The Shit Pit

yeah, i reckon the 95 year old, was definately overkill.

Of the “fight triangle” (vision / balance / oxygen) , you’d think they could have easily removed vision or balance.

Throw a towel over her head, throw water in her eyes, or knock the walking frame away.
Tasering a little old lady, was a bit over the top…

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On a lighter note…

“near catastrophic car chase!!!”…
In new york traffic…ok…

The catastrophe was, the photos were slightly out of focus, and unflattering profile…!! :laughing: :laughing:

Dont know about other states, but Qld has an online crime map.

Handy tool for researching suburbs , as you can choose and filter by type of crime ( break and enter, assault, vehicle theft etc) , and time period ( last month / last 6 months / last year etc).

Pretty handy and interesting tool, you soon see which suburbs are the trouble spots, and how one suburb compares to another…

Trying to apply old solutions to modern issues gets you no where

Stories like this make me glad I live out in the sticks in a town with a population of 1200. Everybody knows everyone and it’s impossible to get away with anything. The only real trouble we ever seem to get is from people that the government, in their perpetual wisdom, send out here from Brisbane.

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So what is the solution then if better parenting is not?

Just saw on the news two teenagers 15-16 killed another teenager with machete at Melbourne train station.


So now you can have a quick snack during game time


You know why the marines changed stock designs though, right?

Same concept, except the tubey bits on the side are better shaped for crayons.


I think we’re all missing one thing - sometimes you can just have a shitty kid. Can happen with genetics, environmental, good parenting, bad parenting.
I liken crime to arsehole per capita - if it’s 1 in 1000 then you’re going to get more arseholes and crime as the population increase.

I was referring to hitting you kids as an old solution I don’t think practically with the modern issues that we are facing that it will work. Better parenting is something that is needed but you don’t have to throw them down a flight of stairs to get them to learn how to respect people if anything it teaches them the only way to get respect is through violence. The way I see it the reason that there is a lot of youth disobedience is modern parents (millennials and younger people) don’t respect others or themselves enough to properly teach a child respect so there is just a general lack of any teaching of respect. Another thing I’d look at is a complete redesign of the conventional education system so that youth would actually stay in school rather then out on the streets slinging drugs or stabbing people

Na that’s never been a good solution. Things like grounded, chores around the house stripping of privilages. Throwing down stairs is abuse and never was the “old” way.
It has a lot to do with parenting. I have a lot of friends with kids and they are all fine. They engage with them a lot too which is a big thing.

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Reckon you’ve hit the nail on the head as to the causes, Squiddy. The last decade or so of government has gradually pushed us into this current cost of living crisis, which has had so much time to fester that it’s now hitting the middle class, and putting the hurt on even white collar professionals like doctors, engineers and lawyers.

When even people like that are feeling the hurt, one can only imagine how hard that hits people on the lower rungs of society. The working class, and even harder hit, the unemployed. Rent is a struggle, then food on top of that is even harder. Then power on top of that is harder again. How do you respect yourself when you can’t keep your kids fed and warm? How do you pass the idea of self respect on to them?

And when you can’t even afford the basics like that, and the kids are left all aimless and driftless. Well it’s like Maiphut says. They’re puppies in a lounge room who aren’t allowed to go on walks. It’s not surprising that they rip up the furniture.

It’s still not acceptable, or excusable, but it does mean the root problem is fixable.

I wish to god we had as much funding in our public schools as we had before those coalition fuckwits yanked it out to put into private education. Having shop class as a way to creatively, and physically express myself was one hell of a boon to stop me going insane. As were interesting sports options, and school extracarriculars like drama and media club.

But nah, let’s put all the funding for that into schools that already get thousands each semester from each student’s parent. Our best hope for the future

The last decade has cheated our next generation. It’s disgusting.

After all I am still a kid so I should have an understanding of the issues that our age group face so I can try and improve instead of repeating

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I’m afraid to inform you it goes way back in to the 80’s not just 10 years. Because 2013 is same as it is now.

Gov funded schools were being stripped and closed, bulldozed, sold off for housing development in my tender years it caused me to shift schools to a non trade anything school besides fucking french, german and indonesion siapa nama anda. Fat lot of fuck all that did after they demolished my fully equipped, Wood with turning lathes, Plastics including injection moulding, Metalwork with sheet metal folding machines, learnt how to oxy weld at 12 arc welding fabrication, fully kitted out art class with actual aisles to paint shit on, Music with actual supplied and taught instruments(all of them from keyboard to guitar to cello) you could play all gov funded until they closed the school due to funding.

There was no need for Tafe if they kept schools like I was in going. But same as our defence industry and power supply… just sell it off and let them bear the cost. Wipe our hands.

Keep young people a taste of what they’d like to move on from high school. All that got bulldozed in the early 90’s that today 500 houses are crammed on.

Oh and the sports oval where Charles landed on their with Dianna visit/tour of Australian schools is housing now. That was my school, I’m sure there are thousands more.

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Every time the Titans lose like this I just want to spend money, but I just don’t have that much more to spend lol

I’ll take your money to go towards my 16 nieces and nephews(4-14) paying $60k/yr ea for schooling in a private school to get the actual physical objects for whatever wood metal etc with qualified people to operate them.

Which they do but it’s $60k/yr. Available for public, 1 kid just cough up $60k cash on payments can be done.

That is to get the level of primary and secondary schooling I received. Well nearly until they canned it in 1991. Wonder what happened around that time, oh that’s right a gov change. Was it liberal labour I can’t remember because they are both as bad as each other. Do a few things, make some deals with media and shit but really achieve absolutely fuck all besides selling off more of australia.

Why I never vote for either of the fuckheads. There is no successor besides

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Had to close down a building in my school for a bit because a kid broke something with a plastic chair that exposed the classroom to asbestos

Suck it up cup cake
When I went to school they were all built out of asbestos.
We drank out of bubblers with rusty water.
None of us wore hats except beanies in winter
And yes they still made you play outside in the snow
No aircon in the classrooms
The woman in the school canteen did not wear gloves or hair nets or use tongs
No kid ever took time of school because they were feeling offended
There were only two genders
And only two toilets boys and girls
And if you played up you got the cane across your arse or hand.
If you had a problem with someone else you sorted it out after school
Not go to mediation classes and drag it out for weeks.
We even had guns and an armory at school for the cadets
Most of all the teachers ruled the school.
And weren’t afraid of offending the students


That’s me at 7 years old going to school on my scooter
I did not need my parents to take me to school two blocks away
Because I was to lazy to walk
Also no battery powered scooter
We peddled it was called exercise
Obesity was not a thing in my time

That’s my dad’s 1964 Mercedes 180d behind me


Had to rescue my niece from school because a male attendee rolled up with a knife threatening her and the school refused to do anything. They wouldn’t get LE involved or anything. Fuck your chair :upside_down_face:

Edit: I eat Asbestos for breakfast :military_helmet:

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Schools are hopeless with dealing with actual problems but put all their focus on insignificant shit. Last year the year 12’s planned on having a massive water balloon fight on the last day of school but the school shut it down and every morning that week a teacher came into our classroom and told us that anyone caught with a water balloon would receive a weeks suspension because according to them throwing a water balloon at someone is assault