So if I was born here does that make me indigenous?
Bloody oath it does!
Just as indigenous as the indigenous people who were born here in the same year as yourself!
This is a touchy subject in this day and age, but I’ve many indigenous mates and they are of the same opinion.
It’s only modern woke PC crap that kicks up a shit fight regarding these types of comments.
Like Lidia Thorpe and co.?
Indigenous, yes…
First Nations, no…
Only way to distinguish these days.
First nation is a lie to me. Nation implies unity between tribes, a formal government, and all the trappings that come with it. Not to mention international recognition of sovereignty.
I don’t see evidence of that prior to European arrival.
The planet is 4.5 billion years old.
Ice ages have come and gone, the planet has been a frozen ball of ice for tens of thousands of years, and the world has emerged a different place after it all ends and recedes.
Species have come and gone, the age of dinosaurs, around for millions upon millions of years, has ended…and man has been around for about 10 000 years.
A blink of the eye, in geological terms.
To proclaim ownership…like we truly “own” the planet or its land… is ridiculous.
Race, division, greater rights of claim, and ultimately even the law itself…are all only constructs of the human mind.
We, as a species , could be extinct tomorrow, and the planet would not miss us.
Nuclear war and fires, pale in comparison to the forces of nature that shaped the planet for billions of years.
It pays to keep a sense of scale, and recognise its a miracle we even exist at all…
Truth be told, it’d probably chuck a big party and start riverdancing…
What was that itchy pimple…??
Oh it just popped …never mind…
The octo-cockroach hybrids will look back and think…
Foolish man-apes…you lost your hair, and gained just enough intelligence to destroy yourselves…!!
Though that previous statement is a conundrum…!
Another crash - no fatalities but holy crap upside down and no wings!
Waiting for aliens to show up.
Why would they bother.??
Didn’t you know that the Lizard People already walk amongst us!
Yep… I do
20 characters
Ummm anyone else getting this for X-force site?
Hitting verify gives me a message about windows defender that looks sketchy so didn’t go any further. Nothings been posted to their FB, not getting it on any other pages and even going to a previous page through history gives the same screen. Wonder if the nar-do-wells have gotten in or something.
testing and same issue. saying i have to run windows defender to fix it…
i smell a hack.
no but last night it was taking forever to load the website and it failed to load a few times.
then when I bought the bifrost this morning it failed the transaction through PayPal at first and returned an error but then it came good without trying again, it was weird
edit: just tried to browse the page again and it returned the same error you got
their website has kinda always been slow for me, but would load at least.
I only ever go on there to see anything new and what might be available cause I’d just go down to the North Lakes store then
Seems to be back to normal now