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Looks awesome btw :joy: fk knows what’s happened to the pic


Ever so slowly inching towards everything I need…


but if I read that right it will cost 670$ for the full wood + metal

which is nuts, especially since the drum is nylon regardless, I hope they at least sell spare drums and sticks… they wont… but I can hope aye

I dunno if I would buy it, I really want a ppsh, but nearly 700 for that is just… immense, even if I do actually start playin and use it, thats an insane asking price

sure pre-order makes it a little cheaper but if you preorder shit you deserve to be scammed so…


Thats weird! You might have a video blocker on your browser. Its on our youtube channel and on facebook. Our milsim staff havent been that impressed with our speedy boi product releases lately as its not their style but this had them smiling ear to ear. lol.

Vas just posted this. Interesting - particularly if larger mags are available


Not bad Rpm have their stormbreaka m4 adaptor that works with these mags would be an interesting combo.

I found this on the xforce site the other day.


At that point I’m just kinda like…why not get a gas MP7?


Is it really that good?

It’s literally the blaster I’m most excited to get back, after the P226.

It was a GBBR reliable enough that you could skirmish with it. The tolerances were tight. The build quality feeling was amazing. The price was entirely reasonable, especially compared to some of the other god tier replicas out there.

Yeah it’s really that good.

But in addition to that, I don’t get why you’d want a not MP7 that probably costs more than the pre-existing model.


Looks like I might get myself an early Christmas present.

Need, Need,Need…!!!

Cmon, someone’s gotta bring it in…!!


@ParaFox404 Haven’t you successfully imported nerf blasters before? :thinking:


It’s not too expensive.


… which means, it’ll go for $700 in OZ…!!!

I think Zhendou sell them overseas, would they be releasing them in OZ.?

Any probs bringing one in privately, with a B709…?
Do they have nerf dart spring strength / fps limits in OZ…?

I seem to remember, we got “weaker grey triggers / weaker springs” nerf versions here, because of ‘karen concerns’ … :anguished: :anguished:


Karen concerns apply to big marketing decisions from Hasbro, but given we have milsigs now, I think it would be perfectly legal.

It’ll probably need a B709 given it’s a replica, but that should get green stamped by qpol, no questions asked.


I’ll make some inquiries, after I get my sims out of the way…


yup, should be easy to find it somewhere and they tend to be a bit cheaper

BUT I saw this already, and in that video they tilt it and the stock drops the shells seemingly effortlessly AND in the vid you sent they cut while pumping it, which I nearly missed the first time watching, I assume they had a feeding issue, so I think it might be a reskinned xm1014

Still looks perrttyyyy and I am pretty strongly considering it, but keepin expectations levelled

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Review for the nerf SPAS, by PlayGels.

You’ll need to auto-translate subtitles to English, but they’re accurate enough.


200 yuan is around $40 AUD…

The prices we have to pay here… :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

If a retailer brought some in, im sure they’d be around $500-600+…

if they charge a cent more then a hundred for this rob them.