The Shit Pit

I can see that… :laughing:


It’s April 1st.
You know what that means… Another special review from Granada Thumb



You cant MASK those feelings…

Or FILTER out that care…

Its very TOUCHING…

I hope they keep it safe, and use a RUBBER…

I wonder what squiddy’s hose, is connected too…??! :rofl: :rofl:

If we’re being realistic there’s only really one connection point available for the hose. Also main event for the stag party BME receives a full m60 mag from a hpa’d m60

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Well squiddy, i know you like to normally put the inlet near your butthole, so you can smell your own farts…

But i thought you might cut that out, when you got a girl…

You probably have a quick connect, to her mask, to share the aroma…

Your right about the M-60 at the stag party, bit the contents of the mag will be deposited up your stinky butt, to give the poor girl one nights reprieve…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I can never get a straight answer on fictional prop weapons for cosplay in NSW. I don’t mean replicas of IRL weapons but of totally fictional weapons like from CP 2077 or the boltgun from warhammer.

I wish I was legally allowed to make this…

but noo… coppas think it’s a real gun… wtf?!!


Where ever the mag goes it doesn’t matter aslong as your donating a m60 as a wedding present

Ahh squiddy…you know not, of the " Rings of marriage…"

First, is the engagement ring…then the wedding ring… finally…
The Suffer-ring…

As you realise the M-60, was always only ever going to be, a one night stand…

No M-60 for you…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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My daughter is still flat out working two jobs in the West Australian Music/Recording industry, and yet she’s sent me this tonight, because she was bored waiting in the Recording Studio waiting for other Bands to finish their Rehearsals, so she picked up a guitar and belted this out as an experiment!

Have just spent the last 3 hours discussing the fact that she has written this, allowed “”spaces” to add in Bass/Drum fills, and somehow as a 1970’s Punk Rock/Alternative music fan……….she’s still obviously been heavily influenced in her music style by her old man being a massive TOOL/Iron Maiden/Led Zeppelin/Doors/Pink Floyd/Ozzy Osborne/Faith No More/Red Hot Chilli Pepper fan! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyrate, here’s what she’s diddling with at the moment and we are both working together towards building this little ditty into a complete structure that she can on-sell to any of the Bands or Producers who might be interested in buying her music for their own use.


would not put on youtube. There’s people out there that copyright others music then get an infringement on their videos with their own music and take any money it makes on the platform.

That started to give me a quake 2 vibe…

One of the best soundtracks, of a videogame ever…

Yeah I can see what you mean, similar sort of vibe :sunglasses:

Funny thing is my daughter has never played computer games, maybe she needs to check some out just for the music! :joy:

Thanks for this advice, which is something I just made as a private video, not released/titled/published for general use.

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So , a conspiracy theorist trump supporter, set himself on fire, outside the court…


Apart from demonstrating his intelligence level, he actually got it wrong….

The “Liar Liar, pants on Fire!! “ , was actually INSIDE the court!!!


I find it comical at how deranged Biden supporters are.

Where the fuck is my popcorn?!

nom nom

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Dont you mean, trump supporters.?

No one , has self immolated, over Biden…

Let me sign up , to be a trump juror…i’ll be over there…!!

I’ll make sure he gets an impartial verdict…using trump levels of justice…!!

You can imagine, how that ends up…

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both sides have whacky ppl, i think the dems have more though.

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