play they go hard.
Anyway you’ll figure it out.

Got a Getrag in my current one, ok for the Buick but a bit weak.

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The automatic felt really smooth in it when I was driving it home, better then 80% of the newer cars I’ve driven and defo better then my daily but for a weekend driver it doesn’t have the same fun a manual has. Unless your stuck in traffic or in a car park manuals will always be more enjoyable then automatics in my eyes. Plus I’ve seen t5 gearboxes being ripped out of commodores left right and centre and sold off for $500. Only issue I would run into is actually putting it in the car I’m good with paint and panel work and light mechanical work but manual conversions are a completely different ball game.

Do what I do, lock it down in first or second and give it’s head. When it hits rev limiter shift up.
Just change the oil and filter after laying sick burnouts :rofl: I never did that :rofl: :+1:

The manual getrag 260 I can’t get out of 3rd gear around town. Put a short shifter on that as og was sloppy it’s ok for me. Simple job for the quick shifter 2 bolts and some console fiddling and in. Peter Brock eat your heart out :rofl:

Let’s just say a rear wheel drive vx with a long driveway on private property with no neighbours and some shit talking from my mates may have contributed to some balding rear tires. Ps never something that happened just a made up story for all the police spies

That’s what we do. I didn’t find I could get 120klm/hr with the factory rev limiter out in first gear on the auto. No never did that, or laying rubber waiting for the lights to change while karens were looking at me. Nope never did that at all :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

If people can be addicted to tik tok then I think I should be allowed to be addicted to the smell of burning rubber :rofl:

Did you watch some of the summernats? I made time to watch a bit. Pretty cool except for the fella that got ejected as a security guard cracked the shits even when they did everything by the rules :roll_eyes:

Hello it’s a burnout competition. Far out.

I saw a clip of a poor blokes vl lighting up from a big skid

I had my own mini bushnats in the shed recently went a V8 Falcoon until the tyres popped. It was hilarious. Black marks and rubber everywhere. It was fun on private property. Full sanctioned event sponsored by a carton of beer :rofl:

I put pacemaker extractors, a high flow catalic converter and a redback sports exhaust with no resonator on my vs Commodore and it sounded absolutely beautiful…

the sound was an absolutely perfect noted “POMPOMPOMPOMPOM” when idling and when you opened up the throttle :weary:


in a VP I would imagine it would have the same effect as mine was the 3.8 as well

I miss the shit out of that car, really wish I’d held onto it


" Squiddies 4wd adventure tours!..

The dream…


The consequences…



The final reality…!!



Great range, on the escooters, now…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome, to the “spending spiral !!!”

Don’t call em rollux for nothing. Jeez I was passenger with a ex mate on a long haul camping trip, he was starting to doze I said lets swap he said na na I’ll be right next 20 mins sure enough sliding sideways at 80klm/r down the highway across all lanes off down in to a culvert and stopped barely 1 foot from dropping down in to a concrete drain that had a 10ft side.

Yes I did shit my pants that day and grabbed hold of the dash for dear life :rofl: Not physicly but you know what I mean I hope.

Talk about lucky. Punched the strut up through the front. Anyway he lost his marbles ripped me off and I disassociated with him years ago. His Mum did pay me back though but she is a legend.

The only trouble you get with mild steel out back is because it’s injected and city stop start is the moisture sits in the exhaust and rusts it to buggery in no time. The main muffler back and over the diff. Why it can be beneficial to spring for stainless if you can. Pricey I know but better long term.

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I had a stainless steel exhaust tip but that was as far as that went lol and i was always having the get the old chrome cream out to buff all the soot off the c#@t :rofl: