The Shit Pit

Im sorry but i gotta fix this for you.

3D printed guns that fire real rounds… which, aside from blowing up in your face or blowing your hand off

It WILL blow up, the layer lines in 3d printing make it weak, theres resin that makes it stronger then normal 3d printing but not shoot a bullet more then like once strong. For that you need to do alot more work.

Found some ‘appropriate’, car seat covers for you…

Squid appropriate…

Youth crime version…

4wd Camping mood booster…

The cops are giving you a cavity search, version…


And, the best for last…

You’re welcome…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

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Yeah… I know. Nothing to fix, you’re singing to the choir. :thinking:

Wouldn’t want you to be labouring under the misapprehension that I was advocating 3D printing functional firearms.

Sadly there are some numbnuts out there that would do just that… and they do. But they’re easily identified in the hospital emergency rooms by their first person gunshot wounds.

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You remeber my thread? that could get me done and trust me if anyone here would do such a stupid thing and fully make one and tell me you would end up in a cell so fast your head would spin.

The wonds you would get are basicly a giant shotgun blast, its why i shelved a few of my grenade ideas for now, hate hospitals and hate even more being the cause to go near the damned things.

Editing to add: those parts have since long been shredded down and remelted into filament to be reprinted when its not so damned hot.


ooo Trudaeu is slapping 25% tariffs on America for 155B of goods in return for Dumpsters tariffs.

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What is the point. Make Everything Expensive Again.

I’m tired boss - and its only the 2nd week?!?!

Feels like its a straight resumption from Jan 6th, like the full octane balls to the walls part 2 of the cliff-hanger. No more silly ramp ups.
Get laughed at the UN? Call a press conference with a marker on a weather map? Those were the good ole days.

I’d like to be a fly on the wall when Dumpster has his closed meeting with nVidia. Be about the trillions they just lost to Deepseek for a cheap Ai from China businessman instead of gold plated expensive crap that nobody can afford but they get rich.

Fk nVidia, new 50 series video cards coming out are $4-5 grand!! what the fuck. Thats ridiculous. Oh only $2 grand for a lower spec average one that’s not much better than last generation.

Good opportunity for AMD to get it right this time they could make a killing if they have it priced right. Most people don’t have that sort of cash to throw around. AMD are killing it with the CPU’s at the moment. We shall see in a month or 2.


I honestly believe that 2025 is going to be the year that sees the whole US economy collapse into the shithole gutter that it belongs in.

Tariffs on major trading partners, which are paid by the fkn American companies importing those essential products, NOT China, India, EU or whatever countries that export those products!

BRICS Nations abandoning the US Dollar through trade and stock markets.
BRICS Nations have consolidated their Gold Reserves tenfold, acquiring ACTUAL physical wealth, unlike the USA simply printing trillions of worthless paper dollars to boost their “economy”.

The United Arab Emirates have already left the American Petrodollar agreements and are now trading outside of US Government inflation and restrictions.

The USA destroyed the Nordstream Pipelines to shut off cheap Russian gas supplies to the EU to force them into having to buy/rely upon more expensive US gas supplies, which has plummeted Europe into financial and Industrial chaos at the benefit of boosting US gas exports and income.

The USA have ALWAYS relied upon creating Wars and conflicts to prop up their failing economy… but right now they don’t have many more wars that they can start and fund any further…,thank god!

$50 Billion “donated” to the Ukraine, of which $46 Billion was given to US Military Contractors within the USA to basically launder those funds straight back into the American economy, never sent overseas as “Aide” whatsoever :roll_eyes:

Funded by Blackrock, Vanguard and multiple big corporations that have “invested” in the Ukraine, even to the point of purchasing swathes of land and resources to get a return on their “investments”.

$16 Trillion worth of natural resources in the Ukraine that these American/Global companies were expecting to own out of their support for the Ukraine.

Now they are pissed off and shitting themselves, now withdrawing all support for the Ukraine, only because most of those trillions of dollars worth of resources are now in the hands of the Russian occupied territories.

Funny how the west will support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens to fight for their greedy agendas to obtain their nations resources, and yet leave them at the drop of a hat when those resources are of no longer any value to them :unamused:

Anyrate… sorry about the rant and I understand that we all have different opinions on things, this is simply mine and all I can hope for is that the USA withdraws from their interest in countries where innocent people are dying from their own agendas and greed. :cry:

Bravo! :clap:

Couldn’t have put it better myself, Doc. :+1:

Cheers…late night ramble after a few beers and having conversations with some mates overseas :grin:

I agree. I always said Dump is a business man and I meant it. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Global competition is what drives market prices. If the same thing is cheaper elsewhere then you have to compete to be in the market. What dump is doing by slapping tariffs on is forcing importers to look under their feet at the more expensive option which is no longer more expensive due to tariffs. It’s a vicious circle as it creates imbalance in Global market, some importers will cease trading all together, some will shift operations to avoid tariffs.

