The Shit Pit

Sounds like a very screwed up individual.

Regardless of what belief system you choose to follow, you don’t have the right to shove it down other peoples throats.

Let alone, young developing children.

Do what you want on your own time, but leave all that at home, when you are dealing with young children…

Now that does not surprise me at all. Far out how do they let this happen. Young children are very vulnerable, easily influenced, or does that not matter anymore. :slightly_frowning_face:

um… not gel blasters but yeah… gel blaster turrets with glow gels mounted on vehicles for skirmishes, that’d be the go

that’d be sic

Apparently not…

The same school made an issue of my granddaughter wearing a nose stud to school because “it doesn’t meet the school’s standards of appearance.” :roll_eyes: It’s okay to dress up like a cat if you’re a teacher though.

If one of the students turned up wearing ears, started licking the backs of their hands and acting like a cat the school would be recommending a psych evaluation.

Being a “furry” is indulging a fetish… if you allow that sort of shit what do you do when one of the teachers turn up in dominatrix gear and starts carrying a cat’o’nine tails whip?

Hypocracy… although it’s been dealt with now, it seems. :man_shrugging:

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It annoys me a lot these days as if you voice your oppinion of abnormality you get called racist and this that and sundry with no repercussions.

Like I’ve said before, I consider myself not racist even though I get called such. Just because I’m not interested in what you do, does not make me racist in my books and I’ll stick to my own beliefs as I do not force them upon anyone. Nick off, mind your own business and don’t force your ways on to me and we’ll get along fine.

I’m ok with people having a choice to be who they want to be. Live the life you want but realize other people live in this same space time continuum along with Doc and Marty and not everyone is the same.

I wanted to be a maintenance fitter when I left school. I didn’t jump up and down and make a big song and dance about it or force others must be like me. Or give a stuff when I get looked down upon for being a fitter n turn’her into shit by Engineers that couldn’t design a roll of toilet paper :rofl:

I like females for a partner. Males for mates, and some females as well.

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I was arguably “lucky” enough to be educated through the private school system up until I decided to leave and take up an apprenticeship in fitting and machining because I didn’t like the fake bullshit I was surrounded by every day.

You wouldn’t believe the shit I copped from some of the priveliged arseholes I loosely called classmates. One actually told me in a very condescending tone that he thought it was a good idea because he’d need “people like me to service his fleet of BMWs” when he became the CEO of his own company.

Another told me that I’d end up filthy and poor all my life and wind up living in a slum.

You can understand why I wanted to get out of that pretentious shithole of a school and get out working in the real world. Best life decision I ever made.

Best decision ever. You can have the last laugh as I can bet those people are meth heads and don’t own a god damn thing anymore. The easy money will get people a lot of the time.

I get satisfaction after doing a hard job, yeah it’s tuff sometimes, but when I get the end result I was after it is very satisfying. It’s free too, that getting off your couch Potatoe thing :rofl:

Thinking about safety harnesses, for getting on the roof, to clean my solar panels.

Saw this on ebay.

Okaaayyy… backs away from the computer…

I think it would cop some wear and tear, on mardi gras night…

It’s a good idea, I used to wear them at work.

Just think about where you are going to attach the harness to when you are up there, the lanyard length as well. So if you slip and go straight to full lanyard length… where is that at.

If you use the waist points be prepared to end up side down hanging in the air as that is below most humans cog. The point up by the shoulders keeps you right way up.

With this type you end upright.

I wouldn’t trust anything on ebay unless stated to be up to standard.

It was a joke where I used them at work. Boss said when working on top of the presses 40+ft in the air, for OHS regs we have to wear a harness. We said but there is nowhere to attach them too, a rusty old air line won’t cut it. Boss said doesn’t matter just have them on so it looks good. No shit :roll_eyes: :person_facepalming:

We eventually got to welding on proper attachment points on top of the presses after complaining about it for a couple years. Stupid safety rule they brought in when we were above 2M (was awhile ago might have been 3 can’t remember) we had to put a safety harness on, yes that included ladders too which half way up all ladders was required safety harness with fresh air to attach to :rofl:

Reminds me of the Light Vehicle Department at the Alumina Refinery I used to work at.

We didn’t just do light vehicles, pretty much every piece of wheeled machinery on site.

We used to climb up the ladder to access engine panels on huge LIEBHERR Cranes, Articulated Loaders, Dump Trucks etc, and when the new falls protection laws came into place, we had to build a massive big open front workshop out on the forecourt basically for no other reason than to have something solid overhead to be able to attach the newly required harnesses to.

This was a bit tricky, as all the different machinery was at all different heights, depending on whether working on top of a CATERPILLAR Loader, or massive Cranes, they obviously required different work heights depending upon the machine.

The useless Safety Suits in the office came up with a retractable locking wire rope feeder, which had a nylon rope hanging from the floor to the ceiling, because when unhitched, the attachment wire would retract all the way to the roof beam mounted mechanism.

So would pull down on the nylon rope to bring the wire cable and hook down to be able to attach to our harnesses, then loop up the fly rope and tie off to the side of harness.

Then as you climbed up onto the machine the wire safety cable would retract with you, keeping it taught and above your head at all times.

If you had a fall, the ratchet mechanism would kick in and lock the wire safety cable.

Sounds awesome doesn’t it!

No… bloody stupid idea that put my respect for safety officers right up there with fucking Engineers! :rage:

The retractable reels were on a Gantry Beam, and was only two running on the Beam, meant that only two people could access the machine at the same time, which some jobs required more than two people most of the time, and these harnesses and ropes severely restricted movement, kept getting tangled up in overhead crane booms, exhaust stacks and everything inside the engine bays etc.

