Upcoming Blasters and Products

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One for the sci fi fans,

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Got one coming :sweat_smile:


Is it from a local supplier??
Or did you get a B709a for it?

I’ve only seen them on Zhenduo & csnoobs


Through Zhenduo, put the b709a in for it👍


Cool. Good to know.
I’m a milsimmer and like the replica stuff but I gotta admit that is one of the coolest non replicas I’ve seen.

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Ah yes. $920 for a GBBP.

I’m sure it’s good quality, but Jesus Christ, Danny.

To be completely honest, he imported them, converted them and perfected them all on his own. No other retailer has done so. Apart from the HFC steaming pile of crap. So not completely unreasonable.
And it comes in gold!

Is the HFC a steaming pile of crap? I know it’s nylon, but I’ve heard it’s pretty good besides that. My MP7 is mostly nylon and it’s good. Nylon=Bad was valid in the days of the LDT HK416, but it doesn’t really hold water these days if you ask me.

Honestly, it kind of is completely unreasonable in my opinion. The airsoft version is 200AUD, and while the work may warrant a decent markup, 920AUD is ridiculous, that’s 4.5x the base model price. The only work that’s gone into it is a new barrel, and a modified hop chamber/mag lips/magazine channel. That might warrant charging the current prices for god tier pistols, like $550-600, which is already +$150 over the P226/M9s when they first arrived. But not nearly a grand. That’s utterly ridiculous.

The “no other retailer has them” line is Danny’s koolaid. Monopolies are bad precisely because they allow shitty companies to extort their customers.


And considering the G19x mos I got from him didn’t even push gels put the barrel and broke the dodgey 3D printed mag lip on the second mag - $920 is not reasonable.
I had to fix everything he had touched. Replace his barrel with one I machined that performed better, clear away the glue and plumbers tape in the hopup and get a we g17 gel mag and swap the mag rubber over.


Certainly not a glowing review for these high priced builds :confused:

That’s the exact problem that I would seriously be considering before spending my hard earned dollars……. what is the quality of all these custom made parts and are there any spares available for when they break?

Might sound cool having all this custom made parts, but without spares, they are a pretty expensive paperweight when something goes wrong :flushed:


The HFC Deagle, isnt bad at all.

I like deagle’s but not enough to pay $980 for a silver one.
The HFC is nylon, true, but feels good and heavy in the hand, and is nice and tight.

Performance is good, feeds well, warranty backed by xforce, so , for a mostly collectable, i was quite happy.

$380 vs $980 made it a no brainer, in the "bang for buck "dept…


Listen let’s be very clear on this because sometimes I think the water can get a bit muddied.
And I’ll preface this with the fact I applaud Danny for bringing in different product.
But the reality is this.
He is a one man operator privately importing a handful of airsoft products into the country. My guess he has a contact in HK that does the bare minimum to class as a gel blaster to get the relevant b709a clearance - so that would be inner barrel and mag lip.
Once here he completes the conversion cutting gel channels in mags, adjusting mag spring weight and fitting a better inner barrel.
He says he has an arrangement with We Tech. He does not.
My G19x did not come with the dummy rmr. The only supplier that does this is kyairsoft in HK. So he is getting them from there.
Being such low volume I would expect he is paying full retail.
He then has to pay his guy overseas. Then low volume importation costs rembering these will be sent at a bare minimum of airmail but most likely something more so I would guess $40usd per blaster. Now depending on how it’s coming in he may be paying gst. So my guess is he doubles the price to cover the risk involved.
He says he “qcs” the blasters. Mine proves he doesnt. He just does the conversion and out the door.

My biggest issue is the lies.
He lies that they are converted airsoft (mine came in it’s original airsoft box turned inside out with we g19 gel blaster printed on a4 and taped to the top) saying the are gel blasters from the factory.
He says he deals direct with We Tech. He doesn’t.
He lies about what he does to them.
And lies about his skill level.

I just want honesty.

Now if you think that is worth the price he’s asking them you will be happy.


I agree with you , on a couple of points…

  1. He is to be commended, for bringing in models that are otherwise unavailable.

  2. Cost of conversion is high…I have been trying to get my asoft pulse rifle in NZ converted, and brought in. I know its going to be a expensive exercise.

For a low volume retailer, you would need to pay full retail price, import duties, someone overseas to do the conversions, as well as a sufficent profit margin to pay rent / rates etc on your buisness.

having said that, as a customer, you are absolutely entitled to receive a product that is in 100% functioning order.

Higher volumes means costs can be spread out over higher numbers, but you need to be certain of being able to sell the higher numbers.

In this current climate, i reckon there would be fewer people around, to spend that type of dollars…

And, thats before mentioning personality, and communication…


A certain importer of Thompson SMGs would probably agree with you


Completely understand and agree @Jas & @BME .

I can relate to the costs of doing these extremely difficult and time consuming modified customs, as this is quite in line with my Custom Built Hot Rod business.

NOTHING is simply available to just buy off the shelf and bolt on.
That’s where we make the “big dollars” having to design/hand make/fabricate/machine/modify almost every single damn part ourselves to get the build done.

But honestly, if we charged our customers the amount of money like Danny expects for every single minute of his time and materials……. We would have been out of business many years ago :flushed:

The balance is between taking a solid loss on the cost of each job, to only be rewarded/reimbursed through having a high customer base who continually comes back every time they are in need of work, which means high volume cheap sales overcomes low volumes of expensive sales.

Over the averages of time, that customer base that we have built, have been with us now for 30+ years of every single little job that they want done, their money comes to us.

They won’t go anywhere else, they will only spend their money with us, as we always go out of our way to provide a 100% quality job with unlimited warranty on all of our work.

Nobody else in the industry comes close to our quality or lifelong customer service.
This is where our business makes money in the long term, producing a quality product at a loss in the short term, but the returning customer work is far more profitable in the long term.

For someone like Danny to import/modify and provide these products, well done to him :+1:

BUT if the product he is producing is overpriced and unreliable, with no custom spare parts available, poor customer service and terrible public opinion will have him out of business very quickly……. and rightfully so.

Our business model is that everything that leaves our workshop, we don’t expect to ever see it again, other than regular servicing or future modifications, as we fully guarantee everything that we build for the life of the vehicle.

If they disagree with any technical issues that will cause issues in the future, or don’t want to pay us to make everything 100%, we will tell them to come and collect their vehicle, as we do not let any job leave due to the customer wanting short cuts that could ruin our reputation in the future.

Successful businesses like ours are very simple.
Provide a quality service at a good price, back it up with unlimited warranty and 24/7 customer support no matter what the issue.

These customers are yours for life and will never spend their money anywhere else but with you :white_check_mark:

Compared with East Coast Customs business model, the difference is incomprehensible :roll_eyes:


Part 2 of my rant……

Who the hell would spend so much money on something that a self proclaimed stoner is building for their customers?

I don’t know about what anyone else thinks, but when this Danny bloke is constantly posting about getting out of bed in the morning to build products for very well paying customers……. stating that he’s been hard on the pipe and smashed off his tits “building” components……. I only see this as complete stupidity and disrespect towards his customers :rage:

I have customers calling on the phone all day and night, along with turning up at our workshop to check on the progress of our builds.

I couldn’t comprehend how our customers would react with all their money being paid to a business that has its owners/employees being off their heads on drugs or alcohol whilst working on their vehicles :flushed:

I’m still struggling with the people who actually support this tool and blow wind up his arse despite all the wrong doings that he continually posts on social media :roll_eyes:


That’s “quality” custom building right there :roll_eyes::rage:

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