The Shit Pit

It’s always something I have always done in life………about giving people a hand up, not a hand out.

The “criminal” I had contact me and have had many meetings with in the last few weeks is fully supported by the whole youth justice system, law courts, police, government and many very wealthy individuals here in Western Australia to fund the whole programme.

My last meeting was Sunday just gone, now going through working out the training and certifications required for both of us to keep moving forward to get this all funded through the government and off the ground :+1:

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Good stuff…keep us updated…!!

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Just turned on the news…
Mother of 4 stabbed to death, near Caboolture…
27 years old…
Fuck me…


I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye.
So if you kill some one it should be an automatic death trial needed.
And Australia should have the same rule as the states
Three felony strikes and it life in prison.
I am so fed up with offenders using the poor me clause.
Mental disorders
Drug Dependency
Poor upbringing
Just to mention a few
All these are just excuses to navigate a lesser charge.
One of the worst thing society did was to abolish smacking your kids.
This allows youth crime and violent crime to run rampant.
Because there is no repercussion for there action.
This is one of the best way to deal with it


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

The justice system has to be better than the thugs and criminals it deals with. Death sentences have proven to have no effect on crime, and in fact a negative correlation when crimes other than murder are penalized with death (the criminal knows that killing witnesses will attract the same judgement as leaving them alive).

It’s also extremely expensive to execute someone, as in order to ensure you’re not executing innocent people you have to give even the guilty ones appeals. And even then, the US government has executed people who were exonerated after they were killed. I don’t trust the Australian government enough to never, ever get it wrong, even with an extensive appeals process. I’d rather just lock murdering bastards up for 12+ years.

Reforming a prisoner isn’t a mercy, either. It’s to stop them being a miserable drain on society, rather than spending your tax dollars in gaol/court/a divvy van. Stop them from ever murdering again via that means, and they start contributing money back into the economy, instead.

Pair it with restorative justice (like, making them work 6 hours of saturday+sunday road trash pick ups for 30 years after they get out) and you even have soft surveillance on them forever more. Even the retributive justice fellers get to feel good, because all that work is no picnic.

Edit: That said, concealed carry for legal self defense, yes please. I do believe lethal force is warranted when someone’s life, limb, or liberty are under direct and imminent threat. Extensive training, and current licensing laws would lend to that being quite successful here.

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Now we’ve got an underground vigilante movement asking for volunteers to patrol the streets, imposing their own curfew on youths after dark. Their flyer stated that any youths caught outside during curfew hours will be “disciplined”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m drfinitely no bleeding heart liberal saying we should wrap kids in cottonwool, criminal kids should get an arse kicking and go straight to the juvie. But vigilantes are definitely not the answer. These guys can’t know with any certainty that whatever kids they pull up are up to no good… they’re uninformed, fired up and justifiably fed up with the out if control youth crime rate. They’re not judge, jury and executioner though. Not to mention, some of these kid’s parents are worse than them. Their kids get hassled and “disciplined” by vigilantes, the next night dad and his crackhead mates are out driving around looking for payback… and I wouldn’t trust them to know the difference between a vigilante and some poor bastard buying a post- afternoon shift drink.

On the news tonight, a 19 year old man pulled over for chasing a car he “believed” was stolen… he didn’t know for sure. Police found “edged weapons” in the car.

I don’t have the answer to the crime problem… the politicians sure don’t, the police don’t… but I can spot a recipe for disaster when I see it.


20 years ago, our country was a (better) / different place…

What The Fuck Happened…??

No-one , wishes to be, like the way we are now…


I really dont know, what the answer is…
Australia, always had , a robust social support network…

No-one would starve, or be homeless…unless they made really, really bad choices…

Nowadays…we have working people, living in tents/cars…
Kids running , violently amok…

This isn’t the country, i signed up to…
Lets not go down the US pathway…


Drugs for the most part. Incites many of the social problems and lawfulness. Greed.


Speaking only for me this is a subject that get me angry
Society has gone to shit
Back when I was born in the sixties if you did some thing bad as a kid you would get a flogging from your parents.
As an adult if you did the same thing the cops would give you a flogging then send you to jail.
Fear of physical harm is a great motivator to not do bad things
Only the harden criminals did it and they accepted to fact if they got caught they would know what to expect
They would not embarrass them self by claiming to be hard done by.
Society as a whole has gone weak .
Using all the excuses under the sun to
Escape there moral responsibility.
That’s not to say I was a saint I have spent my share of time in jail for stuff I did
But no one got hurt except one guy (but he deserved it)
I excepted the responsibility for my actions instead of looking for excuses

I stick by my original comment

Anyone got the contact for the vigilantly group.
Sounds like something fun to do on a Saturday night


Now parents can’t. Kid rolls up at school tells their teacher and boom parents in trouble for child abuse. Back in my day the Headmaster would finish you off with a caning.

