The Shit Pit

One of the gelball community was involved in this fatal scooter crash

Wewies i can only imagine squid ink

Pisser Hobbyking AU shut it’s doors, used to get some leccy connectors alot of bits and bobs, and few foamy planes to have fun with. Buggered if I’m paying the $$ from the global warehouse that takes months to come. Oh well, bye bye

Damn that sucks, I got all my good batterys from them


hmm I got an email said they were closing a store, maybe not all as batteries are still available :man_shrugging:

i checked there website, i think they are just selling off whatever they already have there before they shut it



Can you believe it…!!!

Turned on the tv this morning…a gel blaster arrest in Perth.

a SWAT team was called in, to arrest a man…dressed as a SWAT team member, with a gun.

Turns out he was a stripper, and had a gel blaster as part of his perfomance…

Dont put your weapons, on display…

Also, a red towel , was found in his kit… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

[quote=“BME, post:28, topic:63”]
Also, a red towel , was found in his kit… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:[/quote]

I ain’t that young and fit mate :roll_eyes:
Unless the women are getting off on middle aged Dad bods these days :thinking::joy::+1:

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That’s some pretty drama inducing “reporting” when they call it a “firearm” and bang on about the absolute bullshit comments made by Papalia saying that the criminals were converting plastic toys into “real firearms” :rage:

Sensationalism designed to raise fear within the community :frowning:

Arrest him for normal firearm offences that we already had before the blaster bans that already prohibited “carrying a “firearm” in public to cause fear”……… again, banning Gel Blasters has NOT required changes in ANY Laws that were already in place whatsoever :roll_eyes:

My Blaster, my responsibility and the local Blaster field and CQB Clubs already taught this to all owners and members.

This is just sheer stupidity that is hurting our continuing legal battle to get the laws changed across Australia :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Could be interesting


Funny that you just put that up
My friend (yes I have some) and I were just talking about this today
He asked if I could bring 3 of his army bikes up on a trailer
While he drives his army jeep up with another two of his bikes

I also found, my remake, of Khe sahn…( day of ban)…

This was a decent, bit of work…

I handed in my blaster, on the Day of Ban
And my soul was sold with my Glock17, to the eastern states man
I’ve had Vietnam cold turkey
As I threw away my m-16’s
And it’s only other vets could understand

About the long forgotten 30 day guarantees
How there were no extended warranties, Past that day July three
How we sailed into Sydney Harbor
Saw a politician, but I couldn’t get through to her
She was lying, and I was home to the lucky land

And she was like so many pollies from that time on
Their lives were all so empty, till they found a group to persecute for fun
And their mouths were often open
But their minds were always closed
And their votes were held in fast suburban chains

And the legal pads were yellow, hours long, pay packets lean
People now on the dole , where gel businesses once had been
Nerf gvns make me jumpy
And I never stopped the dream
Or the growing need for indoor speedplay games

So I played across the country from end to end
Tried to find a state to settle down, where the mixed up laws make sense
Held a job down in tasmania
Shooting Sci-fi models when I could
Oh but the nightlife nearly drove me round the bend ( Not a Lie)

And I’ve travelled round the world from year to year
And each one found me angry, at the ban we should not bear
And I’ve been back to South East Asia
Plenty of blasters up there
But I’m drifting north, to check things out again, yes I am

Well the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
And only seven flying hours, and I’ll be blasting at Spec Ops
And there aint nothing like the plinking,
On a pimply faced adolescent princess
I’m gonna hit some running targets all night long

Well the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
You know the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
And it’s really got me worried
We gunna lose our blasters in a great big hurry
And the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
Well the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
You know the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone
And it’s really got me worried
We gunna lose our blasters in a great big hurry
You know the last plane out to Queenslands almost gone


And of course, when Jazzy had her Sig stolen…

Alright stop, grab the door and listen
someones knocking with a serious intention
Someone, hits up the missus tightly
Had a fight with the fam, can I stay for the night please?
Will it ever stop? Yo, I don’t know
Missus let him in, cause i’m too slow
To the extreme, I’ll fix you up on the couch now
Light fingered chumps, are their own greedy downfall

I Sleep, you check the cabinet that booms
Unaware of your fate, impending ominous doom
Deadly, is what you intend to do to me
Lifting a SIG 226 is a punishable felony
Love it, but leave it, or better gangway
You better leave town soon, the kid don’t play
If there was a problem, yo, I’ll solve it
Sharpen up my hook, while my bikies revolve it

Not nice baby,
Vanilla Not nice baby
Vanilla Not nice baby
Vanilla Not nice baby

Now that the bikers are jumping
With the gear kicked in, and the blood pressure is pumping
Quick to the point, to the point, no faking
Sort it out quick, don’t involve the bacon
Burning him, if you ain’t quick and nimble
I go crazy when I hear a slide pull
And a blow back, with a souped up ammo
I’m on a roll, it’s time to go solo

Rollin’ with my .45
Wondering if its worth, keeping this sucker alive
The bikers on standby, waiting with a mean smile
“Did you stop?” No, I just drove by
Kept on, pursuing to the next shop
I busted a left, and I’m heading to the next block
The block was dead, yo
So I continued to A1A, Pawnshop Avenue

Store was hot wearing less than bikinis
My Sig out the front, in between a pair of uzi’s
Jealous, 'cause I’m reclaiming mine
But i’m not paying for it, a second time
Ready for the cameras on the wall
The camera are low res, wont capture my action at all
Gellshots rang out like a bell
I grabbed my nine, all I heard were gells
Falling on the concrete real fast
Jumped in my car, slammed on the gas
Bumper to bumper, the town is packed
I’m trying to get away before the lipo goes flat
Police on the scene, you know what I mean
They passed me up, confronted the light fingered thief
If there was a problem, yo, I’ll solve it
Sharpen up my hooks while the bikers revolves it

Not nice baby,
Vanilla Not nice baby
Vanilla Not nice baby
Vanilla Not nice baby


Aah the memories. A long re-read but totally worth it!

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abcd efgh ijklm opqrst

Hmmm… lets see,

A small sub-Compact p99…


A, 1911, with a 2 inch compensater…

what will keep the wifey, the most happy…!?

Shit pit discussion, please… :slight_smile:

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Buy first and massage later solves most wifey problems

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but, what if they want, …
…the Mac-never happy meal…??!


I’d refer that to the manager and get a refund or replacement…