The Shit Pit

This shit is insane!
Certainly doesn’t add to my faith in flying when people like this are involved. :astonished:

That trailing Jets having to do a last second low level go around is just asking for trouble :pensive:

All about the money. Too much greed today, fucks everyone and everything, no equality. Self important no bodies think they are owed everything and take it.

On another note, jeez Trump keeps going, now talking relocating Palestinians out of Gaza to somewhere else entirely. :crazy_face: Taking over Gaza and develope it. Haha

I’m sure @BME would agree :joy:

I think Donny Duck wants to develop a bit of a resort on the Gaza coast for rich Isreali businessmen. :rofl:

I like the way he glibly commented about how “you can’t live there now”… no shit Sherlock.

Trump Tower wouldn’t be too inviting either if it had been bombed into the stoneage like Gaza. :laughing:

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He’s not having much luck with Canada, Mexico and Greenland… I know Gaza will do. It’s going to be magnificent :joy: :rofl: beautiful shore front resorts :rofl:

What cracks me up is he thinks the people of Gaza can just “go live somewhere else”. :laughing:

No grasp on the complexities of the Middle East whatsoever.

He seriously wants to turn it into a new Riviera. :rofl:

I’m running a book… how long can he last before they 25th Ammendment his arse back to Trump Tower? :laughing::laughing:

haha I watched it this morning.

Nobody is going to want to take them in, definitely not Europe as Trumps fucked them off no end. His only hope is maybe the Saudis with a rub n tug deal.

Just reading about Canada is a major manufacturer of F35 parts from day 1 and has 88 on order to begin delivery in 2026. I think that might have got a mention along with the billion dollar daily that goes across the border in resources to America, Oil, Uranium etc etc

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Cunt out-cunts Cunt – The Chaser

:rofl: :rofl:

Wasn’t fully empty but was $120 for a fill up which is really good considering age, weight etc. really good considering diesel is $2 a litre for some ungodly reason but diesel burns slow as far as I’m aware so a tank lasts a good while and I could be wrong but I think manuals save fuel aswell. As for insurance and rego since I’m considered a dying trade I get free rego which is finally a good government program and the landcruiser I have the 105 series was one of the most popular cars in Australia so there’s a surplus of parts which means my insurance is fairly reasonable considering I’m a p plater bloke. When I’m fully licensed and touring Australia for a year with my mates the insurance will probably only cost $1000-$1700 for full comp. Hopefully in 4 years time when I’m ready to travel Australia the government has cut the electric shit car program so the support for heavy old diesels is high and infrastructure for getting reasonably priced diesel is well established. Most of the rwc shit is currently being sorted just didn’t want to be taking window tints off and changing fluids on my time off on the weekend because it’s a pain in the ass. The car is mechanically beautiful so it’s now just about me putting some love into it to turn it from a farm truck into a built tourer.

Generally Diesel will use less L/klm than petrol for the same vehicle.

Diesel fuel price is more stable and less prone to daily fluctuations at the pump. I buy it by the 1000’s get a semi fuel truck delivered for no cost on delivery.

Diesel does not go off like petrol does.

Auto’s, the older 3 and 4 speed autos can be less efficient but the newer 6-10 speed autos can be more efficient as they have more gears to keep you in an efficient rev range.

Diesel can be slower than petrol, less power. The newer high pressure common rail are finicky with clean diesel. Really need a pre filter is a must. Seen quite a few destroyed Diesels due to poor quality fuel.

Some boost does well with a diesel, mostly standard today.

Yep, good old fashioned pre common rail/electronics diesels can pretty much run on everything from kerosene to cooking oil😜

Don’t know if I’ll ever completely fill the aftermarket Alloy long range tank in my Pootrol though, 160 litre tank at $2 ltr :face_exhaling:

Definitely use a secondary fuel filter and proper water traps and won’t have any issues travelling the wild brown land @Deadsquid :ok_hand:

My sister is waiting for her hound dog to pass away in a few months, then we will both be taking off on a big lap without any time restraints or plans except point East and just keep going! :sunglasses::kangaroo::australia:

It’s no wonder kids these days are turning out the way they are when you have f***wits like this as teachers

Looks like a him…!!

what the hell is happening to the world.?.?


