Today, USA...( or, im in trump territory, and have to worry about concealed carry citizens..)

Y’know, i brought in my pulse rifle kit, with a b709a…

It Was in a nondesrcipt, unmarked brown box.
Admitedley, not a full PR, but still a reasonable bit of kit.

I had no problems obtaining a B709, for it, and it turned up , no problems…

There is only one way, to see if a shell can be imported via B709 method, and thats to try.

Worst case, they confiscate it and destroy. No criminal act, if you have a b709, simply ABF’s final determination.

Which would depend, who you get on the day, and where.

Sending from Dallas ( a large hub), would arrive into SYD, and probably stop there.

Sent from LA, chance to arrive directly into BNE, and hopefully kinder hands.

Im not going to send anything from here, no B709 waiting, but maybe in the future…

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I’d sell a kidney to get an A/S F2000 shell… :laughing:

speak to smurf…

Im sure, it can be arranged…!!

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Dang didn’t know Smurf dealt in Kidneys, need to give him a call… :laughing:

Why, man? Do you need one or are you looking to sell? :thinking:


The store even has a “bone yard”…

Non working return models, for sale.

For skilled tech people who know how to fix em…

Here’s one… $190…

Now, i’m just being cruel…!! :rofl: :rofl: :innocent:

Not bad, for a springer…!!


Break out the credit card for this one…!!.. $3300.00 …!

While youve got the card out…

This is a bit cheaper…


Suitcase jobby…

Are you guys starting to feel my pain yet…??! :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


Damn… :flushed:

You’re like my neice who’s nursing up at a remote community… Comes down for a week, visits the bottle-o and cries over all the booze she CAN’T take back home with her. :laughing:

You’ll just have to find your neutral space, deep breathe, chant your mantra and come home with a suitcase full of Texas star belt buckles. :wink:

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Gotta speak to WAT, about bringing in a .50 Cal Machine gun…!!

The RPG-7 is actually pretty Cheap…!!

Maybe, i can sneak a .50 cal past customs…
Y’know , stick it in my pocket, and say its my belt buckle…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But seriously, what a range…!!!
And, prices are so much better…

$100 for a 7 inch WE tech 2011, with a wicked compensator…

Tac edge, has it on sale for $320, and not even kitted out as much…


Cant forget the texas 10 gallon hat…


@docbob, zb26 aside, whats your pick from the above, if you could have 2…??!

Are you converting any of these to Australian Pesos?

$100USD is still a pretty good deal at roughly $153 AUD though :+1:

You know me as a big fan of old mechanical kerchunk kerchunk machine guns, so my picks would definitely be the M1919 and Browning .50 Cal tractors :ok_hand::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

US dollars, straight of their website…

$3300 US for the browning…if they were available…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Looking forward to catching up with family and friends.
But most of all being reunited with my weapons I left over there and other toys.
Told one of my Friends i was coming over to live .
He is a mad (and I mean batshit crazy)prepper
told me to radio
him (yep his Never owned a phone) before I come.
Because he has a new security system .
He has garden gnomes filled with tannerite and roofing nails strategically placed all over the property.

Maybe he’s not that crazy Afterall .

I am so going to enjoy being a gun totting .pickup driving redneck again

Ok, quick visit to evike today…

Minigun welcome.!!.. All paid up, and waiting for you to collect, @bikersmurf…! :rofl: :rofl:

For the sci-fi guys,yes that is a E-11!


Uzi does it…

Pocket rockets…

And bigger sockets…

And, a few ker-chunkers…!!

I got a JG works mac 10, for $90, and a cheapo springer manual pistol…

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I got the mac-10 because…

  1. its cheap. ($90, with no suppressor)
  2. reasonable performance (310 fps on .20g bb’s)
  3. included battery
  4. its smaller
  5. EFNY…!!

Lets see, if it cuts a aluminium can, in half…!!!

And, a $15 manual springer, because why not…
They didnt have the ppk, which is a shame…i could have taken the suppressor home…


Look at all that F2000 goodness right there on the wall. :heart_eyes:

Damn… must be hard for you seeing all the things you can’t have for longer than a couple of weeks.

Like a diabetic in a Krispy Kreme donut shop. :laughing:

theyd have the same display walls in a Texas reel steel shop id imagaine! :frowning:


I got a woody when I see the BAR, FAMAS and L85 on the wall :grin:



Only had a short visit, short on time…
But yeah…they have EVERYTING…!!

If we could bring them back to OZ, i would have spent a motza…
I was tempted to get the C02 uzi…but it would have been too loud, for “indoor use”…

No point spending money, when its just going to be thrown away…

Oh well…smurf gets to live here…!!