NSW Police at it, again… Least the judge, and the news seems to have a thread of common sense about the things in this piece.
Yep, from last year that one.
Copped a broken shoulder as well from the rozzers… all for toys.
hmm watching some of the Gaza Israel thing. 3 hostages to start with what a clusterfuck.
I heard last night that Netanyahu wans’t honouring the deal.
Is the ceasefire and exchange going ahead?
Sort of from what I’ve seen. Watching Tennis instead of that shit
Wife’s been on my arse about her email not sending and receiving on her iphone. She proclaims all her inbox’s been cleared and its still not working. Finally grabbed her laptop and told her to log in from the browser - 66k worth of emails taking up 14.3gb of space. Hello? There’s your problem ma’am.
57k unread emails. Fifiy-seven-thousand! Not in her junk box, but her inbox. I told her if I get 20 a day and I don’t read them, it would take me nearly 8 years of not reading my emails to reach that number. She’s surprisingly fine with it…57k.
So anyway we divorcing
Just saw Dutton on 10News delivering an antisemitism address at a synagogue… wearing a yamulke.
Nearly spat my beer all over the TV.
Whoever said Humpty Dumpty couldn’t be put back together again was obviously talking shit.
HAHA I had to go look it up.
I hope the yolks runny when I crack the top off to dip my toast in or I’ll be not happy.
Why even wear it, I dunno dare I ask…
Gotta be some extra puckered up anuses after what Elon did at the inauguration.
Let’s just say I did nat see that coming.
Dare I ask what did he do?
Hitler salute…
All class…
Done with equal parts fervour and awkwardness as well.
pff that wasn’t a hitler salute, heart goes out gesture. Whatever LMAO let the people get hysterical over nothing. Media bullshit at it’s finest.
From this…
to this…
Wash that trump, right out of your hair…!!
Julie Andrews is not to be trifled with…!!
Hot enough for ya?
50⁰c/122⁰f with close to 100% humidity and absolutely ZERO wind to blow this oven temperature heat over to @Maiphut to enjoy instead
C’mon mate, don’t get caught up in the whole Kamala woke community looking for any excuse to hang shit on the winning team
I watched it, and he threw his hand out from his heart into the audience in line with his narrative.
I’m no Trump/Musk lap dog, but use ya brain and take everything into context rather than following whatever the bullshit media/woke PC narrative is feeding the public
Absolutely concur 100% mate!
Glad to see that even though you have thousand of sheep… you certainly don’t act like one!
He could have easily closed his fist…victorious fist raise.
Or extended a thumbs up.
I do think he was acting on emotion, and got caught up in the moment, and so did it without thinking. Or maybe he was shit stirring, who knows.?
The media was all over it though.
That action was blown out of proportion, but it wont be long before musk is asking trump for massive hand outs, of free govt money, for the space x program…
trump will probably give it to him, as long as a certain amount of it back doors its way back to him…just ask putin how to make govt money your own…especially now you have “presidential immunity”…
Sickening to watch, as all and sundry bend the knee…
" No president trump, we wont fact check you anymore on social media…everything you say is always right"…
The truth is the first thing to go, in any dictatorship…
“Be careful when a democracy is sick. Fascism comes to its bedside, but it is not to enquire about its health…”.
Albert Camus.
Don’t worry about it so much. What will be will be. I watched a piece of Dump signing exec orders and yea they seemed ok as far as I could see keeping more interest in America which is a no brainer really.
Look I don’t like Trump.
Elon well, being South Afrikkans he is innovative I’ll give him that but I’d dare say he’d hate Nazis with a passion being SA. He wants to put man on Mars, why not. Sure he’ll likely get some gov sponsorship for that too but he’s that rich he likely won’t need it.
Elon has the best internet available in Australia for rural people that my government lagged on and left us behind after spending billions. Remember Aus gov sent one NBN satellite up with the second one soon after. What’s up there got congested and I was struggling to conduct business with dropouts and slow as dog speeds. Life span of the satellites was stated as 10 years. 800ms ping and 2.5MB down speed and a feather up. Starlink is 30ms ping, 40MB down and 20MB up so now I can pay bills quicker No contract, up front discount price for dish purchase was $250. NBN put their price up to $100/month. I switched and never looked back. Always up, minor dropouts comes back in 10 secs. Unlimited data $139/month. NBN is limited data. So I’m happy what Elon has done for me, makes life so much easier.
I see recently the Aus gov is tipping in another 3B for NBN upgrades. Nothing to do with me as it is for fibre optic cable to replace copper telephone lines that are degrading from 1970’s installation. My parents were supposed to get this 2 years ago in their city house. Still nothing, still on the old copper line.
They are working on it but it is a huge undertaking digging up footpaths and residents spitting the dummy as there sidewalk garden got destroyed. Just replant it ffs or have your shitty 50 year old degrading phoneline instead christ almighty.
Yes before you think, why does a farmer want internet. It’s because they are going all digital today. Mandatory EID ear tags for sheep and livestock. Ear tag with a chip in it so they can wave a wand over it and it comes up with your details, PIC, name ABN etc etc. Or I can’t sell them it is legislation.
I have to pay via online banking or in store by card. No checks anymore, no cash. No banks either they’ve closed in last 5 years. Have to go 200klm is nearest bank now.
Bass statements have to lodged online, courses are online for chemical accreditation and on and on.