TV & Movies

Seen a good movie or TV series?

I have just finished watching the Terminal list which was easy watching.

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Going to give this a go tonight :sunglasses:

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I was reading that Sicario 3 is in the works, so I watched the first one again last night. 5/5 :star:

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Speaking of Josh Brolin did anyone watch Outer range?

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Was a great series to watch. Looking forward to Jack Ryan S03 hopefully soon.

Give Berlin station ago on Netflix if you like the terminal list and Jack Ryan.

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Try Knightfall. Great series which was shortlived by only two seasons.

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never heard of it but looks good :+1:

Just something different to all the police themed shows nowdays

Just finished bombing through 3 seasons of The Boys, funny as all get out and easy to watch.


That scene in the first episode though! :woozy_face:

They have definitely upped the shock value in this season.

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I found it hilarious Homelander jerking off atop the city and the Asian girl killing a room full of bad doods with vibrators. Childish yes but I could not help to lmfao :rofl:

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That’s a good one enjoying watching The Terminal List atm :+1:

Watching Band of Brothers with with missus at the moment. It’s like my 50th watchthrough but it’s her 1st. We’re up to Carentan at the moment. Swear the early France stuff is like my favourite bit.


What a series, along with The Pacific.


Awesome I’ve watched Band of Brothers countless times, never gets old :+1:


Was a lot harder to get into The Pacific, I think the characterisation wasn’t quite as strong. Still a damn good show, but given she’s not usually a fan of war films, I figured we should start strong.


Yeah the pacific was abit average compared to band of brothers. If you can stand animated series there is one called the liberator on Netflix which is worth a watch.

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Enjoyed that one, pooped my pants a bit :rofl: thanks :+1:

For what it is, I thought it was pretty well done👍
The ending was a real curve ball :grin: