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Stoned off his tits bragging about this shimming/gearbox build.

“Woke up super duper early” was most likely 12:38 in the afternoon :roll_eyes:
Doesn’t even spin for even 2 seconds no matter how hard he hits the gears.

My built gearboxes would go for a couple of minutes when lightly spun, or even spin when just picking up/putting down on the bench through pure gravitational force just moving them :flushed:

If I hit my gears this hard, they’d still be spinning into next week! :joy:

Dunno what you see, but those gears look decidedly secondhand and quite worn…… probably where that horrific rattling sound is coming from! :thinking:


Bwahahaha…… just realised what those horrific rattling sounds were.

I definitely know that sound, but I have been out of the game for a while since the WA bans……. so took a little while to watch and listen to refresh the memory :joy:

That’s the sounds that you get when you simply and erroneously just shim each individual gear within the gearbox whilst ignoring the actual heights and proper meshing of each individual gear in relation to each other.

That there folks is the sounds of the sector gear teeth rubbing against the outer surface of the intermediate gear due to ignoring the heights of all gears and how they mesh/interact with each other.

The “rattling” only occurs as the sector gear teeth run over the upper surface of the intermediate gear.

The proper building technique would be to drop the intermediate gear lower in the gearbox, or change the sector gear shim heights to raise it away from the intermediate gear for proper running clearance. :ok_hand:

Won’t get into the technical details here, but that horrible sound is nothing more than bad workmanship and ignorance ……. or maybe it’s just me not smoking enough cones to know what I’m talking about. :thinking:

Either way, that’s a VERY distinct sound that tells you exactly the problem is immediately………IF you know what you are doing :roll_eyes:


Having imported a gel blaster and now a paintball marker from overseas, it’s really not that difficult of a process to lodge a B709a.

Rather than spending $900+ for a gas pistol, I’d instead recommend trying to contact the manufacturer directly and order one without a barrel or hop unit and install gel blaster equivalents when they arrive.

There are plenty of community 3D designers too if you require a part made to suit.


What he said :point_up_2::sweat_smile:
Literally did it on my phone with online form in less than 5 mins, just copied and pasted the description of the blaster.


Whilst I feel importing an existing complete blaster is no problem with a b709a I have been led to believe a blaster without inner barrel will be seized. I’ve also had no success trying to get a b709a granted for a non-existing blaster. Both myself and a friend tried to get permit to bring in a VFC BCM MCMR with no success.
I have been led to believe conversion needs to be done overseas and images etc sent with b709a to have it granted.
If someone has successfully imported something to be converted I would like to know more. And that’s a legal importation not illegal.


Retailers who are “converting themselves” are either very lucky then, or there’s some secret sauce to getting them through.

I would lean more toward the luck angle.

After filling out a B709a my friend’s paintball AK wasn’t even seized by customs like it was meant to be, and was delivered to the labelled address.


Maybe it’s the retailers spreading the misinformation regarding getting them in and then converting here?:thinking::sweat_smile:
Imagine the profit loss🤣


My theory is overseas contact to at least put a inner barrel and mag lips in place.


I’m not so sure it’s just luck. Your details they can look up straight away and confirm because of the State you live in and the differing state laws ABF have to take into consideration.


There isn't a man who wouldn't love to have a gel blaster like this, is there - YouTube Anyone wanna try?
M4 CQBR Shell Ejecting Toy Gun Gel Blaster – Csnoobs Online Store


And it’s only a matter of time before these hit the shelves. I hope :crossed_fingers:

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Lol eat shit Danny, your competition is here.

iHobby have preorders for their GBBR M4s up.


oooo ooooo finallyy weeeewww


Luv ya, Jazzy! Done and ordered!


$650 for the cheapest one.
Works for me. I’m only going to put all my BCM hardware on there.


I’ve put in a request for this one


Think I’d rather buy real steel


You can get a real steel m4?

Got a link for the 650 one

Nope, not M4 - Prefer lever that allows me to hit targets more than 30m away. Can’t see the value in spending that amount of cash when I can get the same performance out of a $180 DB