The Shit Pit

If you were a child of the 80’s you would have had:

Prime tyson, before he discovered edible ears…

Lived through the star wars trilogy, as a kid, in the cinemas…

Not to mention watching Aliens, Predator, and all the Arnie prime movies, as they came out…

Houses sub $80k

Comfortable middle class life, on one income

Some of the best music made…they keep going back to 80’s music in all modern tv shows / movies

No internet / drug of digital distraction

riding 50cc motorbikes, on the beach, when you were a 6 yo kid…

Driving cars, as soon as your feet could reach the pedals

20c / litre fuel.

Air rifles, that didnt need a license.

SKS’ clones, over the counter at Kmart, sports stores selling .22’s

Proportionally less creepy / weird / people

Political correctness…whats that.?

I could go on, and on…

You dont know, what you missed out on…!!


Its funny, when you think about it…

a million bucks, early 80’s, would buy you 9 houses, and a ferrari…

Million bucks nowadays…one house in brissy…

Thats inflation for you…


I was a 50c/litre kid :laughing:

Kmart for sure. Loved going thursday night window shopping with Dad, grab a brick of .22/s for $2 check a golf set out and see what pump action shotguns they had :joy:


I was a kid of the sixties and seventies
We had the best music
You weren’t afraid to do anything or go anywhere
Fuel , house’s, cost of living was half that of the eightys.
We’re everyone belived in personal responsibility.
Crime was nothing like today because
Cops were allowed to bash you if you broke the law.
There were only two genders
We had the best cars
The hippy era it was cool man
You were actually happy to go to school.
The closest thing to an electronic device was a black and white tv which you had to get up to change the channel.
Traveling was an adventure
not now you can’t move from all the crowds.
I travelled all over Europe by motorcycle with only the locals as company.
Getting a job ment going to your local pub and asking around for work.
Beer was cheap
No boose bus’s
No bloody roundabouts
And water was free

just for you, smurf…

As a long haired 13 year old kid in the 70s, me and a mate grabbed the fishing rods, sleeping bags, two sheets of plastic, some rope and about $30 each and took off from Melbourne on the VicRail train to Bairnsdale.

From there we hitched a ride on the council garbage truck to Loch Sport and camped out in the caravan park under our plastic sheets for a week of fishing and swimming. We caught lots of fish which we froze at the general store but ran out of money on day two due to the excessive amount of Chico Rolls and Mars Bars we bought while we were dropping off the fish… so the plan was to live off any fish we caught until the dump truck returned five days later. :laughing:

Lucky for us a caravan arrived to set up next to us on day three with mum and dad and a cute 14 year old daughter with a friend in tow. We’d set up our hoochies between trees half on their site but they were kind enough to let us stay there, it was a great way to break the ice with the girls.

Needless to say the raging 13 year old hormones won out and after giving the mum and dad a few stinky bream as a peace offering we spent the rest of the time chasing and hanging out with the girls, eating bacon and eggs they’d cook for brekkie for us and generally having a great time with that family.

A week later we’re homeward bound, covered in mozzie bites, sunburned but heads fuĺl of memories that have stayed with me forever. There was never a thought about whether it was dangerous for two 13 year olds to be off travelling around the state alone, and that family in the caravan took us in and looked after us as if we were relatives.

Growing up in the 70s was a great thing.

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Certainly agree!
Have many similar stories myself of those days and the “mischief” we used to get up to :wink::joy:


For those that need it… :joy:

(3) Facebook

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SHOTS FIRED! :flushed::joy:

17 characters plus Daffy Duck, Goofy and a Mickey Mouse.


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Got on to Incursion Red River on Steam (

the other week. It’s right up my ally. I’m impressed, very early in dev but rolling updates. Interested to see where it goes. Love the weaponry and loadouts fiddle until your hearts content runs great UE5 on my ole jooger. Bit of a Tarkov but singleplayer with COOP.


Drinks with my Croation biker make. :wink:

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Yum that’s nice stuff
When I was living Bosnia the first thing you had in the morning was a shot of home made rakia (plum brandy) to start you day .
When you turned thirteen you were Able to do that also.
During the war we made it in garbage cans and pots in a home made stil.
We used it for a lot of things mainly drinking ,fire starting,wound disinfectant,
Enjoy your hangover :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No… I’m not. :wink:

Not enjoying it…? :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:


Not hungover…?? :grin: :grin:

My neighbours wife had a birthday party last night…
Bigger than hitlers gas bill…!!

I was invited, but graciously declined, as i was studying / packing…
They were still at it, when i went to bed last night…

Very, Very quiet there, this morning…!! :nauseated_face: :rofl: :nauseated_face: :rofl: :face_vomiting:

The first one… not enjoying it. :wink:

I haven’t drunk Slivovica since the 90s… tasty stuff but man… it’s got some kick. :laughing:

And that was after many many beers and Gentleman Jacks. I just happened to mention it and my mate dug it out from the back of his liqour cabinet. Then it was game on. :joy:

Oooh, he’s an evil man… :+1:

Not a whisper, from next door…

I might be a good neighbour, crank up the lawnmower, whippersnipper, and chainsaw, and do my front yard…!!1

And his…

Cause, y’know im just so neighbourly…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve gotta comb the desert for my old copy.

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