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Yeah, it was those later model AlloyTec motors that replaced the EcoTech motors that really introduced many issues with the coil packs and crank angle sensors…… not to mention some really stupidly designed water hoses and fittings hidden away behind the engine that were prone to failure and completely inaccessible to fix :roll_eyes::joy:

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Yeah that’s the one. A fellow at work one day was grizzling about it the water pump was at the rear of the motor firewall side and he got charged $1600 because they had to spend hours taking the shit off in the way to get to it. Something like that. He wasn’t happy and sold it off :rofl:

My wife is a commodore girl of the 5/6 cars she has had most have been holdens. She had a vn and a vp for a short time they where very cheap (500 bucks or less)and they did the job for uni. Got a vy sv6 for a 2/3 years after we got out of uni no dramas with it. She got her dream purple ve sv6 and she loved it was great until one day an error came up then disappered, eventually kept doing it. Took to mate mech, replaced cam angle sensor. Helped for a bit then started again, got to point where after driving it for (long) if you pulled up at servo
, after filling up it struggle to start. It was the timing chain that had stretched, that was a cool $3500/4000 to replace timing chain. That turned me of the commodore for a bit and said nah not buying a v6 again. but we did come back and got a ve calais 2 years ago but with a v8, man that is a nice car will be sad to see it go.

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Timing chain was a real issue on HFV6 engine. Was the cause for many good cars ending up at the wreckers,

Used to work for a GM subsidiary and did work at Holden’s, Had a new leased Holden every two years until the VS. VS Calais ran it’s camshaft bearings, a known problem with the 147kw ecotech, just at end of warranty period, but well under km limit.

Holden weren’t going to fix it but agreed that they would provide parts, then agreed to cover labour to re-assemble, but wouldn’t cover all the other things needed for a rebuild (hone etc). This was for a GM employee, with a GM product, financed by GMAC.

I paid to have it rebuilt just as GM sold our company, which meant I didn’t have to buy GM products. Sent Holden a stinko-gram when I got the Calais back, as I found out that the camshaft oiling issue was a known problem, with failures expected by 70k in that batch of engines. After a couple of decades of Holden products, my subsequent company cars were all Mercury Cougars or Falcons.

Holden’s solution to the camshaft oiling problem - replace the dipstick with the low oil mark moved higher up the scale


I think the engineers mucked up with that 3.6L v6 trying to make it greener and eco friendly.

I’ve never replaced the cat on the VS, I don’t think there’s any honeycomb left in it by now. Be funny when some crook tries to flog it :laughing:

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Ha that sames like my deal with the VP and the extra Holden Q warranty they conned me into. The air con idle bearing shit the bed after six weeks with 90 thou on the clock.

So I booked it in full extra warranty, fix it. Oh that will be $1100 for that. I went off said give the fuking thing back don’t touch it. Pulled it off myself, went to CBC bearings and got the new $80 replacement update bearing and bolted it back on. They would not cover it due to their claim of fair wear and tear when it was a known fault.

Another time I sent it in for their mandatory service to keep the warranty agreement. I’m not kidding the fkn thing was running on four cylinders and backfiring like all get out when they sent it back to me. I needed it to get to work the next day as they were talking oh maybe we can look at it next week. I looked at the docket and they whacked new spark plugs in. Those AC chinese ones. Didn’t change the oil or even look at the air filter. Probly would have fkd that up too. Straight off to Rocca Bros down the road for a new set of NGK spakplugs, whacked them in and back firing on all six. I dropped in after work told them to shove their Q warranty up where sun don’t shine and I wan’t a refund on these defective spark plugs you bloody put in it. They gave me $8 because they were used. :roll_eyes: Worst experience ever.

I owned an orange 74’ Superbug for a while… loved that little buggy.

The clown size windscreen wipers always made me laugh whenever it rained, accelerator seemed to be on an elastic band, put your foot down and go put the kettle on while it wound up to speed. :laughing:

Car I owned before it was an early 528i Beemer, cost me heaps in parts. The first time the bug went in for repairs, a new idler arm and new engine mounts plus labour cost me less than a bonnet badge for the 528i. :joy:

Sold it to a bug dealer in Melb for $500 when I moved north, he knocked a few dents out of it overnight, touched up the paint and had a windscreen price of $3500 on it the very next day. Not a bad quick profit.

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I sold my Type 3 to my mechanic back in '94, got $3500 for it as he knew what had been done as he did a heap of it. Synchros on the gears were always shit, had to go and have a coffee while you changed gear waiting for it to let you in. I had the gearbox full rebuilt with new synchros and the bloody thing was no different! $800 for nothing.

New brazilllian made cases as the og cracked, new barrels and Mahle piston kit to go out 1776, crane cam, got the cracks in the German heads welded up, machined and ported. Only thing I couldn’t hop up was the rubber band attaching the accelerator. It was still slow as a wet week. :rofl:


Toot toot, beep beep!

The tiny little pea shooter exhausts still make me laugh!

Has the cool chrome/timber luggage rack, but has been removed and stuffed inside to protect it from the elements until it goes away to get some bodywork done :sunglasses:


Ah the memories…!!

Mine was the L model, with the curved windscreen…
Had genuine VW hubcaps too…
And a 4 prong exhaust…
Just what you need, to liberate those hidden horses…!! :rofl: :rofl:

It would be a real struggle, without A/C nowadays…
And, lack of leaded super petrol

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I have only ever owned two Commodore’s
This one which I bought from a police auction.
Ex drug dealers car
Had an LS1 with a lot of work done to it
Was told it’s got 600hp at the rear.
Never confirmed it
Had it for a month as it was to low to get over speed humps.
All it was good for was shredding tire’s
And the other was a vx we bought for the son to get his licence in
it had less than 80 thousand kilometres .
He still has it and that was 8years ago


Loves her BMW’S


Good drug dealer logic, right there…

" I ship, move, and sell illegal drugs,
And, use my car, for all of the above,
Lets get a lowered, tyre shredding beast…
I’m sure that wont attract any police attention…"

Wonder why he’s in jail…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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This dealer must have been using to much of his own products😅

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Someone’s gotta test quality control…!! :rofl: :rofl:

The guy I sold the red Commodore to came up from orange NSW to pick it up and drive it home
He had two Brock Commodore’s and lived on a dirt road .
I told him I would not sell it to him unless he signed a stat Dec.
That any damages and problem’s he would incur on the way home were not my responsibility but his.
This car was not built for country roads let alone dirt ones.
He rang me when he got home to tell me he made it but it now needs a new exhaust

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Haha when I got the VN Berlina bun my exhaust got bumped off one day heading to work down the farmers driveway, it was really loud the wife and daughter came out thinking a plane was crashing in their yard. Previous owner had it lowered inch and half, don’t work on rural roads that’s for sure.

So my old man “had” 2 classics, first was a 1977 camaro in black, good ol yank tank. 350 chev auto, was a not a z28 but a LT model, only got to drive it twice but was cool and turned heads, he had it for a long time like 10-15 years.

But he eventually sold it after he got a torana gtr, not to sure on year had the 6cyl motor but was after i moved out so didnt see much of it. And he sold that a year or so ago, not for neat as much as some people have them on carsales. It was orange and similar to the pic below.


Havent been on the forum for 2 years now. Trying to get back into the gist of blasters
Been taking care of my baby


Was the assembly line this quick…??!

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