Reminds me of the Light Vehicle Department at the Alumina Refinery I used to work at.
We didn’t just do light vehicles, pretty much every piece of wheeled machinery on site.
We used to climb up the ladder to access engine panels on huge LIEBHERR Cranes, Articulated Loaders, Dump Trucks etc, and when the new falls protection laws came into place, we had to build a massive big open front workshop out on the forecourt basically for no other reason than to have something solid overhead to be able to attach the newly required harnesses to.
This was a bit tricky, as all the different machinery was at all different heights, depending on whether working on top of a CATERPILLAR Loader, or massive Cranes, they obviously required different work heights depending upon the machine.
The useless Safety Suits in the office came up with a retractable locking wire rope feeder, which had a nylon rope hanging from the floor to the ceiling, because when unhitched, the attachment wire would retract all the way to the roof beam mounted mechanism.
So would pull down on the nylon rope to bring the wire cable and hook down to be able to attach to our harnesses, then loop up the fly rope and tie off to the side of harness.
Then as you climbed up onto the machine the wire safety cable would retract with you, keeping it taught and above your head at all times.
If you had a fall, the ratchet mechanism would kick in and lock the wire safety cable.
Sounds awesome doesn’t it!
No… bloody stupid idea that put my respect for safety officers right up there with fucking Engineers! 
The retractable reels were on a Gantry Beam, and was only two running on the Beam, meant that only two people could access the machine at the same time, which some jobs required more than two people most of the time, and these harnesses and ropes severely restricted movement, kept getting tangled up in overhead crane booms, exhaust stacks and everything inside the engine bays etc.
On top of that, couldn’t walk past one another from the beam trolleys smacking into each other, requiring us to each “pick and end” to work on… but hey, why bother asking us about the actual real life situation when it looks so awesome on paper and the fucking PowerPoint presentations.
It took us mechanics several meetings, having to get out our crayons and Butchers Paper to try and drum into these dimwits how basic mathematics and a simple tape measure works! 
If you add the height of the vehicle, then subtract the distance the wire safety cable drops before the ratchet mechanism kicks in, minus the distance the tear away soft brake stitching section of the harness before it brings you to a complete stop, then deduct the “stretch” at the full weight end pull…
…all added up to us being about a full metre below the concrete apron before the fall arrest system and harness would reach full drop. 
Not to mention the additional danger and difficulty we had having to roll up and tie off the bloody long nylon fly rope around our waist, which kept getting snagged up on different parts of the machinery and actually causing us to lose our balance on many occasions.
After months of arguing and the pencil pushers coming up with even more stupid ideas and implements to add to the whole clusterfuck of a system, we just quietly made some adjustable rolling “gates” that we were able to wheel alongside any piece of machinery to form a “Safety Fence” that made it impossible to fall off any part of the machines whatsoever and leave us free of the encumbrances of trying to crawl in and around huge engines with harnesses and ropes binding us up everywhere! 
That huge big dollar open workshop became redundant with no longer using the harnesses to hook up to, but it certainly was nice being undercover when working on all this big shit outside in the wind, rain and blazing sun!