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Will still be relatively cheap, close enough to the original price point I would imagine.

Certainly can’t sell updated old models as expensive as proper new products :thinking:

Wonder if they’ve kept the hybrid Gen 9 gearbox shape or moved over to a more conventional V2? :thinking:

Looks like a direct competitor for the CYMA M4s…

Not entirely sure mate, will have to check with my contact and see what they say :+1:

I think I paid $85 for the last on I purchased from TEH

$125 for the TT branded version

Let me see - one GBBR or 12 CYMAs


Oh god I’m a slut for 416s.

Ditto… I’ve still got an LDT 416 in a bag amongst all the other blasters… cool platform. :+1:

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I see they are at stage 2 of the pre order, so the boat hasn’t sunk yet.
Laugh Haha GIF - Laugh Haha Minions GIFs

A lot more reasonably priced than the full CNC ones, an actual competitor to the LDT ones.
Easier to refill than th LDTs but then having the open slots on the sides is just inviting rubbish to get into the blaster. I guess with anything they both have pros and cons and it’s up to th consumer to decide what they’d prefer to compromise on

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M4A1 are still around? I thought they jumped the proverbial ship (the ship being Aus) a while ago.

Agreed that they look the goods and are a great innovation over the bottom spring/top motor feed designs.

As long as they work and are reliable, I would imagine that these will become the standard type magazine that everyone will be using.

I used to go insane modifying mag release catches for different model blasters and magazines, not to mention cutting off or adding the feed rings at the top.

The only difference that I can see might be an issue is the difference in size between the spine on the back of the mag being different in a few different M4 versions, which may lead to the mag not fitting the mag well at all, or being too loose :thinking:

Time will tell I imagine.

Yeah, I can see that, aren’t J9 magwells slightly narrower at the back, or was that CYMA :thinking: there was one that didn’t like other brand mags cause of that specifically.

Looks good. Keen to see how it performs :pray:

There was a difference between Gen8/9, WELLS, LDT and then the V2/V3 powered M4’s from different manufacturers.

The width and depth that the spine engages into the mag well are both different issues that I remember having to modify/overcome to get different builds fitting together properly.

They might have been standardised in the newer V3 M4’s, but we all know how much manufacturers love to make all of their parts proprietary to their products :roll_eyes:

Not many people used to realise that the catch hooks on the mag releases were different heights, which I would either file back or add material to get to function, or cut new catch slots in the mag casing to latch properly.

The mag release buttons/levers and pins were all different widths and lengths as well!

You would think that you could simply fit the appropriate mag release lever into another blaster receiver, because they all “look” like they are all the same……… but no :rage:

It used to take me more time having to file down components/chop/extend/join different release levers together to operate in different receivers with different widths and recess sizes where the latches fit flush into the mouldings.

So yeah……. certainly interested to see if these will be a “one size fits all” solution, which would be great if they are :+1:

I remember seeing on discord Low Guido commented to them “but why when gen8 mags exist”, and I have to somewhat agree. I run SLR mags, and all 6 of the ones I own fed my 46rps dsg no problem.

So the pros to these mags (IMO)
+no need for mag terminals
+fast feeding???
+no motor or wires to worry about
+less/minimal mag priming
-probably will only run ultra hard gels

IMO, every M4 blaster already has terminals, and it is not that hard to convert them to run gen8/slr mags… stock slr mags can sustain well to the 46rps mark (fastest blaster I have owned and tested thoroughly), and you can easily change the mag motor to go faster, though my opinion on anything over 30rps is not making friends, it is showing off though.

The other issue with them I forsee, is the gel ball catch. you know the bit that stops all the balls yeeting out everywhere unless it is locked in the mag well… yeah, jam them in a mag pouch is it going to empty itself into your pouch like a teenage boys sock.

I know I am being a skeptic, but to me it seems like classic Aztech stuff… fixing a problem that didn’t exist, answering a question nobody asked. I can see use case scenarios for them… my you exist in a country with a/s, and just a nozzle, barrel and tpiece swap gets you throwing gels over there… and for that, I am all for more gel blasters everywhere. We will see.

Very well thought out points and educated comments :ok_hand:
I didn’t even think about the gel stopper issue that’s always been a pain in the arse with GBB Magazines in retaining spring pressure under the gels…… also requiring the exact right compound hardened gels to function properly :roll_eyes:

On that note, despite all of the plusses of not being electric fed mags, it could also be actually adding those GBB Mag issues into the equation :thinking:

As you mentioned about their products always seemingly being rushed into the market, even though they have said to have spent many months testing and developing……… they somehow always have had reliability issues and had to follow up with 2.0 versions of their products.

I’m actually excited to see how they perform in the real world environment, and would be awesome if they do become a successful product.

As for stupid RPS, that’s never been my thing anyway, preferring the old klunk ker chunk type of fire rates that mimic the original mechanical designs……… but fully understand the need for speed in the different groups within this hobby/sport :+1:

SIJUN TTI TR1 likely ready for release by the end of this year :thinking:

Yet another M4 variant for something different on the market :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Need more bulpups, there are so many varieties to chose from and most could use the same gearboxes, or already exist in Airsoft.

Would love to see the OTS Groza and L85/SA80 family along with some of the more modern bulpups too, just for some variety, hell even an EM2 would be a nice change.

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Nobody ain’t never going to make my favourite bullpup :pensive:

SAR-21 my beloved.



Two main niches that haven’t been touched in gel blasters is lmg’s and snipers sure we have the vsr10 platform and the awm platform but in airsoft there considered the basic platforms so more variety would be better

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Yep… more bullpups. :+1:

An a/s version of the Desert Tech MDR-X is available… be nice to see one in gel config.