Today, USA...( or, im in trump territory, and have to worry about concealed carry citizens..)

So, i hope this is not to presumptuous, to start a new thread…

But, I’ll be in the states for the next 35 days, or so…Texas, Y’all…

In such time, i hope to have enough spare time to do a few touristy things…
Maybe a a/soft shop…

Give it a bit of time, i might be able to take a couple of decent snaps, for you guys…

Pls be patient for now…!

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Have a great time! :+1:

Remember that if anyone tries to tell you that Texans are a bunch of redneck country hicks that go to church every week, just remind them that liqour stores and gunshops aren’t even open on Sundays. :wink:

Dang darn it…
Ya mean, i brought…
my Rootin’est…
My Tootin’est
Dang varmint gear, all ya all have shut up shop…??!

Oww Wee!!

All jokes aside, ive walked into the accomodation.

Its pretty new, mostly good, blandly generic (photos 2morrow, in daylight)

But, the floors are terrible.
As a real estate, guy, it caught my eye, straight away…

Dark vinyl timber planks, for flooring…

Then covered and sealed with a covering of laminate…
Someone has come in here, with a orbital sander…and screwed the whole lot…

Deep, dark orbital marks, everywhere…

I’d never accept that, but apparently, some company did, and paid full price for it…

photos to follow…

Hookem Horns!!


Texas chainfloor massacre…!!

Stuff it…
3:30 am here, and i cant sleep.

Still on brissy time.
So, bathroom photo 1…

The light reveals, the circular marks…

And, they are EVERYWHERE, across All the floor surfaces…in every room.

Also, you normally tile bathrooms / wet areas…

Not here.
Vinyl planking, sealed with a laminate layer, on top, then " polished"…

Dont know how long that will last…

The shower curtain, will drip onto it, everyday…

Glad its not my place…

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Worked in Texas for about 4 years on a FIFO basis. Fly in every 3 months for a month. Only problem I ever had was being stopped by a local sheriff one day while I was walking. Apparently when you want to go for a walk you drive to the mall as they open early in the morning for exercise.

But that was in the good old days before the invasion from the southern border and everyone is getting a bit twitchy

Guns were never a problem as Texans grew up with them. The scaredy cat escapees from California have been causing some issues lately, particularly around Austin

Chintzy furnishings is the norm

We had time to go the local supermarket, to grab some basics…

I got this, for $25.00…

Three feeds, right there…

They tell me the steaks here are great…!



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Yup…know all about concealed carry…

The sim centre, apparently has a “gun holding room”, for concealed carry…

I plan on being quite polite, here…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

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You got your international licence, go buy a gun for 30 days. Lol

a/soft, in the hotel room…!!

(not allowed, you cant discharge within city limits, by law)

whoa whoa whoa - there are limits in the land of the free? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

funny thing is, you google “trump news” over here, you get the local feed…

A few more websites, supporting him…!!

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Technically, they are classifed as BB/ air rifle…

You must be outside city limits to discharge…

Not that the gang bangers worry too much about that…!!

" I was threatened, by the cockroach, in my motel room!!"

I’d be breaking down the door of the nearest gunshop afterwork just to drool over stuff, get yakking to a yee haw behind the counter and funny things can happen.

Could be on the cards…
I gotta get a sim card / uber account, up and running first…

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I think i’m going to cry.

Evike outpost, is about 12 miles away, so pretty close.
Only open 4 days a week.

I really dont know if i wanna go there, it will be an exercise in self torture, they have EVERYTHING…

$49 pump action spas…each shot fires 3 bb’s…

$185 CO2 uzi…

Or the full price AEG version…

Anybody want this…??

Gas blowback SVD…

CO2 luger…$115

Sorry @DocBob …had to throw this in…

M4/M203, for $160 …

Why not, for $100…?


But wait, theres more… $63…

Price comparo…$250

And thats just the specials, on the website…

The pain is real…


But good luck bringing any those back on the plane :sweat_smile: even if it was just th shells.

I don’t want Airsoft to be legal in Aus just for the better range and accuracy but for the diversity of replicase they have.