The Shit Pit

At least yours didn’t fall off after hitting a bump and wrap around the diff :rofl:

I cut it back to the muffler and side exit before the diff which is legal here as it’s a Ute. Mig welded it up cut n shut Peter Brock be proud :rofl:


original video taken down

Whoops! :grimacing:

Wouldn’t put it past them, out of season controlled burn gone wrong?

That scenario has played out here several times over the years leading to some pretty intense fires :disappointed:

there’s theories it’s staged to make way for a new rail system in connection to future plans of the construction of a series of 15 minute smart cities.

the project’s design and layout matches up with the areas that were completely destroyed by the fires

Right. Right.

And they waited for the exact day , when the winds would blow in the right direction, at the right time, for the correct duration.

Which also aligned with the water reserves being very low.

Cross department, multi level conspiracy….
Some people want to believe anything….

Mind you, we’re talking about people who willingly elected trump.

I’ll go with stuff up, and incompetency…:rofl::rofl:

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OOOOO that’s why Elon Musk is asking the Firies what should the new buildings be made of.

It all makes sence now :rofl: :rofl:

Couldn’t have been that transmission tower failure. Didn’t think it was :rofl:

It must be passing through Ventura county too as that’s in the way and small one there now.

Yes they should know from history in that area. Don’t run around going “oh my gad” bring all assets to bear straight away. Not a bloody week later.

They have caught a few arsonists and fkn looters. I couldn’t handle living there, fk that :rofl:


One @DocBob might be interested in.

Those Erickson S64 aircranes are pretty awesome. I read up about them some time ago as they are again here in Australia right now this season.

Designed in the 1960’s for US mil heavy lift, which didn’t work out. But they started using them for civilian use like erecting very tall towers even picking up logs of wood in Canada in tricky places.

Prob wonder how they are still flying being 60 years old. Erickson bought the blueprints off Sikorsky and now manufacture all there own new parts for them. Modified a few bits here and there to suit needs. All made by Erickson(some prob sub contracted of course). They do a lot of off season contract work. They don’t just sit around.

Sick pumps on them suck 9kltr of water in 50sec or have the drag scoop arm.

Interesting stuff.

Just checking first wool sales of the year, up 50cents a kilo (usually starts high) turned over 14.5M in the southern market.

I’m coming for you Trump. Sheep GROW BABY GROW!

:rofl: :rofl:

doesn’t make sense that they would release all the water from the reservoir for repairs/maintenance right before fire season either but hey, they did

Wouldn’t have changed anything. The wind blows you got no hope no matter what.

true but you stand more of a chance with a reservoir full of water

Even then the hydrant system still wouldn’t keep up with over a hundred units sucking off it at once seems to have been the problem. Dem pipes aren’t big enough, not enough flow.
Being investigated find out later on.

Even putting out a burning house it’s still destroyed if it was on fire to begin with.

Just a few days until Trump comes in, I wonder if anything will change for the good?

Ha ha.
Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha.

Don’t get me started…please….

“ I would have done such a great job with the fires, a tremendous job…
Better than those other losers…

I could have huffed, and puffed, and blown them all out with my lies and hot air…
I tell tremendous lies, the best lies …”

You get my drift…:rofl::rofl:

Sanctions for EVERYONE! :confetti_ball:
Takeover bid for Canada and Greenland, stirring up the pot with China, throwing extra support at the genocide in Gaza… off to a pretty wild start and not even in office yet!

World economic specialist are already forecasting doom and gloom… but to be fair, this is a result of many successive US Government’s over many years.

It should of never happened, I would of never let it happen

:rofl: :rofl:

Bidens got the ceasefire in effect from the 19th and hostage release. Israel has options for Hamas to move to Sudan

:rofl: holy moly, as long as it not here yea might work.

That’s bullshit, he can’t annex Canada as they are a Commonwealth country. Mexico too I pissed my self the PM of mexico in a briefing had a big map on the wall in retort, she said instead of gulf of mexico how about all of this is Mexico bwahahaha!

apparently Albanese is planning to strike back at Russia if that Aussie teacher fighting for Ukraine was killed in Russia…

maybe he’ll throw his spectacles at Putin, that’ll work, :roll_eyes:

Yea right, here’s your gun Blabanese, one pack of bullets, off you go. Have fun on your working holiday :rofl:

Russia executed the captured Aussie btw. The way I feel about it, you go in to a meat grinder expect to be ground regardless of side. Nothing politically Aus gov can do as we have barely any trade ties.

I know hit him wid da boomerang brotha.

:rofl: :rofl:

Russia said a long time ago that they wouldn’t take kindly to any foreign Mercenaries who decided to come poking around where they aren’t wanted :astonished: