Exactly, yes you might think you are doing good and noble things. But it is war. Never forget that. Expect to be temporarily alive.
Best the Aus gov can do is grind the Russian ambassador and expel him. That’s it.
I know some ex ADF went over on their own after being retired for various reasons not being able to serve the ADF any longer. That is their choice. I certainly wouldn’t.
It’s interesting talking to a Ukranian and Russian friends of mine about it whom have been in Australia for few decades and do things the Aussie way work hard play hard. They are so glad to be here as they would be drafted on their homeland and thrown into the meat grinder. They do not like to see what their respective homeland leaders are doing but reinforces as much as the pitfalls of Australia has they love it. They work very hard.
My Russian mate rang up the other day, what ya doing for Australia day. I said not sure yet, right I’m coming and we are eating fucking lamb I said right book that shit in jobs on
Yes, there was a certain ex ADF mate of mine who went over as a Medic…for the Russians.
Came back after the Ukrainians started the tactic of heavily shelling towns where local Ukrainians refused to evacuate as they were waiting for liberation by the Russians.
Ukrainian forces were shooting any civilians who refused to leave, as they were considered Russian sympathisers
Could go on about it for ages mate as I know a lot about what’s been happening.
As I said from day one it is war. I said war was going to break out when Putin sent a lot to the border on a “training exercise” before they even started. You don’t do training on a border. It’s called pre positioning of forces. Alot told me I was wrong, I said ok have it your way.
Putin is a fool, so is puppet zelensky, hope they are both happy they have killed hundreds of thousands and demolished a heap of infrastructure and homes.
Should of given the fuckers a boxing ring and a pair of gloves, here have at it.
Yes, no suprise at all…had been leading up to that moment since the end of WW2 agreement was broken by the USA/NATO, followed by decades of warnings from successive USSR AND USA Military Advisors to hold back
It’s always the people who pay these high prices from the actions of egotistical Politicians
Trouble is mr Bob, people get an idea and don’t listen to sound advice. Why I’m weary of this mr Dump fella, his last term ever of 4 years, he is going to be rash. Mark my words.
Most people have no clue why Trump is baiting Canada and Greenland (Denmark) to join the USA, not even the citizens of those countries themselves… which believe it or not many are quite excited as a proposition to be part of the mighty USA.
It’s all about the money as usual, that’s what everything boils down to in the end, money.
Vanguard, Blackrock etc are pissed at the moment, as major Ukranian Lithium and Coal reserves are now in the hands of Russian occupied territories… which were the focus of those large global finance groups to get hold of as “repayment” of the billions of dollars “donated” to the Ukraine.
Now they’ve lost that, they’ve shifted focus to the Arctic Circle and it’s trillions of dollars worth of natural reserves.
Can you take one guess which 3 countries own 3/4’s of those areas
When you work that out, the actions of Trump and the USA suddenly become very clear!
Do I need to repeat myself yet again, Dump is a business man. Greedy. I fully know the resources of Ukraine.
Guess they’ll hurry up and melt the artic to get to those resources and blame it on climate change. That’ll get the greenies and protests going everywhere. Give them idots something to do.
I’m going to hide in my world and watch it destroy itself due to greed.
Russia has trouble accessing a lot of theirs as it is under permafrost. Expensive to operate in.
I’ll give you some real insight on that from my Canadian friends. No they are not and will be against it. You’ve likely seen media bs of yes some will love the idea.
Trump will have to speak to The King about that after his cup of tea and a nap
Oh yes, it’s definitely media bs to try and get people to “warm up” to the idea, but that’s far from what’s actually going on at the moment.
The Inuit people in Greenland are standing strong for their independence, but who knows what shady deals the USA can force upon them with EU/NATO countries putting pressure on places like Denmark and Norway etc.
Well, that’s about as much politics as I can stomach for one day… so how’s the price of rice in China or something else to shit pit about
Yea Greenland, he tried to buy it in his last term. They want their independence. It’s strategic position for power projection. They already have a air base there just fkn leave it at that. I dunno he’s a loony. Businessman. Elon Musk is going to make a heap off the LA fires he’s already been poking around for building better homes, maybe synthetics this n that. Oh concrete and steel. He’s smart all right like a fly to shit.