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Had 650 set aside (while praying my license would clear in time).

Then my glasses snapped and replacements sent me broke on Saturday.

And my license still hasn’t cleared.

Fate can be cruel lmao

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Ah…airports, and noise…what a unending dilemma…

Funny thing is, i have a unit at clayield.
Despite being so close to the airport, it has very little aircraft noise.
The airport ghost train ( because no-one uses it) is much closer , frequent, and noisier…

The SIDS and STARS ( std instrument departures, and arrivals) are so inefficent and unneccessarly long… ( 14nm final on 01R , for some arrivals)

They are in the process, of being redesigned…
Its quite simple…piss people “A” for for awhile, redesign, move, piss People “B” off for awhile…

rinse/ reverse / repeat…
The problem never goes away, just ask Sydney residents…


We purchased in semi-rural area to get away from noise of city / suburbia (used to live in HK so experienced with constant noise). First thing we knew about revised flight paths when we had aircraft transiting overhead.

Gone from peaceful environment to times when we have an aircraft overhead at 1000m every 2 minutes turning to line up for the runway, so we get screeching A320s with their constant changing pitch where we have to turn the TV up. Has destroyed what we thought would be a peaceful retirement and BAC and ASA couldn’t give a rats anus

End of whinge - returning to complaining about inconsistent gel ball growth and new blaster that can’t afford anymore

On a brighter note - scored a couple of Gen 8 modded AUGs from friend who is moving interstate


sorry to hear thats happened to you…

At 1000m( 3000 feet ) Ht…the aircraft should be pretty quiet…gear up / flaps up / idle thrust…

Pretty much regardless of airline, aircaft MUST be fully configued at 1000’ (300 metres)…
gear down / landing flap/ engines at approach thrust (60% ish)…this equates to around 3 NM from the airport, or 5.5km.

Most aircraft start configuring at 2000’ (600 metres)…dropping flap/ gear / spooling up…this equates to 6NM from the airport, or 11km…

Approaches used to be straight in (ILS), but now , due to GPS we have curved approaches…
RNP(AR) …Required Navigation Performance (Authorisation Required).

So, Takeaways… If you live within 5.5 km of the runway, aligned with the runway centreline, you Will get noise. Avoid buying in these areas.

From 6-12 km away, less noise ( configuring) but curved approaches make for variable approaches.

They do publish noise corridors.
Ever changing SIDS/STARS complicate it further…
Best to try to avoid the areas above , altogether, to avoid noise.

I do feel for you, I lived in Rockdale in SYD , for 12mths…bloody runway

Double glazing windows, helps keep noise out, and insulates you home…

If one of the nose landing gear doors falls off any of those A320s and lands on your house, don’t blame me…

I was having a sickie that day… :laughing:

But wait,
I’ve discovered, a strange blue, frozen meteor rock…
It has a brown core…
It must have come, from the outer reaches, of space…

Oh wait, it’s melting…
Oh, shit…!!!

“That’s a space peanut…” :joy:

This is the point…That,…
Someone needs, to shout to us…

“Get Back, on Topic!!!”

So, hows about them M1’s…!!
(P.S., blueloo was really squiddy deep-frozen…he’s always in the shit…!! :rofl: :rofl:)

the AUG A3 does look good.

Why did this come up in my feed

I’m right where I am, when you fly o/head you buggers are usually around 30kft alt cruising. Trouble is my dogs see you and go mad :rofl: and that is bloody loud.

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I have maybe heard whispers of a rhino, I am hoping for a biggun, I have a feeling we may see a couple gold ones.

I am excited, obviously like with everything watching with passionate nihilism, but its a fuckin rhino, its one of the last pieces I have been dying to get my hands on.

I think 60ds is the one I want, black chrome or gold I havent decided, as long as this comes with a wooden grip ffs.

We’ll see if anything comes of it, given the price tag I assume this will come with, it better be made of solid fuckin gold too hehhee


not the whole entire world… the owen and the sten are two of my favourites.


clearly you bought right near and airport if theyre that low… maybe that wasn’t a wise call?

Would be nice if they brought in some blasters that aren’t glock, 1911, or 2011.

I would love a gel blaster version FN Five Seven or the Russian GSH-18.

EDIT: Played too much R6 Siege to know those guns.


WTF. Wrong on all counts. We purchased here in 2004 after looking for a couple of years. There was no commercial traffic over our suburb which is 25km from the city

BAC changed the flightpath over our place, without any consultation, in 2019, as has been verified in the enquiry that was held about the second runway screw up.

Aircraft are reconfiguring to set up their approach over our property and noise levels are around 84db. None of this has anything to do with any decision we made

Same here, such simple, cheap, mass produced effective close range weapons.

R.I.P. R Lee Ermey :saluting_face:

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Must admit, that’s definitely being dealt a shit hand. That would drive me nuts. I have enough trouble when they fly a helicopter at 100ft conveniently when I’m doing sheep work and the sheep go mad and I have to start again. They fly off and couldn’t give a fuck I just wasted half my day. Oh but it’s for checking the power lines :roll_eyes: notify me blah blah yeah within a month window, yet seem to roll up when… I dunno murphys law. :rage:

How’s this for simple… FP-45 Liberator

Seriously thinking about having a shot at knocking one of these out. :thinking:

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Still trying to find a definitive date for Army Armament’s TTI Pit Viper…

Shame the only thing the AA version can’t do is the fangs.