My step grand-daughter goes to that school… knows that teacher.

According to her most of the students laugh it of and view her as just another nutter. :laughing:

It’s all good, I drank some off water the other week and pissed out my ass 30 times before 11am too.

Boil the water and filter it and I’m all good. No fever, hose ass all stopped in 6 hours. Fantastic. Bulk billed myself :wink:

Never forget one time camping out bush with the kids, and had a hard time trying to tell my young bloke with his mental disability not to drink the river water whilst we were swimming.

He couldn’t understand of course, but the poor fella had one helluva night when we were woken around 2:30 a.m. by him crying and having a river running down his legs.

The missus was panicking and wanting to drive him 200+ kays to the nearest hospital for help!

I said no way I was driving that far through the bush at that time of night and that he was perfect fine, only had a case of the squirts from the river water that had a slight salt content.

Sure enough he came good eventually, and after a good drink and a cuddle he eventually went back to sleep.

Didn’t stop the little bastard drinking the river water though!

Yea, just got to think. I was getting crossed up as I had similar trouble when I got that nasty covid shit that took me out for 4 months.

Docs said I just had long covid as it kept coming back. Similar symptoms, fever, nose running. And hose arse. No matter if I ate concrete. This been off and on for year and half now.

I thought right what have I been ingesting, bread, nothing rich, racking my brain. Heaps of water in the mostly 45c days of recent 10-15ltrs per day of rainwater that my whole house is on.

Then I got thinking as I clean the screens out on the tanks and the gutters there’s been an above average amount of dead birds, bird shit and tree leaves due to the high winds for the last 14 months along with out of season rains and long dry spells dumping dirt and shit off the roof straight in to the tanks, some 90k ltr total storage I have which is way more than enough for my fresh water needs.

So I said fuk it, try boiling the water and just drink that see what happens. Boom stopped within 6 hours. My arsehole was red roar from days of pissing out of it. Fever went straight away.

I tried some paracetamol for the fever and double dosed 650mg and that did nothing for the fever. I never take tablets as I don’t get sick. So I knew something was wrong somewhere in my chain.

So it must be tainted water, fine once I now boil it and I’ve bought a 10ltr water filter dispenser and I’m fine. I really want a house filter with UV light filtration would be great but I have not got a spare $1500+ handy. So fk it boil it I will :+1:

While we’re on the subject of shitting through the eye of a needle…

Me and my two kids went camping one time down in Vic with a woman I was seeing once… she had three young kids. We had to set up a pop up campervan and two tents in 38°C… not fun.

Anyhoo, to stop everyone from passing out we sent the kids to the beach while we set up. Whenever they came back we’d send them up to the campground water tanks with four litre bottles every hour to fill up so we didn’t dehydrate. The campground had two big water tanks side by side, one for suitable for drinking, the other for everything else… clearly marked at the outlet which one was which. Can’t blame the young kids but you can guess which tank we drank out of all day. :roll_eyes:

Everybody got sick… two adults, five kids. It was a night from hell, gotta say. If it wasn’t dealing with a poonami it was cleaning up projectile hurling… all night. The next day when I filled up the water bottles from the right tank, I got some water in a cup up from the no-no tank… cup full of mosquito larvae waving hello back at me.

That combined with the campervan filling up with sandflies overnight and everyone waking up looking like we had leprosy cut that little Christmas holiday short. A trip to the local doctor with one of the kids with an infected sandfly bite and we find out the whole coast was going through an unusually bad sandfly period. Her arm was almost paralysed and she was a bee’s dick away from needing IV antibiotics in hospital.

Then we got torrential rain for two days, everything got soaked and the camping ground laundry, which had two dryers running on LP gas, shut down because of a lack of LP. We packed everyone up and went home, returned two days later, took down the campsite and buggered off back to civilization.

Like I said, the family holiday from hell.You can stick Waratah Bay up your arse… I’ll never go back there again.

Turns out “Miss Purr” is a guy… :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Yeah, there was a better picture of her/him that I couldn’t download. It showed beard stubble on the edge of the face.