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New adjustable AOE piston head.


Noice :ok_hand:
20 characters :sunglasses:


This might be a legal curveball for any Australian suppliers to the USA @AztechInnovations ???

That makes no sense. A patent cannot be granted on products that are already out in the market. For example if I wanted to patent a car steering wheel now, it would not be granted as they have been around for centuries and already in the market. It needs to be completely different and innovative. They will sue for perhaps the use of an inventive part of a gel blaster which has never been seen before and makes up part of their blaster but thats it. I guarantee you we wont be trying to copy something that hasbro designed. We are way past little toys here…


Typical US legal crap. Threaten lawsuit that will cost heaps to defend so they can scare new entrants from the market. Lot like what is happening to to Brownell and others over the WWSD2000 receivers


Well look at that. iHobby are getting P226s. I wonder if CEH and Prestige will finally deliver on their 3 year old pre-orders.

Frankly, I didn’t even know Double Bell made those.

Also a bunch of new Glocks. Also a mini-M16 (68cm long apparently). Also apparently FINALLY getting the shit tier Wells revolvers in. And a new AK variant, with a fake-wood handguard.


They must have woken up to the amount of profits to be made from this emerging hobby.
Your words are on point though, pretty hard to claim rights over everyone and everything to do with Gel Blasters in this industry :thinking::roll_eyes:

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The full article/background/story here:

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I have seen double bell have put out a hi-capa tti recently. Has anyone used it? I know people were using the GE version with double bell mags because the lips would break and the spring was hard, but the slide wouldn’t lock back, unless you did a few mods. Does anyone know if these are feeding well?

These are ancient, TEH is just behind the curve on getting them. I have one in storage from when Armoury 81 was still around.

They feed reliably, are decently accurate ootb with their integrated hop up, and can take TM spec parts.

The grip feels like shit, though, and is not well stippled. The sights are also bland and lack the contrast and colour of other TTI clones.

Copy, cheers for that.

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@ihobby what about tan?

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Thanks. Does anyone else think the way their search function works, sucks. Search for P226 and the tan listing doesn’t show up on weird desktop search results presentation. On phone it shows up after some double bell Glocks

Honestly, I don’t bother dealing with any of their search stuff. The most reliable method I’ve managed to find, of looking at their newest things?

Go their “best selling products” page, and order it from newest to oldest.

Direct link


The origional gelblaster surge was a m1191 with a different shell and a charge controller for the battery… innovative and surely patent worthy.
Id be amazed if the surge xl innards are of a new design (gen8/9 maybe), other then maybe including a mosfet and charge controller.


350fps (if it is the same as the other DB’s just released) and metal gearbox for $184 with discount


Not sure if I qualify to order this. I’m more Am than Pro. Any of you Pro’s out there ordered one?


Cool looking blaster.


A new piston head we are making to make adjusting AOE easier and more precise. We did this through working with UK, USA and aussie tech’s through obvious necessity from them and we agreed hence going ahead with production.