The Shit Pit

They also suspended a kid for a week because he tried pushing two people apart from each other in a fight so that they would stop and the school said that since he was involved in the fight that he should get the same punishment as everyone else

My grandson was suspended for that exact reason

Water ballon fights, classified as assault…
What a joke…

one possible response…

“go ahead, charge us with assault, they’ll do nothing, were minors… we can stab someone nowadays, and only get a slap on the wrist…”

(Sploosh…throws water balloon at teacher…)

I have sooooo much to reply back to all of these comments that I might need a few days to get them sorted out! :joy:

I rest my case. Current day schooling is shit unless you cough up 60 grand to go to a decent one.

It all changed around 1985 when I stuffed a Kitchener bun up the headmasters exhaust :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


Schools these days are more hopped up about enforcing uniform rules to appear more exclusive and attract overseas students than they are about dealing with the hard issues.

Some of them are unreal… my step daughter studied French for LOTE in year 10, the government school she went to which had delusions of grandeur wanted me to fork out thousands so that she could go on a field trip to Nouméa for a week and practice her French. :roll_eyes:

Principal wasn’t impressed when I told him that I was almost fluent in French myself and she could practice all she wants at home for free. :laughing: Then the active shaming and harassment started for her.


Uh oh the 95yo knife weilding woman that got tased died. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And Tina Turner died. Damnit

How fkn ridiculous is this!

15 year old able to get hold of father’s gun safe.

15 year old able to get hold of father’s vehicle.

How is it that the father is not getting the book thrown at him for not properly being responsible for his actions?

I’m 50 years old and my old man ALWAYS has physical possession of our family gun safe.
I have to call and organise access through him every single time that we go out for a shoot or require access for doing away with trapped cats on my property or needing to put an animal out of its suffering.

Maybe it’s just me……. but there’s no way I would ever leave keys to the gun cabinet and vehicles in easy access for my kids to get hold of!

Boy charged over school shooting at Atlantis Beach Baptist College was 'going to kill', court hears - ABC News

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Called in at one of my local blaster retailers to pick up an M4 stock… small independant business. The owner told me he’d been broken into again. :angry:

Apparently nothing taken but GBB pistols… pretty sure whoever knocked the place over doesn’t want those pistols for CQB skirmishing. :thinking:

Can’t help thinking if retailers keep getting blagged like this we’re going to see some repercussions on the hobby. The PoPo won’t be happy about all those replicas hanging on walls and sitting under counter glass waiting for Johnny Scumbag to break in and steal them. :roll_eyes:

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Replica pistols, have been avail in qld for a long time…
I reckon, only a few would get used , for robberies…

Teenagers now, have no hesitation in carrying, and using knives and baseball bats, in robberies…

Maybe retailers need to get larger safes, to store their handguns overnight….or a much more secure / alarmed vault / reinforced door…

Bring back the wild west were everyone carried a firearm.

This is my philosophy

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Urge to buy peacemaker…rising…must resist…!!!
Dammit, Smurf…!!


I’ve got a really nice leather western gunbelt… empty, nothing in it… just hangin’ around doin’ nothin’… :wink:

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Now…about that lazy / Free western gun belt……?.

I probably should have mentioned that it’s a bit of a family heirloom…

The old man was a mad Western movie buff, had a few replica pistols and this particular gunbelt carried a .45 single action peacemaker replica, I grew up looking at it hanging over the old boy’s bar.

The replicas had to be handed in during an amnesty, we were living in Vic at the time… but I’ve kept the belt and holster, I guess one day I’ll get a peacemaker and put it back on display.


Nah, nah, internet rules FF.

Doesn’t matter that it’s a treasured possession with memories attached, you said he could have it. Give it to BME or get permabanned. Unilateral mod decision.

(jk if it wasn’t exceedingly obvious)


Far out….
I ONlY spent the money, because I was promised a holster…

Now…another week of starvation…!!!

Packet soup, and cheap blue gells, it is…

Just Kidding….i can afford ultra elites, this week…:joy:

And , they are telling us to get flu vaccinations…

Anyone care, to open that can of worms…??!,!

Permabanned?? :joy:

Sounds like a cream for jock itch :thinking:

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It’ll go well with his cowboy suit :rofl: :joy: :laughing:


Heard BME is buying land. He’s gonna get a great deal on Ram Ranch.

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