There have been cases of legit abuse but they can’t seem to draw a line. Too hard, just ban it across the board.


I dunno.

I got beat as a kid. A lot. Thrown down stairs and dropped off heights and generally smacked around.

It didn’t make me afraid, it made me defiant.
It didn’t teach me responsibility, it taught me to run from and hide my fuck ups, because it would result in a liberal arse kicking whether I took responsibility or not.

This followed into my early 20s.

It wasn’t until I started rejecting absolutely everything I took from my childhood, that I started becoming a decent person.

Now, I do the right thing not because I fear the consequences to my self if I do the wrong thing. I do the right thing because of the empathy I feel for others. “How would I like it if some cunt stole my purse?” etcetera.

Punishment deals with the symptoms, we need to deal with the disease.

“Oh it’s drugs”
“Oh he has mental issues”
“Oh he had a rough upbringing”

These aren’t excuses. Once you’ve done the behavior, it’s on you and you alone. But it is an explanation. If we know why these people turn to crime, we can try and fix the underlying issues, and treat the disease causing crime, itself.

Edit: Oh, and. In terms of hard data (or as hard data as social sciences can muster), smacking your kids has some positive correlation up until about age 3 (IF!! you then sit down and explain to your kid what they did wrong). Beyond that it has no correlation with improving behavior.

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There’s a big difference between discipline and abuse.
Unfortunately your early experiences are definitely in the abuse category Jazzy.

Our discipline was a good smack/wooden spoon/sent to our rooms etc. when younger, then was a good hit across the arse with a belt and being grounded at home, copping the cane at school, detentions, weekend rubbish duty etc. as we got older.

Mum and Dad had the local cops turn up at the door a couple of times to scare the shit out of us kids…… but in reality, the cops were actually social friends of the family outside of work, but us kids didn’t know that!

We naturally got into all sorts of trouble growing up, got caught a few times, successfully run from the police in other occasions…. but that statement has a totally different meaning these days.

We didn’t “run from the police” in stolen vehicles in high speed chases, or run through peoples houses terrorising the public…… we were just found in areas that we shouldn’t have been and would take off on foot.

We never stole from anyone, never broke into anything or ever caused damage or vandalism…. simply got up to mischief without hurting or bothering anyone else.

Current problem youth simply have never been taught respect for others or right from wrong. Zero fear of the authorities and a laughable attitude towards jail/detention etc. Basically a carefree attitude to do whatever they want with no fear of any punishment for their own actions.

Unfortunately this is an almost impossible attitude to change once they have lived their whole lives with this frame of mind.


100% agree… there seems to be a total lack of empathy and respect for authority and their fellow members of the community, certainly in the kids perpetrating these crimes.

There’s a name for that… sociopath.


Or…airline CEO…!!:grinning::grinning::grinning:

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I should probably stop watching the news… for those interstate…
It just keeps getting better (worse)…

3 people broke into a logan house, attacked and stabbed the occupant, then the getaway driver drove a stolen ford ranger through the side of the house…all for $1000…

AND…seperate incident…

a police officer was slashed with a knife at woodridge…

If i was a police officer, i dont think i’d hesitate to put a few rounds into a armed offender, even if they were a minor, carrying a knife…

This is just happening far to often…

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Fucked isn’t it. The scooter didn’t quite do the job.
The 95yo lady with the knife that got tased the police are being investigated by homicide.
Don’t regularly watch the news myself.


I really wish there were reliable statistics for 2021-2023, so we could see whether the crime rates are going up/down, or whether it’s the media doing its thing and getting rage-bait clicks/views with all those titillating murder stories.

Everything I find is either niche for Victoria (which STILL ends last year) or ends at 2020.

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It’s barely news any more, I swear. Between Sky cooking those who don’t know any better, the Murdoch stations pushing whatever is politically convenient for the mummified daddy, and the ABC being the party-in-power’s pet, there’s barely anyone covering Australian news that’s trustworthy these days. I don’t watch it either if I can avoid it.

iNSteAd I rEaD cRiCkey!11!

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LOL so do I. That way I can skip the trash and read what I want. Technology did me a favour when they switched to digital free to air TV as I could no longer receive signal. Yea I could put up a 150ft tower with a wizz bang aerial on it but it’s not free then. Anyway I decided not to bother as I could see what I needed, weather mostly through the net.
I’ve just upgraded internet for Starlink. Man is that fast, 300Mbps with 30ms ping. I can online game on it now, something I missed with the NBN’s 25Mbps and 800ms ping with data cap.
But also I’ve been having a bit of a look at free to air streaming. Lots of shit on there and so many damn channels. Couldn’t believe 7 has like 20 other damn channels one your mate and 7two, crazy. But like the fact I can pick out what I like and watch what interests me. Except the adverts they can get fkd :rofl: