The Shit Pit

Yeah fair points.
I’m just commenting as a West Australian who has been surfing all up and down the Northern and Southern Surf spots since the early 1980’s.

Anyone who Surfs or swims in our Oceans know to avoid sunrise, sunset, overcast, low light conditions, seaweed, sandy swell, cloudy waters or any conditions where visibility in the water is reduced.

Have surfed with thousands of sharks, dolphins and seals and never had any issues, simply because those creatures could clearly identify what was in the water with them and won’t attack anything that they can clearly see is not a good food source.

The reason I have a hatred for Bull Sharks is that they don’t care about what’s in the water with them, they are so much more aggressive than any other Shark species, they will attack first and ask questions later :astonished:

Turn them in to food sounds like a good idea :+1:

Explosive tipped, semi automatic, belt fed speargun…

Whos up for the challenge.?.?

Squiddys up for the test target…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

The population of bull sharks has gone through the roof up here in Queensland… beach fishos at Moffat Beach and Caloundra are reporting losing at least every second fish to toothies lately. Boaties in Moreton Bay and Pumicestone Passage are saying the same thing.

Damned tax man, sadly something i can confirm alot of sharks and rays up in the passage now. Even worse is its slowly becoming a dead zone where the old bar was, can flick plastics there all day and get zip because the top just wont wash out at all to often so it goes all stale and junky and gets worse after rain, great if you want to catch swimmers tho as they have basicly taken over that whole zone as theirs along with the damned jetski company that cares nothing for the speed limit. Im giving up even trying there and hunting newer grounds down the passage or upto marchydore. Editing to add: for refrence its the closest fishing to me, could never get me to live in caloundra, to many tourists and old folks for my liking.

Expect something like this to become more common aswell ‘Blown away by the colour’: beachgoers wowed by event

My guess would be a bully… they’re thick around here at the moment. Here’s one that was caught and released in Moreton Bay recently.

One fisho posted after a trip out in Moreton Bay that there were so many bull sharks around his boat while he was bringing in fish he could have walked on their backs and stayed dry.

And yeah, of all the sharks out there a bully is the one shark I wouldn’t want to share space in the water with. Very aggressive when they’re pupping.


Yeah, I’ve flicked soft plastics there a few times since the mouth silted up and got donuts too. Dead since Bribie split and the current flow stopped.

Shame, because it used to be a productive spot around Bullcock and Happy Valley beaches. Tarpon, trevs, grunter, snook, frogs… you name it. And live bait gathering used to be awesome with all the herring under the boardwalk. I haven’t seen the old boys with rhe centrepin reels getting stuck into the ludrick down there for a while either.

Golden Beach and the mouth of Bells Creek isn’t much better these days.

If i get taken…i’ll donate my gel blaster collection, for dispersion here…

Gotta watch out , for bloody @Deadsquid

Now, squiddy’s trailing chum off the back of my jetski, soaking my boardies in blood, clogging my snorkel with cyanide, filling my mask with pepper spray gas, and cutting my anchor rope, and disabling the xmit button, on my 2way…!!

While eyeing off my M60, and Qld residence…!!

Bloody Victorians…!!

On a different note, mum lost her drivers license yesterday…

She is aged, and doing the medical reviews.

She scored well, but one time test ( chart the path…number/ letter…ie 1 then A, 2 then B, 3 then C…all the way up to 15), she just went over the time limit.

Only by out 40 seconds, but that was enough.
They dont take the license away, she still has her license, but the doctors entered a note saying " Medically, we reccomend she doesn’t drive".

This effectively cancels her insurance.

So, driving with a current license, but no insurance is a huge risk.

She can go do a OT driving test… a half day affair…

That will cost $500-600 and they test you on…

Physical health.
Mental health battery of tests
Road rules knowledge
1 hr practical driving test.

All these ways, they can fail you…

I reckon some of us might not pass the road laws test…unless you have recently read the rulebook, you might not be familiar with all the numbers they use…ie what dist do you dip your lights, what distance seperation from preceeding vehicle, how far before an intersection do you indicate etc.

There is a difference between being safe, and memorising every number in their manuals…and then demonstrating it, on a driving test.

I suspect that they are told, for elderly drivers…“Any doubt, take them out”

Too many cars on the road etc…

So, i now have to sell Mums car.

Any interest , from people here…??

