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The little derringer also fires pellets, not gels…

Im assuming they are so low powered, its not a concern…
Like star wars toys, that have spring loaded missiles etc…

The (tiny) spring, is inside each shell…

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Nerf have had these for sale for a while through Amazon.
Bought one for $30 just to see what there like .
Crap sums it up
Darts go about 5mtr
Jams constantly
About the same as the one Xforce is trying to sell for 10times the price
I think I have still got it somewhere
Will be doing a big clean out of my Blasters so stay tuned
Will be giving them away for free


Better unload the sugar can mulch from the back of the ute

Just found out Airsoft make an M2 Browning.
Come on Blaster retailers please make one.
They won’t let me import one from the state’s
Something about it being illegal,and scaring the public and,blah,blah,blah
Am willing to do bad things to pay for it

Yeah…… but that price…… and that’s in USD :flushed:

You might have to sell a couple of Bikes to get yaself one in this country!

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WAT’s now saying the LMGs (well at least the M249) is due 1st week of Dec.
Some manufacturer vids are up for the M249, RPK and M43 on their FB page.

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If I am going to sell a couple of my bikes
I will be buying a real M2 and it will be attached to a Sherman tank.
I actually fired one when I was in the states (the M2 not the Sherman).
Every time I go to visit my son’s in the states
We always spend a lot of time at the firing range trying different weapons.
I’m into pre 1960 stuff the boys are modern custom stuff.
It’s been a while since I have been back.
If you remember I was going to move over there.
It has not worked out as yet but it’s still the plan


Would be a good place to retire to, selling off a few toys here and build up your Fun Funds for a bit of shopping once you move over there! :sunglasses:

Forgot to add…… the biggest kerchunk kerchunk gun I ever got to play with was on an old regional property, where old Farmer somehow managed to be in possession of an old M1919 .30 Calibre Browning :flushed:

Unfortunately was a very small amount of rounds, as his stash of ammunition for it was is very limited supply and getting quite old…… which certainly raised the heartbeat every time I pulled up on the trigger!

Relinking belts was quite therapeutic though :joy:


I thought I was retired a while back
But according to the wife I work for her now :weary:

As much as I agree preorders aren’t a good idea, this one I’m very tempted to


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It would test the WA Laws to order the NERF version of this model I would imagine :thinking:

Unfortunately I’m not going to spend that much money to be the Guinea Pig on such a risk :frowning:

Isn’t it based on appearance too though?

They tried to throw in the appearance law at Gelblasters for the sake of the argument to ban them as a toy.

We already have appearance laws like any other state to cover everything from Paintball Markers to the likes of fully legal DENIX Replicas and Decommissioned real firearms from being carried openly in public.

So there’s no actual Appearance Law that restricts people from owning/buying such things, only banned anything that can be proven to be a complete functioning Gelblaster and the Gels themselves.

Hence why I could have saved a couple of my favourite collectible Gelblasters by simply removing the gearbox internals and inner barrels, and kept them as legal display replicas……. but too late for that now :frowning:

NERF isn’t banned here, so technically I could own a NERF version of this shotgun, as long as it was not possible to fire gels and I don’t have any gels in my possession.


I think SA is the only state that does not regulate on appearance. Function only.

Fair, I imagine the only difference for these and that striker12 one would be the shells, can’t imagine they’d go to th effort of inserting a barrel for gels into them.

Yes, it was the WA Ministers trick to use that famous phrase in our gun laws that states about “firing a bullet, shot, or any other type of projectile” that was fought out in the banning arguments.

They basically just banned them under those laws, without moving them to a Paintball/Air Rifle type category :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, would certainly be a very grey area, and even if I am not in possession of any gels to actually use in it, they could still argue that it is capable of firing gels and still push the issue :roll_eyes:

Sparkling flash hider/tracer/smoke unit in development!

This will really push the realism boundaries to the limits :flushed:

Light, sparks and smoke……. I wonder what the Authorities will have to say about this one :thinking:

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I think it would be deemed a fire hazard more than anything, especially now we’re getting into the hot and dry weather.

We’re not allowed smoke grenades because they can start fires from what I’ve been told at fields.


Never thought about that, especially because they are an overseas invention, I guess fire risk is the last thing on their minds.

Just another thing for the field marshals to watch out for if they become a popular device.