Often thought about taking up kayak fishing…
Not anymore
Yeah, Nah…
Just Nah…!!!
4.5M… Thats nearly 3 times the height, of an average human…!!
My mate is a marine pilot in gladstone.
He has friends who spearfish, in the area.
The Guy who was killed recently, was bitten by a 3 foot reef-shark.
He was at the back of the boat, loading in his catch, and the shark was agitated by the blood and the activity.
Bit him on the neck, severed an artery…dead in a few minutes.
I wont go fishing in anything less than a decent size boat…not on a jetski, for sure…
I’ll leave you, with a deleted scene from Jaws.
It was decided to be removed, as seeing a child being eaten would have been too traumatic.
That, and that which is unseen is even more threatening, as it leaves it all to your imagination…
He was very lucky that wasn’t him…
I could only imagine what it would be like , to behold a live Megaladon…
Just remember the ol’ SCUBA diver’s saying next time you’re snorkelling off Tangalooma…
On the bottom or underwater, you’re fine…
on the surface, you’re lunch.
I’d have no problem fishing from a jetski… although if a big bitey decided to have a nibble, not so good.
Better than a blown plastic kayak though
That’s what the powerhead was for
Now can’t have it
This is the reason why I buy my gear from Oz Gel & Tactical Supplies… ethical business practices.
Here’s his latest FB post.
Amusing thing about the drone article: few years back i noticed a empty nest, me being dumb and having brought at the time the fancy new dji mini tried to go check out the osprey nest and im still not sure what dropped faster: my heart rate of a new 600 dollar drone meeting its end in salt water or the drone itself, That crow was pissed off that i dared fly near it and its nest destroying activitys.
Speaking of drones…
The possibilities are endless… Ukraine-style UAV attacks of the local wildlife that seems to enjoy living under my highset.
nono u buy drone and drop grenades on people
Fun thing is you could rig that to be a thing with those impact ones, i dont think the cops or casa would agree with it tho even in a gelball setting along with every other fine casa would want to drop for unsafe drone operation.
For refrence, drone fishing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUji_gyJZzc im getting a new one for spot scouting.
I suspect you’re right… pretty sure the regs on UAVs are that they can’t fire projectiles of any kind.
I looked into it ehen I got a bee in my bonnet over building an RC plane with inbuilt gel blaster cannon… the conclusion I came to was “you can’t do that, boyo!”
Hmm and the rules for drones nix that straight away…
You must keep your drone at least 30 meters away from other people.
You must not fly over or above people. This could include beaches, parks, events, or sport ovals where there is a game in progress.
You can its just pain to get the stuff aka your remotely piloted aircraft operators certificate that takes you to 15 meters max with consent https://www.casa.gov.au/drones/flight-authorisations/flying-over-and-near-people#Operationsbetween30mand15mofaperson(noCASAapprovalrequired)
I find the 150kg weight limit amusing as hell because thats basicly a giant flying buzzsaw with the propellers and motors required to lift it at that weight, not to mention the bugger off battery size not not instantly go flat just starting the motors up.
This is only lifting 100kg for refrence.
mmhmm and they’ll be doing risk assessments and risk mitigation written reports before every game. Yea right
Woohoo, I’m back!
Anybody miss me?
Lots to catch up on and hope all is well
My home for the last week and no phone reception to annoy me!
neighbours are a bit too close for my liking…!
Enjoy the great outdoors…!!
Luckily the closest neighbours we had were Blue Wrens, Black Cockatoos, Currawongs, Brown Trout, Redfin Perch, Marron, Kookaburras, Possums, Kangaroos, Brush Tailed Wallabies, Emus and hundreds of bloody March flies and Horse Flies
It’s normally just my bag, swag, folding chair and Esky, but now my back is fckd, I can’t use my Swag anymore, so borrowed this stretcher bed thingy off my sister to get me off the ground and up to a more manageable level
Nice one, does good to go off grid for awhile.
Glad you got the first aid kit with you. I always take mine need to keep the fluids up!
Top spot with the ferns and everything
Great looking spot, Doc!
Birds, fish, marsupials… what’s not to like?
You can keep the march flies though… hate those bastards.
This area in the Westralian hills is where my family originates from.
It’s our backyard and always joke that it’s our whitefella tribal land that our family has been a part of since the 1800’s.
I had to part with some closely guarded secrets as to how to survive March flies in the bush.
I won’t get into it, but I never had a single bite in the whole week, and shared this knowledge with only a couple of tourists that we met out on our day trips into other regions.
A couple of hundred years of local knowledge goes a long way to enjoying your time in the bush, especially when seeing others suffering so much from the local wildlife!