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It’s a full metal v6, apparently. A more up to date version of what’s in the Thompson.

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AJ mods had that video a while ago🤣

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Unfortunately I never was able to experience building most of the newer type gearboxes, as the WA Bans put an end to that hobby before I had the chance to get hold of any. Even if I did, they would have ended up smashed up in landfill like everything else I owned anyway :cry:

In reality, all AEG gearboxes sound the same to me……. no matter what the brand :joy::+1:

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Guess what will be finding its way, into a certain Pulse Rifle… :grin: :grin:

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I think they said the gear box is nylon as the only other option is a CNC one which was cost prohibitive.


You’re probably right. I might be muddling it with the receiver. The consequences of posting when waking up lol.


Cool :+1:
My Auntie bought me a Hans Solo Promo Blaster back from the USA in the late 1970’s, and was my favourite toy gun for years :sunglasses:

If only I knew where it was now…. would be worth a fortune as a genuine first release replica :thinking:


Got all luger excited…

Luger based pistol, does not shoot gels at all…
Deactivated, display piece… :frowning:

Stick with the denix, unless your a star wars fan…
Mauser only is missing very front end piece, to finish off the barrel…

Wonder if you could cut the tip, off a denix mauser, to finish it of…??

It’d be a 2 for 1 then, a mauser, and a han solo blaster…


What, ah was nearly going to tag you Luger lovers. I didn’t look close at it but yep that’s a waste of space.

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you mean, one of these…??

$1100 US, and its yours…!!

Ooops…forgot the $130 US for shipping, and the $263 import charges… : )

Shame I missed out on the preorder, they’re only bringing in 17 units :confused:

One of the few recent releases I was actually keen on. I’d splurge for the SLR as well, but with Taidi going away I’d be hesitant to drop $1,100, especially since the delivery date has been pushed back so many times. PPSh is cool, Thompson felt cheap, MP-40 has issues and the STG-44 is a bit pricy for something I’m not wild about.

Historical blasters are probably slow sellers, but I still wish there was a bit more variety. The tacticool ARs and AKs are fun, but there’s something about running around a field full of modern SMGs/ARs with a full-length M16 and a 1911 and doing well that makes me chuckle.


WE Tech Luger - either army (4") or navy (6"), otherwise forget it … Green gas magazines in silver. Change the grips to brown plastic. Perfect.


A WW1 German kit is kind of a dream fit, ngl.

Gas K98, GBB Luger, Pickelhaube, and that classic red trimmed, brass buttoned feldgrau tunic.


Fun 'til you have to start explaining that no, you’re not dressed as a Nazi :sweat_smile:



Certainly pretty sad when people get offended by ANY nationality Historic Uniform :roll_eyes:
History is history, and I think it’s great if there was no brainwashed bias towards any country or nationality.

The people who actually fought in these campaigns have certainly moved on in life, so who has any rights as a younger generation to take a higher moral ground than the generations that actually lived through this point in history :thinking:


I think the answer, like anything else, is entirely contextual.

Like on the one hand, yeah, history is history. And if someone is genuinely collecting for historical value, or re-enacting, or something similarly legitimate, then yeah go nuts.

But I’ve also seen Americans with suspiciously German centric collections, where the swastikas and Hugo Boss are all front and centre, and it is extremely obvious what they are, but they smugly dismiss the accusations with “its history” and a shit eating smirk.

Then there’s also the political dickheads like the ones who wear SS outfits to protests, or ww2 red army attire to promote the communist party. That shit rightfully makes people uncomfortable imo. It exists within living memory for some, and I don’t blame an old babushka who survived the holodomor for getting upset when she gets an eyeful of some dickhead student’s hammer and sickle.

Tl;Dr time and place for everything.

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Here is the Taranis gearbox firing in full auto. Current draw in full auto is 26 amps, 34 on semi. You definitely feel the recoil with this! We would like to make the bolt look more real but due to the need to maximize volume, there isnt much we can do for the outside appearance of the bolt.


After reading I have to agree 150%, I encounter it a lot lately, even coming down to the country of “my states better than yours”, but of course it’s fine if both parties are just having a joke like I take the piss out of my 2 Russian mates who are Aussie born but it’s just taking the piss.
Anyway when doing so it should be made clear it is not personal as people will take it personal if not made clear :+1: