Time to break out the marshmallow MREs…
Gear was down, so im assuming he’d only just taken off and ran into trouble
Yea don’t know yet, no details as only happened today. Something went wrong for sure either on take off or landing, some saying it was during a zoom climb.
See what the investigation brings…
Could hear the other jet in front of it powering on, so that’s why I thought take off with gear down instead of landing, along with the attitude of the jet at the time of Destination Fucked .
That was the noise from the crash jet powering, slightly delayed because of distance to camera.
And again . No survivors as of yet.
H-60 Black Hawk Collides With CRJ700 Airliner Over Potomac River
Always in threes…
And celeb deaths.
Man dies from knife crime, but they still manage to link the perpetrator owning a Gelbaster into the story just to prove how dangerous they are.
Here’s one of my favourite YouTube channels that I watch religiously, and gives the clearest insight into the Airline/Blackhawk disaster as to exactly what happened to cause the collision.
mm wearing NVG’s would have inhibited visual separation if that was the case. Loose situational awareness, or tunnel vision. Likely confirming the wrong CRJ.
Blackhawk was supposed to be at 200ft using that route.
The peripheral vision with the NV Goggles was my first thought as well, along with the high intensity light noise being over a busy brightly lit metropolitan area
The CRJ wouldn’t have been able to see the Blackhawk on it’s right during a left hand turn.
Bloody risky doing training in that area like that as other pilots have commented doing it in the past.
Oh definitely wouldn’t be seeing feckall out the Co Pilot window on the banking left turn whilst most likely looking at the runway to their left, not down at an angle below them to the right.
It’s definitely the fault of the Blackhawk as far as I’m concerned.
Don’t you know, it’s all the democrats fault, for diversity ATC hires??
Just ask trump…
He’s using his common sense….
Excuse me, while i puke….
Yeah, according to him only whitebread red blooded 'Murican males are the only people qualified to fly aircraft or control air traffic.
Joking about “going swimming”, to have to visit the site…
Negative empathy…world class loser….
See how he would feel, if it was his family on the plane…
I think the sight of trump in bathers, is one best left to never see the light of day…
Why not, your emergency people are doing it. Just jump in with out any gear and some blocks of concrete for shoes.
Blaming the opposition again when it’s really the circumstance that is the problem and could have been avoided if they didn’t cut the line so fine. Doing training flights in the landing path of a very busy airport… what moron decided that’d be a good idea.
And again small plane crashed and sploded in Philly…
That’s 3 isn’t it
Does anyone know where or how I can get custom sheep skin car seat covers, wasn’t even thinking about it when I got the car but it has an uncommon front bench seat so I have to get covers custom made most likely.
Just ask @Maiphut for a couple of his no doubtedly “Woollen” bed sheets
In all honesty though Squidguts, I just did a quick Google search for “Custom made Sheepskin Seat Covers” and came up with at least 10 companies across Australia that can make to order and ship Australia wide