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Metal motor housings could lead to fun times with the spade terminals and short circuits though… nylon is plenty tough enough

for hpa have u not seen what people done to theirs snapped clean in half. was advertised as strong ass plastic but a lot of the broke from basic used and some breaking because they fell on them

Eurotactics Esg 0 Degree Tank Grip | Wolverine Storm Ontank Reg these things

10 minutes of googling gave me this one image.


I’m going to need something linked, because i tried half a dozen variants of the search term. I have heard of them breaking, but it’s always supposed to have been due to the increased lever force from a tank hanging off it.

At which point, making the grip tougher in that situation could make the likely point of failure the bottle or regulator. Im sure there’s pros and cons for both materials.

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I’ve seen videos, but couldn’t tell you where they are, mostly in speedqb from a bad dive in snake tho…

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are u in rhe gel blaster discord? i was, the amount of people in there that broke theirs was unbelievable

Monk Customs Drop Test and Review ESG Gen 2 - YouTube heres a vid of a simple drop test

Yes theres are made using 3d printing technique (a really good 3d printer). Ours are molded engineering grade polymer with nylon fibre reinforcement. Coupled with CNC side panels screwed in you will have a tough time trying to break ours! But we welcome you to try with the prototypes when they arrive! We are supremely confident at this stage but will only know when we get the prototypes in to have some fun trying to break them in the worst way. lol


Thats some sort of consolation that the purple stuff is metal but i still see the fail point if these as where they connect to the gearbox and a weak one at that.
are you using plastic for the screw in points or is there an underlying metal frame that the plasic is covering that can absorb most of the shock.

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The connect like all grips using 4 screws in the base of the grip to the gearbox.

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I’m assuming @AitkenTheAcorn meant is the grip fused with a metal plate where the screws would normally go through?

Im too dumb as fuck to type shit kek, but what i mean is on a traditional grip we all know its a screw going through plastic into the bottom of the gearbox. what i would imagine is a metal frame for the grip that houses the fcu, hose and all that nonsense that is screwed into the gearbox then the nylon grip around such frame.
To me this would strengthen the grip so simple drops and falls are less of a risk to breaking the entire system.

What at least until i know what they are made like is the entire grip is plastic including where the screws need to go through and there’s metal plates on the outside that may provide some strength but not to where i see these breaking and is mostly cosmetic


MKTH is gauging interest for a cnc vector gearbox

Could probably make up a thin bracket screwed into the back of the grip and receiver…
Or a metal plate for inside the grip where it screws to the gear box…

These ones look like they’ll be solid

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And thats another pay check with a predecided fate.:rofl:

Can’t wait to see the reviews, get my money ready and not actually buy anything :crazy_face:
Got a serious case of indecision when I got my budget back.


Looks like Vas has stocked a whole heap of bits for the AP-001

  • short stroke kits
  • carbine kits
  • sights
  • buffer tube conversions

This just turned up.


WE Tech green gas Lugers would be awesome.

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