2013 Mazda 3 hatch, 65 000kms, auto, leather, blue, 2 new rear tyres , one owner from new, always garaged, great condition…
Thinking $9800…??

It’d be a good first car for a learner driver / uni student…

If noone’s interested here, the joys of FB marketplace await…

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I see a lot of FB Marketplace arseholes in your immediate future, BME. :roll_eyes:

You have my sympathy. is less traumatic… with better payment methods.

with much higher fees for selling, so i believe…

I’ll give FB a try… for shits and giggles if nothing else.

Think of it, as debating practise…time to bring out the aurgumentative hat…!!!

Fortunately, i have plenty of narcissist experience!! :rofl: :rofl:

Hi mate,

Interested in your Mazda 3… are you up for swaps?

I have a vintage Engel camping fridge/freezer and a shit-ton of fishing rods, mostly just missing runners but an easy fix. I’ll even throw in a bait bucket and rusty filleting knife. Great deal!

Are you negotiable on price? I’ll give you $3,000 cash, today. Done!

Send me your address… I’m in the WA mines atm, but I’ll get the UPS driver to drop around the money and pick it up.

Just getting you prepared for Marketplace, BME. :rofl:

Or this little gem…

Nice car… I’d really like to buy it but I don’t have any money.

Maybe in a week or two… I’ll message you and let you know.

Money talks
Bullshit walks.

Straight out the door, and keep on going…

In fact, you wont even get in the front door.

Lets meet up, outside the local police station, for an inspection.

Leave your knives, and your 3 mates, at home…

I had that about 5 years ago when I was trying to sell my old sub and amp

“I’ve just gotta go pick up my mates on the way, we’re going to dinner after we pick up the sub”

Met at a public place, a Macca’s, I got there early, gave no description of my vehicle, seen them rock up in and old shit box covered in rust, 3 bigger than myself blokes in the car, and I could see the one in the back holding a steel bar tapping it on his hand above window level, then I get a txt, “we’re here, silver hatchback”

I went through the drive through and grabbed a frozen coke and drove home

not today motherf##ker

Even Gumtree is full of scammers. Sold my Landrovers on there. Had people going bonkers within minutes of listing them.

One scammer did the old I’m working in mine up North trick, can you pay the transport fee of $1600 to some burner account. I said na you’ve got service pay it yourself or fuck off.
Ended up with a Barrister soon after and he was gold, sale done. Only up for a day :joy:

Have fun with it BME, as you know what to expect :rofl: :+1: Oh and do tell :grin:

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im throwing the feelers out, to see if anyone i know wants it.

Spoke to my property manager, about the above OT testing.

She said her son, had to answer 200 questions, to get his L’s.

She did a practise test, and failed it 3 times…!!
Memorising all their obscure numbers…

I have no doubt, that for people in their 30’s - 60’s who get a disability, they would help them to modify their vehicle to their needs, and help get them through.

Elderly people, im sure they would be told " Chop them at the first sign…get em off the roads".

Mum didn’t take too much persuasion, to not waste her money, and subject herself to the stress…


I was thinking of flicking into the canals down at golden beach/pelican waters aswell but starting to wonder if its even worth it with how little the tide would be moving in there but i dont know, might just make the journy to marochydore and that to fish instead.

I can see why a lot of younger people aren’t getting there licenses anymore. In Vic when you buy a car that’s registered and you transfer it to your name VicRoads only gives you 14 days to provide a roadworthy and pay them money. when you buy an older car like I did they tear you up on the inspection (not mechanics fault, bullshit rules) I have to get my seats reupholstered because apparently a small rip even with seat covers will kill people on the road, $300 down the drain. Dents are now also considered unroadworthy on a car that has the body sitting on a solid steel chassis like wtf. Won’t cost me anything but I didn’t want to be sanding bog for the whole weekend. Vic roads website says rear wipers aren’t a safety concern but it was apart of my roadworthy fail apparently.

Not only the roadworthy stuff but the pure cost, its 5k for the car, 100 or more in fuel per tank (to fill my car its 60 dollars if not more depending on price and its a small little thing that takes 2 weeks to go through that tank), thousands in insurance and the learning costs for driving schools and everything else before having to add on any bullshit roadworthy dings.

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$60 your lucky I was the cockhead who thought it was a good idea to buy a heavy diesel land cruiser on apprentice wages :rofl: