The Shit Pit

No one, has set themselves on fire, over Biden…

It takes a ridiculous kinda stupid, to do that FOR trump…

I suspect that person had very serious mental issues…

i personally don’t think biden will last much longer.

this is just pure entertainment now.

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Demented or deranged…

Take your pick…

Really….anyone but trump

Vote 1 Taylor Swift…!!

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i know i don’t want another term of albo labor.

How come? I’ve gone on and on about the good stuff Labor’s done for everyone, but what’s got you riled up to give Labor the boot? I get it for Maiphut, him being a sheep farmer in particular, but what’s got you mad and who are you eager to vote for instead?

Liberal/Nationals have such a long track record of just being corporate shills, and any other party besides Labor is about as serious and sensible as the Greens. Where is your vote headed next election?

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Hey Jazzy…good to hear from you again…

Why dont we, move away from internal politics…and Discuss and Debate…

One other horrible topic, on everyone’s mind…violent youth crime…

A serious question, and topic…what the hell has happened to OZ.?!

At the very pinnacle of the question, it has to do with basic human morality…which is in the heart of every person…

what is right / what is wrong… and by extension, what can i do, what wont i do…?

Most people, are against violence…

The problem is , we have minors, who have in their mind, a mindset to commit violence / assault / and murder, and have a complete lack of inhibition, in doing so…

How the hell did we get here…
This simply wasn’t happening 8-10 years ago…

Thoughts / solutions…?

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I think the answer to that is political.

Increase funding into education, and provide extra-curricular/hobbies for youth it’s always been the answer in the past. The violent crime rate has trended down right until this last couple of years, but the first generation who went through the K-10 schooling that was a result of Liberal’s education cuts are starting to hit the streets, and are ones currently committing crime.

People need a future, and education provides that.

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I think , it may be a deep, and multi faceted problem…

Kids without hope, turn to crime…glorified in social media…

Its also about , a lack or respect, for …parents / authority figures / law enforcement… a system that teaches kids…" your parents cant do XX to you".

I got the cane, at high school. you know what… i deserved it.

I think they are trying the child, who knife attacked the christian minister, under terrorism laws…the reason might be, if you are convicted under those laws, you can go to jail for life…

Poor kid… i doubt he got there by himself…what happens to those that “influenced him”…?

Its hard to change a persons life…the desire to do so, really can only come from within…

For my neice and nephew, i have offered them free accom in brissy, to get out of childers, broaden their horizons, and do further study…

Met so far, with indifference…

Inertia, is hard to overcome…

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The question i keep asking myself , is why…?

Why do so many kids, feel the need, to carry knives in public…??

What has happened to us, where they feel this need.?

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sounds like they don’t have a steady, positive father figure?

BME behave
OR I will have to get my wife to join the conversation.
And you know what she is like towards anybody besmirching Trump’s good name.:weary::roll_eyes:

My two cents worth on the youth problem… sorry for the lengthy post.

Lack of options for a viable and satisfying future for kids comes down to a couple of things. A poor education system that doesn’t equip them for life in the workforce for one, and a complete lack of options for employment even if you get a good education.

The jobs aren’t there anymore. Years ago, someone who wanted out of school had traineeships and apprenticeships as a choice, bur since the domination of the manufacturing industry by China, we don’t produce ANYTHING anymore. So the only jobs open to school leavers who don’t want to go on to tertiary education are call centre jobs, logistics, retail or maybe the ADF… because we’ve become very good at satifying our itch to consume. The ADF is pretty much out because most kids these days don’t take well to being told what to do thanks to being mamby pambied by their woke parents.

Couple that with a basically lazy style of parenting by mums and dads who’ve been disempowered and run the risk of public shaming and even prosecution if they discipline there child at all and it’s easy to see how we got here. Kids have zero respect for others, zero empathy because they receive none themselves, they feel isolated, disenfranchised and lost, so they do what kids like that have done for generations… they get together and form groups or so called “gangs” so they can feel like they belong to something.

Throw the high visibility of TicToc and other forms of social media at young minds and they’re seduced by the glamourisation of violence and perceived toughness that comes with it. The mainstream media don’t help. We need to know what’s going on in society but we don’t need to be beaten over the head with it every hour with dramatic promos and sensational journalistic style. It’s a perfect storm and an incredibly efficient way to sow paranoia… reminds me of America just before they brought in the Patriot Act that pretty much gave their government the right to trash every citizen’s civil liberties.

As an example of that, my 30 year old daughter had to have counselling after 9/11 because if someone with a beard sat behind her on the train to work, she’s have a panic attack thinking they were Al Qaeda… shrink advised her to avoid all news broadcasts in the morning because most psychologists believed the sensationalist jounalism at that time was irresponsible and causing widespread mental health issues.

Now they’re doing the same with the youth crime issue, and we’re wondering why vulnerable people like the elderly aren’t feeling safe in their homes.

I think @BME is right… the causes are varied, and every one of them is difficult to address. The problem is so big that even if it can be fixed, it’ll take a generation to do it. If we’re relying on the TicToc generation to drag everything back into line, I don’t hold much hope.


Just make sure she doesn’t get " Too Hot under the Collar", for trump…

We dont wanna unleash a “Fiery Temper”…

Or, have her " Burn Out", on the topic…

She might give us " The Third Degree"

The rest of your weekend, could " End up in Smoke"…

No I didn’t set myself on fire. Been busy with gov departments and legalese due to unexpected events last week where a certain person broke the law. Making sure no one else has to endure the same.

Even got the local popo sniffing around. That’s a first. It’s not a civil matter it’s a legal matter. Above his pay grade.

Agree. Being one of those that got an apprenticeship all those years ago on $2/hr and Tafe, went pretty good, I knuckled down and got right in to it. 4 years did extra courses as long as I passed everything by the end of year my employer would reimburse me in full for the Tafe courses cost which ran about $1000 give or take couple hundred depending.

Now that’s incentive when you’re on $2/hr.

Get your certificate at end of 4 years.

Stayed working at the factory until mid 2000’s as it was good and went up the chain until I had to wait for the directors to die. But then the GM Usa stepped in and I could see, knew first hand there is no future here so decided what do I like. Aus gov at time pumped millions in to Holden Ford to try keep it going but they were, especially GMHA by GM to wind up. Chinese undercutting beyond our material costs. That was the nail in the coffin. Quality did not matter. Where I worked bound by law to adhere to ISO standards which other countries have no legal binding to adhere to.

Animals, ride dirt bikes, but I know nothing about farming. Oh well what’s stopping me, nothing head first in to it and haven’t looked back. Yes I have troubles, that’s farming and I have gripes on here but I don’t dictate that people must do what I want. It’s their choice to do what they want. As long as it’s productive and legal kinda helps.

I look down on no one. I will have different point of views often because I am in a different position and experience differing things at times. I like to listen to people like Jazzy at times, then I understand. Hmm valid point and reasons why makes sence. So it’s all good.

I will come across abrasive at times but that is a trait of farming. Most old farmers are deaf as posts around here and can’t hear jack shit from years of roaring tractors etc :rofl:

For @Friendly_Fire

Better watch out, for lightsabre weilding villians, in your neighbourhood…

Darth Diabetius, the wide…

the comments are classics…

" How many pizza’s?.. Order 66"

“you have turned my arteries against me…no, you have done that yourself”

" I find your lack of appetite, disturbing…"

Xwing pilot… " Look at the size of that thing"

There’s much beards on necks in that video :flushed::joy:



The problem is…
With female logic…

She’d look at them and think…

You could have bought me more shoes…!!

Un-winnable battle…

No wonder i am still single.