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Sitting on it for years… mm spring might be too compressed by now LOL!

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Ngl just watching that embedded on the phone I was like " yeah that’s a neat tool for loading, wait why’re you loading it inside ( what I assume was a bedroom), wait don’t chamber it… Oh it’s a fake" :sweat_smile:

Don’t most gen8 mags hold up to like 250 gels or so anyway?

Wouldn’t the CNC aluminium be as heavy if not heavier than an ABS mag too, and more than double the price, not everyone destroys their equipment like they seem to think, I’ve had one old gen8 mag break on me and it’s held together with take and still works fine.

Innovation is great, but when 99% of the user base can’t afford one, what’s the point?

At this stage they’re just making stuff premium for the sake of it, not actually bettering the market, but that’s just my opinion.


I like the idea of the unpowered mag specifically for my Kythera Build. the price is a bit of a worry, Azraels also mentioned that they would develop a plastic version based off the same materiel that their pistons are made from, hopefully that might bring the price down considerably?

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Spas should be out, in the next couple of days…!

Not only do I not get to shoot gels I get the realism of a real Glock.
Plus I can play hide an seek with my spent cartridges.
I wonder if it jams spent shells like the real GLOCK .
Or if you drop the mag just right it buckles and you can’t get the bullet’s in.
I mean if I am going to pay that much for a fake one I want all the realism of my real one :grin:


Interesting, so it doesn’t shoot gels at all. Has no barrel.

Not my interest if it’s just a training clicky thing.

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Yes but what is it actually training you to do .
Apart from picking up spent shells

Pull the trigger and go WEEEEE!

Means you can atleast get it under the chief commissioners approval in Victoria because it doesn’t shoot gels so an extremely niche market their going to reach

My back hurts and if I fill out the Form 33 and sling $50 to the club for ammo, I can use the vacuum to pick up some real 9 x 19 empties and save my back. Let me see $650 is 13 range days. Think I’m going to pass on the fake shell ejecting Glock


Coming soon from Azreals

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everything seems to be coming soon. It would be good to just hear announcements for things you can actually buy.

How about the MK23? any update on that?

Hunter knew his gats!!

Man, I thought he was about to start firing off live rounds in his fucking house.

and WAT fires back

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Nope, I don’t know…

you can do the same , as me, …
and just ring up…and see when they are ready…

Ive already dropped ,preorder-dollars ,to lock in a Spas 12 pre-order…
The MK23 will be released, when its ready…i can wait…