I honestly believe that 2025 is going to be the year that sees the whole US economy collapse into the shithole gutter that it belongs in.
Tariffs on major trading partners, which are paid by the fkn American companies importing those essential products, NOT China, India, EU or whatever countries that export those products!
BRICS Nations abandoning the US Dollar through trade and stock markets.
BRICS Nations have consolidated their Gold Reserves tenfold, acquiring ACTUAL physical wealth, unlike the USA simply printing trillions of worthless paper dollars to boost their “economy”.
The United Arab Emirates have already left the American Petrodollar agreements and are now trading outside of US Government inflation and restrictions.
The USA destroyed the Nordstream Pipelines to shut off cheap Russian gas supplies to the EU to force them into having to buy/rely upon more expensive US gas supplies, which has plummeted Europe into financial and Industrial chaos at the benefit of boosting US gas exports and income.
The USA have ALWAYS relied upon creating Wars and conflicts to prop up their failing economy… but right now they don’t have many more wars that they can start and fund any further…,thank god!
$50 Billion “donated” to the Ukraine, of which $46 Billion was given to US Military Contractors within the USA to basically launder those funds straight back into the American economy, never sent overseas as “Aide” whatsoever 
Funded by Blackrock, Vanguard and multiple big corporations that have “invested” in the Ukraine, even to the point of purchasing swathes of land and resources to get a return on their “investments”.
$16 Trillion worth of natural resources in the Ukraine that these American/Global companies were expecting to own out of their support for the Ukraine.
Now they are pissed off and shitting themselves, now withdrawing all support for the Ukraine, only because most of those trillions of dollars worth of resources are now in the hands of the Russian occupied territories.
Funny how the west will support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens to fight for their greedy agendas to obtain their nations resources, and yet leave them at the drop of a hat when those resources are of no longer any value to them 
Anyrate… sorry about the rant and I understand that we all have different opinions on things, this is simply mine and all I can hope for is that the USA withdraws from their interest in countries where innocent people are dying from their own agendas and greed.