The Shit Pit

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do women really give a damn about men’s feelings?


Yeah alright, Andrew Tate :laughing:

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The good ones do…

It’s a 2 way street…

Seems not. Ask 6 of my long time friends that are done for millions and now my Uncle with some fruitloop. Those cases all cheated on the men. Isn’t it supposed to be other way around lol. Court always favours females anyway. There are good ones out there. :slightly_smiling_face:

Been there twice before, but millions of dollars later and on the bones of my arse……. definitely ain’t gonna be a third time :roll_eyes:

i have already accepted the fact that i won’t find someone that won’t fuck me over later on. :joy:

no wonder i have spent my time invested in things. the disappointment in people is too much.

“the disappointment in people is too much.”

Man, maybe life would go a lot easier for you if you didn’t think that you were better than everyone else.

No, not every woman is a monster trying to fuck you over at the first opportunity. A lot of us have loving mothers who have been nothing but faithful. Same with sisters and friends.

I’m not sure who you’re listening to that’s leading you down this weird incel line of thinking, but stop and consider that maybe they’re just grifting people for like. Clicks and patreon money.

'Cos you come off sounding real miso when you talk like this. Which, yeah, is absolutely going to drive decent women away from you. Because we think that kind of talk is cringe and creepy.

Neural pathways get stronger the more we use them. That’s basic neuroscience. If you think shitty thoughts, you’ll reinforce shitty thinking. You have to make a conscious effort to recognise ‘hey, depression is like an autoimmune disease of the brain. it uses bad logic to destroy everything that could make me happy. maybe this is just another symptom of that.’

You have to break the loop.


@JazzyWard bravo

Go into any relationship with a negative attitude and you can damn well guarantee a negative experience.


it’s not about being better than other people it’s about not wanting to deal with pain.


Life is pain, and you can’t hope to hide from it forever. There’s obvious things that we do to avoid unnecessary pain, but relationships with other people, both romantic and platonic, are core fundamental parts of the human experience that we’ve literally evolved to need to some degree.

Besides, pain like that only hurts because what came before it meant so much. Yes, it wounds, but it also opens up the capacity to feel and understand things that elude you otherwise. It’s not good pain, but it can only exist because something so good came before it.


I might joke about relationships but I have been with the same woman for 25 years . Married for 20 of those
Sure there have been bad times but the good times out weight them by miles.
We have fought together cried together loved together and most of all had fun together.
The key is to find someone who has similar interests ( motorcycle’s).
You don’t have to do everything together.
This only happens in the first year (honeymoon period)
My wife is an ordained spiritual minister with her own church.
I am not into that but every now and again I help her out.
You have to support each other no matter how stupid the ideas you have (that’s usually me with the stupid ideas)

Then you find what’s comfortable for each other in the relationship an move with it .
Your relationship is constantly changing as people, (relatives) places (your home) and finance’s (jobs) come and go.
Sure there will be times you wonder why the hell am I still here.
But those feelings disappear quicker the longer you are together.
Some sayings are actually true
Yes as a male you are wrong most of the time.I have learnt to live with that one over time.
Do not leave the toilet seat up
And always keep reminding yourself she or he is going through shit too
so don’t be a selfish prick.

Not all relationship are fine

But if you talk out what you want in a relationship with your partner in the beginning.and try to stick to it you have a fair chance.

This is my second marriage first one lasted three years .
We were very young me 19 her 16
But two lovely kids resulted from that
My second wife came with four kids
But sadly the youngest (7) died from leukaemia.
That was the ultimate test of a relationship.


Ahhh…human relationships…

The source of our greatest joy, and greatest pain.

Pain, ultimately is the price we pay for loving people, however i believe the good outweighs the bad. Similar values, core beliefs, and moral principles, are what keep people together, in healthy relationships. Also, the ability to be able to disagree.

Core values are a big one…what do you really want, what do you wanna pursue in this life…? similar goals, keeps people on the same path together.

With my ex, we were together, on and off, for over 12 years. She was a lovely country girl with a very warm and close family, very family oriented. They became my 2nd family, and i cared for them greatly. It was such a pleasure to be around them, they contrasted from the upheavel in my own family.

I am still in touch with them, and my ex’s father, asked me to be a pallbearer at his funeral ( after we had broken up). The whole family was upset at the break up.

That came about because of her inability to conceive, bad endometreosis, and low egg count. We both suffered through multiple rounds of IVF, that came to naught. She wanted to adopt, i wasn’t keen, and we drifted apart. There was infedility on her behalf, right at the end, with the person she has now married, and adopted a sudanese child with.

Do i hate her…no.

It hurt like hell at the time, but hate and rage are negative emotions that destroy a person, if allowed to take over. She didn’t “go me for half”, because all she ever wanted was a child, and she needed to head overseas to make that happen. Also maybe some guilt on her behalf.

Looking back, I am grateful for the wonderful times we had, the time spent with her family, and i know she’ll be a good mother to a child who would have otherwise had desperate circumstances.

I do have trust issues, my trust is not easily given, but i will start looking for someone decent to share a life with. My concern is attracting the right person for the right reasons, not someone who is only interested in money.

There have gotta be some decent people out there, who value positive , caring traits. My Mum and Grandma were very loving, caring, nuturing women, who came from a very traditional background. There is a lot to be said about that.

The cruel twist of life is, we lose everything at the end anyway, and on your deathbed, money is worthless.
Looking back, its the people in your life, who make it worthwhile…

Rant over…! :grinning:


Me and my Mrs have a great relationship


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And, in the case of domestic violence, the evidence is edible…!!

:rofl: :rofl:

I’m just saying this is the dream life

Beachfront property in northern Queensland, wife, 2 kids, stable middle class job and a group A vk sitting in the garage


Ya should have been born in 1980…
I guarantee your childhood would have been awesome…

In the 80’s , how could it not…?!


Hell yea, got to have your goals :+1:

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If my childhood included the ability to watch prime Tyson pay for views then I would be a very happy man

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