Why Australia has thousands of unsellable new import cars dumped here as the tariffs got relaxed, but there’s just not enough people to buy them. Some of those car importers are leaving the Australian market as they can’t sell at cost price. If you can’t sell at what it cost you to build it, then it’s not viable at all. Shut it down.

Supply and Demand. nVidia knows this and did a paper launch with very limited supply of their new gen 50 series video cards. So limited people can’t buy them with less than a thousand on launch day. Creates demand and the price goes way above MSRP. Suits nVidia fine as they don’t have to make a million of them and sell at their MSRP, just make a thousand and meh who cares. Their own board partners are raising prices as they only had days to make the new cards and release a working product. nVidia are being greedy, all about the money.

Interested to see the outcome of Trumps closed meeting with nVidia and their 600 billion stock wealth loss to Deepseek. Interested to see what Trump will do something I bet my 10 cents.

I like it, it’s called competition to drive prices down. If one company has the monopoly they can charge what ever they want for their product if demand is there for it.

Interesting times. Not real good for a pleb like me grinding away. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And now there’s an anti ICE protest shutting down an LA freeway. mmm :roll_eyes:

Today’s update… Zelenskyy not happy in an interview that he doesn’t know how they have only seen $75 billion actually make it into the Ukraine out of $175-$200 billion that was donated and he wants to know where that money went :thinking:

Trickle down economics mate :sweat_smile:

Straight in to manufacturing replacement and newer stuff at home. It’s not much in the grand scheme of it all.

Only took nVidia a couple hours to loose 3 times that amount :rofl:

Fatal shark attack at Woorim Beach, Bribie Island today, 17 year old girl. Very sad.

That’s the beach we often take our dogs to, also the beach where the wife occasionaly takes a dip when she feels like getting in the salty stuff. Well, it used to be.

Me, I’ve spent most of my life on or in the ocean… surfing, SCUBA diving, kite surfing, beach and boat fishing… which is why I wouldn’t swim in it these days. Seen just a bit too much of what’s swimming with you, especially these days with climate change driven warmer water temperatures.

The population of bull sharks has gone through the roof up here in Queensland… beach fishos at Moffat Beach and Caloundra are reporting losing at least every second fish to toothies lately. Boaties in Moreton Bay and Pumicestone Passage are saying the same thing.

Apparently a saltwater croc was sighted at Inskip Point today too… as if the bullies weren’t enough to worry about.

Between 1990-2000 we averaged 9 attacks per year.

Between 2010-2020 we averaged 22 per year.

The period between 2020-2030 is looking worse if the current trend continues.

I saw my first (juvenile) tiger (?) shark, at the wrecks, the other day.

Bound to happen, sooner or later.

I’ve seen wobbegong several times, mostly harmless unless provoked.
I was cruising past a wreck, came to a section of clear water…and there he was.

About 50% of my body height (1.8m) just cruising along slowly.

I looked at him, he looked at me…and he veered off.

I only got a side view, i dont know what species ( not black tip/ white tip reef shark), but closest match photos suggest tiger. Upper dorsal part of tail, was elongated and tapering upwards and back.

Bullsharks have squat, torpedo shaped bodies, so it wasn’t one of those…

Shame about the teenage girl, attacks are on the rise, its always a gamble EVERY time you get in the water. The only 100% way, to avoid, is never go in.

My summer runs are a early wake up, over there 6:30 am, half hour swim, and back by 8am . That avoids the sun and wind, but does place me there at an earlier time, at the end of their feeding time…sometimes alone.

If someone else is in the water, your chance of being targeted has gone down 50%…

Everything in life is a risk, your more likely to get broken into by some druggo junkie kid…

Like this…


Long, thin stretched body. I couldn’t see any banding, but they do have sand tiger sharks…

Pronounced tail.
Theyre more dangerous, if they have a Pro-Nouned tail…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Wheres that decoy squid, when you need him…??

Mate, NEVER EVER swim early morning late evening, that’s the prime time to be attacked by a Noahs Ark :astonished:

@Friendly_Fire , have they figured out what breed of shark was responsible?

It’s a terrible tragedy, but also an everyday risk that we all take when entering the waters.

Bull sharks are cunts, much more aggressive and likely to attack humans than any other breed.

Also doesn’t help that they infest both fresh and salt water, and also breed like rabbits :cry:

I aim to get there after 6:30…try to be in the water around 7am…

The sun is up, its been light for a few hours, so its coming out of there feeding time.

The big boys aren’t really interested in the smaller reef fish…but the jrs would certainly be…

I dont know how many 10s of thousands of tourists go swimming on the wrecks each year… but it would be heaps…

You’d have to be very unlucky, to get targeted…