On top of that, couldn’t walk past one another from the beam trolleys smacking into each other, requiring us to each “pick and end” to work on… but hey, why bother asking us about the actual real life situation when it looks so awesome on paper and the fucking PowerPoint presentations.

It took us mechanics several meetings, having to get out our crayons and Butchers Paper to try and drum into these dimwits how basic mathematics and a simple tape measure works! :roll_eyes:

If you add the height of the vehicle, then subtract the distance the wire safety cable drops before the ratchet mechanism kicks in, minus the distance the tear away soft brake stitching section of the harness before it brings you to a complete stop, then deduct the “stretch” at the full weight end pull…

…all added up to us being about a full metre below the concrete apron before the fall arrest system and harness would reach full drop. :astonished:

Not to mention the additional danger and difficulty we had having to roll up and tie off the bloody long nylon fly rope around our waist, which kept getting snagged up on different parts of the machinery and actually causing us to lose our balance on many occasions.

After months of arguing and the pencil pushers coming up with even more stupid ideas and implements to add to the whole clusterfuck of a system, we just quietly made some adjustable rolling “gates” that we were able to wheel alongside any piece of machinery to form a “Safety Fence” that made it impossible to fall off any part of the machines whatsoever and leave us free of the encumbrances of trying to crawl in and around huge engines with harnesses and ropes binding us up everywhere! :raised_hands:

That huge big dollar open workshop became redundant with no longer using the harnesses to hook up to, but it certainly was nice being undercover when working on all this big shit outside in the wind, rain and blazing sun! :joy:

HAHA that sounds exactly familiar…

Like that morning I clocked in just before 6am to start, walking through the next door section I was a bit early and not many of the other 100 or so were there yet trickling in.

I hear this help, help I need help. So I’m looking around where, na look up here I’m up here!
Here’s the bloody night shift maintence fella dangling from an overhead crane upside down in his harness 60ft in the air. Been there for 6 hours. I said oh shit, hang on I’ll get the forklift with safety pallet. Had to move the o/head crane to a spot where the fork could go inbetween the presses on ground. He was ok, oh man. He slipped on the oil up there and tripped on the lanyard and went over.

Also just popped in here to show this

Now that’s pretty cool against the drone problem :+1:

Funny you showed that clip, as I was having this same exact discussion with my sister yesterday, mainly after seeing many videos of Hawks, Eagles and even Magpies attacking Drones.

I was joking about getting rich by starting a business with the Russians supplying Wedgies or Maggies to the Military!

Would fit straight in with their current teams of Camels and Donkeys :rofl:

That poor bloke was lucky to be alive after left hanging in a harness for that long.

We were warned about the dangers of harnesses back in my Abseiling days, how the leg straps can cut off the blood flow to the femoral arteries in your groin :astonished:

The first harnesses they forced us to wear had no fkn leg straps!! Waist and shoulder straps. You can guess what happens when it’s used, if your arms don’t fold up and you slip out and go splat on the ground you are hanging there getting strangled by the waist belt slipped up around your neck :rofl: Fkn hell it was a clusterfuk. Created more danger than nothing at all.

An apprentice, which was left alone wrongly should have had a full timer with him, was checking the overhead cranes 415v power lines. Well he forgot to isolate them didn’t he. Hit the live ones and blew him out of the cherry picker bucket dangling from his harness 40ft in the air dangling again upside down. Somebody else had to monkey up the cherry picker to lower it because of the lockout for movement is in the bucket.

Current cherry pickers usually have a ground control override these days from what I’ve seen, which is needed for situations like the above.

Yes, they all have the ground controls these days for that exact reason!

Wow, did he finish his apprenticeship, or give up and became a Florist :rofl:

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No he didn’t as he was hospilitized. Poor bugger was only 2nd year apprentice. Lost track what he went on to do. Guess being an electrician was no longer on the cards. All because of rush rush, too much work, do it yesterday and not enough people to do it.

That’s not good :cry:
As much as I bag the safety department, there’s a reason why there’s less people who don’t get to home at the end of the day than what there used to be that’s for sure :+1:

Yes, I think we’ve all seen those small manufacture shops in places like India. No nothing, thongs, loose robes to get caught in lathes. Just everything wrong. What’s PPE :thinking: :person_facepalming: :joy:

That’s how they make things faster and cheaper. Safety equipment slows production and cost extra money. Simple as that.

Sometimes you just have to ignore the bosses and do things the way you know is best.

Years ago I worked for a company that fabricated and fitted service bodies to commercial utes and 4x4s… tradie utes, etc.

They’d go to all the trouble of making up heavy duty ladder roof racks, getting them square, straight and level so they could be bolted to the roof of the vehicles… then send them out for hot gal dipping. Came back like bananas… der!

Three mounting pads per rack, two outside one in the middle. Their solution when they realised they had an 8mm gap to the outside mount pads was to upsize the bolts from 8mm to 10mm and torque the living shit out of them to pull them down to the roofline. Tradies were coming back with sheared bolts every other day.

I told them the easiest solution was to make up packers for the outside pads so the rack wasn’t stressed when tightened down… or maybe redesign the rack to allow for distortion after dipping. They said no, waste of time and money, just go bigger again with the bolts. No clue.

I just said f@ck that, triggered my OCD, so I guillotined up some packers, punched holes in them and did it the right way anyway. None of the racks I fitted ever came back, 75% of the racks the other fitters did would be back with broken bolts in a month.

Couldn’t tell them, wouldn’t listen to logic… and because I ignored their instruction to just use oversize bolts they let me go… told me I was applying too much of an aircraft industry approach to an issue that didn’t have to be that complicated. :roll_eyes:

I don’t think either pilot saw the movie dodgeball