The Shit Pit

I’m with you there, the old big band and swing music does it for me too. Otherwise I am a metalhead.
@Bikersmurf I just seen The HU at Knotfest, they are proper good! Very awesome show and great music. It was the best metal that isn’t metal!
Best act of the day for us was Skindred, was a good sound, and just a great fun show with mad crowd participation. Was a very, very good show.

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Gives me P.O.D. vibes :v:


Tho I do like the idea
Now we’re did I put those old crutches.


There you go.
Scientific proof, older songs are the bomb…


And, just because its Easter…

More 80’s greatness…


I’m loving the fact that my Daughter is able to work with many of the old school bands and Artists that I enjoyed and got to see live a few times myself over the years.

Sent her a Video to watch of a compilation of the TOP 30 Iconic Western Australian Artists and she replied with this………

Unfortunately I’m not too educated on many of the latest popular bands that she mentions in our chats, which I always have to go away and google who’s she’s talking about :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She was going on about “Spacey Jane” a few weeks back and I’d never heard of them, but they are quite popular apparently :thinking:

In this last text she was working and hanging with the dudes from “Pond” and a bloke called Kim Salmon who she’s working with quite often.

Again, no idea, but a quick google and they are all pretty renowned Artists :flushed:

Kim Salmon:

POND/Tame Impala:

She’s only just turned 18 and already been in this music business for 2 years and loving her job……… and I can see why! :hugs:

But like her Dad, she doesn’t think much of John Butler as a person either!

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Squiddy’s probably going " What the hell…??..What are these songs?"

But then again, they use 80’s music in all the Movies / TV shows, because its all so awesome…

Kate Bush / stranger things… ??


Pinch harmonics from Marty Friedman going off, Mustaine’s off the chain vocals…

Even if you don’t dig Megadeth, skip to 3:10 for one of the best 80s solos you’ll ever hear, the fret tapping at 3:48 is insane.


As further evidence, of the dumbing down, of modern music…

I submit, exhibit A…

“Call on Me.”

Indeed, the whole song relies, on naught but, those three words…

I just dont understand, what made it so popular… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It says…“call” on me, right…??!

This was my son’s favourite music video when he was about 15 :laughing: :laughing:

I FORCED myself to watch it… as a bonding thing, you understand… :wink:

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The sacrifices you make…
to Bond with your Son…

A fathers duty, seemingly never ends…( you can stop watching it, on replay now…)!!.

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The whole reason I’m a massive TOOL fan since 1992 is the fact that they completely go against the grain of anything to do with the bullshit “Radio Friendly” songs demanded by their Recording Companies, completely fought back hard against the emerging culture of Pirated Music online through the last three decades, have always shunned away from the mainstream Spotlight in regards to Mainstream Media hype and promotion of who they are, take up to 13 years before releasing an Album just to be such pedantic assholes that they need everything 100% perfect before they will release their music……… and the icing on the cake is that when they did eventually release their latest Album, it knocked Taylor Swift out of the Charts! :flushed:

The whole world was pissed that some “unknown” band slayed the Goddess of modern music off of the charts!

I can only describe them as “thinking mans music”, where they don’t comply with any standard time signatures and their lyrics are extremely thought provoking, much like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors and many other classic bands from that era…… except they are the only band releasing such masterpieces in this modern age.

Here’s a nice easy example to check out and really excite the brain cells with great music and deeply thought provoking lyrics :ok_hand:

They don’t make Music Videos or any other propaganda bullshit, so there’s thousands of people around the world that make their own Video Clips to express how they want to make videos of their music.

This is one of hundreds of Videos that fans have made and uploaded to YouTube to express their appreciation of their Music :sunglasses:

Are you a Zombie consumer of Television and sensationalism in Media reporting to the masses…… well this tells a story like nobody else has ever told! :flushed:

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For the old Led Zeppelin fans out there :ok_hand:

Again, TOOL doesn’t make Music Videos, so this is yet another random video produced by a fan somewhere in this world!

Tool have such a signature sound to 'em. :+1: and when they did make video clips they were trippy.

I remember coming home from clubs at 6am and catching “Schism” on Rage… to say that clip was freaky was an understatement. :laughing:

Interesting concept… running amok in a theme park. :man_shrugging:


Great idea probably use it as an attraction and charge the public to watch
In Europe they run around in old deserted town’s for game play.
Seen one done in a deserted Power station.
A few of us got together on a mate’s cane farm and had a battle.
That was creepy walking through the cane
All that came to mind was the horror movies I watch about things in cane and corn fields.